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Insurance Law

Insurance Law

School Professor Text Book
Albany Law School Gleason, Thomas F. No Book
Albany Law School Gleason, Thomas F. No Book
Albany Law School Gleason, Thomas F. None
Barry University School of Law Motes, Carl Insurance Cases and Materials 3rd Edition by Holmes & Young
Barry University School of Law Motes, Carl INSURANCE LAW
Baylor University School of Law Hernandez, Laura A. INSURANCE LAW
Birmingham School of Law Taylor, Jack Can't Remember
Birmingham School of Law Taylor, Jack Did not use book - Verbatum
Birmingham School of Law Taylor, Jack Insurance Code
Birmingham School of Law Taylor, Jack Insurance Law
Boston College Law School Madoff, Ray Ascher, Clark, McCouch and Murphy. Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Estate and Gift Taxation 6th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780314280275. West Academic Publishing.
Boston College Law School McCoy, Patricia Don't remember book Fall 2021
Boston College Law School McCoy, Patricia Tom Baker & Kyle Logue, Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed.
Boston College Law School O'Brien, Maria Ken Abraham & Daniel Schwarcz, Insurance Law and Regulation, 6th ed.
Boston College Law School Wilkins, Herbert Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Boston University School of Law O'Brien, Maria Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Brooklyn Law School Gold, Joshua Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Brooklyn Law School Gold, Joshua Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition Tom Baker
Brooklyn Law School Lamel, Linda H. Can't Remember
Brooklyn Law School Lamel, Linda H. Don't Remember
Brooklyn Law School Lamel, Linda H. Insurance Law and Regulation
Brooklyn Law School Lamel, Linda H. Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Brooklyn Law School Lamel, Linda H. No Book
Brooklyn Law School Solan, Lawrence M. Insurance Law
Campbell University Bowser, Richard Unkown
Campbell University Chriscoe, John INSURANCE LAW
Campbell University Chriscoe, John unknown
Capital University Law School Damelio, Tony C. French & R. Jerry, Insurance Law and Practice: Cases, Materials & Exercises (1st ed. West 2018).
Case Western Reserve University Law School Leatherberry, Wilbur Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Case Western Reserve University Law School Leatherberry, Wilbur Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Charleston School of Law Anastopoulo, Constance Finkel
Charleston School of Law Anastopoulo, Constance INSURANCE LAW
Charleston School of Law Anastopoulo, Constance South Carolina Insurance Law
Charleston School of Law Bouche, Tom Insurance Law
Charleston School of Law Finkel, Gerald Insurance Law
Charleston School of Law Finkel, Gerald INSURANCE LAW
Charleston School of Law Finkel, Gerald unknown
Charleston School of Law Seekings, Michael Can't Remember
Charlotte School of Law Michael, Mark Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Charlotte School of Law Robinson, William Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Wimbiscus, Denise Can't Remember
Columbia Law School Sear, Thomas Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Insurance Cases and Materials 3rd Edition by Holmes & Young
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Tom Baker - Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook) 4th Edition
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Tom Baker & Kyle Logue, Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed.
Cumberland School of Law Hogewood, Mark Leo P. Martinez & Douglas R. Richmond, Cases and Materials on Insurance Law (7th Ed.)
Drexel University School of Law Tomilson, Robert Insurance Law and Regulation 4th Edition
Florida Coastal School of Law Williams, Alan G. Insurance Cases and Materials 3rd Edition by Holmes & Young
Florida State University College of Law Knutsen, Erik Insurance Law and Regulation
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky INSURANCE LAW
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Insurance Law and Regulation (6th ed. 2015)
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Insurance Law and Regulation Abraham and Schwarcz 7th edition West 9781683289517
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition by Kenneth Abraham
Florida State University College of Law Polston, Ricky Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Fordham Law School Platto, Charles Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Fordham Law School Platto, Charles Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Fordham Law School Platto, Charles Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Fordham Law School Platto, Charles Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
George Washington University Law School Mayerson, Marc S. No Book
Georgetown University Law Center Cabarillo, J INSURANCE LAW
Georgetown University Law Center Carabillo, Joseph Insurance Law
Georgetown University Law Center Carabillo, Joseph Insurance Law
Georgetown University Law Center Carabillo, Joseph Insurance Law
Georgetown University Law Center Mayerson, Marc S. No Book
Georgia State University College of Law Diamond, Jeff Can't Remember
Georgia State University College of Law Diamond, Jeff Principles of Insurance Law - Fischer
Gonzaga University School of Law Miller, J. Scott Insurance Law and Regulation (6th ed. 2015)
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Millspaugh, Sarah Abraham, Kenneth. Insurance Law and Regulation, 6th (University Casebook Series) ISBN: 1609304012
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Wright, Judith K. Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Wright, Judith K. Insurance Law
Jones School of Law Mitchell, Wendell Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Lewis & Clark Jones, Cynthia Principles of insurance law Stempel
Liberty University Light, Cham Can't Remember
Liberty University Light, Cham Insurance Law and Regulation 4th Edition
Louisiana State University McKenzie, Shelby LSU Law Pub Textbook
Louisiana State University McKenzie, Shelby LSU Pub
Louisiana State University McKenzie, Shelby LSU Pub
Louisiana State University McKenzie, Shelby No Book
Louisiana State University McKenzie, Shelby No Textbook - Printed out documents from Professor
Louisiana State University Phillips, Skip Cant Remember
Louisiana State University Phillips, Skip No Book
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Sutherland, Dean No Book
Marquette University Law School Kircher, John J. Insurance Law and Regulation
Marquette University Law School Kircher, John J. Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Massachusetts School of Law Armano, Robert D. principles of insurance law Stempel 4th
McGeorge School of Law Altmann, Justin S. Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 6th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez May 2010
McGeorge School of Law Culhane, Kevin R. Can't Remember
McGeorge School of Law Culhane, Kevin R. Can't Remember
McGeorge School of Law Culhane, Kevin R. Insurance Cases and Materials 3rd Edition by Holmes & Young
McGeorge School of Law Culhane, Kevin R. Insurance Law
Michigan State University College of Law Baker, Frederick Insurance Law
Michigan State University College of Law Fox, Anita Insurance Cases and Materials 3rd Edition by Holmes & Young
Michigan State University College of Law Fox, Anita Insurance Law
Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Jeffery INSURANCE LAW
Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Jeffery Insurance Law
Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Jeffrey principles of insurance law
Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Jeffery principles of insurance law
Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Jeffrey principles of insurance law Stempel 4th
New England Law, Boston Miller, Alan R. Can't Remember
Northern Illinois University College of Law Naftzger, Jay Text unknown
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Topazio, Bernadine Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 6th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez May 2010
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Topazio, Bernadine Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Topazio, Bernadine Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Topazio, Bernadine INSURANCE LAW
Northwestern University School of Law Friedman, Ezra I am not sure
Northwestern University School of Law Friedman, Ezra Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition Tom Baker
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Foster, Amanda Don't Remember
NYU Geistfeld, Mark Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
NYU Geistfeld, Mark Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law Traster, Vernon INSURANCE LAW
Ohio State University Anstaett, Elizabeth L. Insurance Law: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition, Leo Martinez
Pace University School of Law Kissel, Rich Insurance
Pace University School of Law Kissel, Rich Stempel, Jeffrey. Principles of Insurance Law  4th ed. ISBN: 9781422476864. LexisNexis.
Penn State French, Christopher C. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Quinnipiac School of Law Gilles, Stephen G. INSURANCE LAW
Quinnipiac School of Law Gilles, Stephen G. Insurance Red and Black
Rutgers University, Camden Dunham, Edward No Book
Rutgers University, Camden Feinman, Jay Insurance Law
Rutgers University, Camden Feinman, Jay Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Rutgers University, Camden Feinman, Jay Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Rutgers University, Camden Feinman, Jay Jerry & Richmond, UNDERSTANDING INSURANCE LAW, FOURTH EDITION, 2007
Rutgers University, Camden Scales, Adam Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Rutgers University, Newark Chesler, Robert No Textbook - Cases and class notes only
Saint Louis University McCauley, Matthew P. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Seattle University School of Law Schoeggl, David No Book
Seattle University School of Law Schoeggl, David No Book
Seton Hall Hanson, Gerard Insurance Law and Regulation
Seton Hall Hanson, Gerard Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Seton Hall Radin, Steven M. Insurance Law and Regulation
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts, Henry Jr. No Book
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts, Henry Jr. Self-Written
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. Consumer Transactions
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. Course Packet
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. his own
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
South Texas College of Law Houston Platts Jr., Henry S. teach made packet
South Texas College of Law Houston Wilks, William INSURANCE LAW
Southern Methodist University Chandler, Seth J. unknown
Southern Methodist University Martin, Ernest 20018 - No Textbook
Southern Methodist University Martin, Ernest No Book
Southwestern University School of Law Fischer, James M. Understanding Insurance Law (Jerry)
St. Johns University Rosh, Robert INSURANCE LAW
St. Johns University Rosh, Robert Insurance Law and Regulation
St. Mary's University School of Law Rice, Willy E. Consumer Litigation and Insurance Defense
St. Mary's University School of Law Rice, Willy E. unknown
St. Thomas University, Florida Winkler, Kathryn Stempel, Jeffrey. Principles of Insurance Law  4th ed. ISBN: 9781422476864. LexisNexis.
St. Thomas University, Florida Winkler, Kathryn Stempel, Jeffrey. Principles of Insurance Law  4th ed. ISBN: 9781422476864. LexisNexis.
Stetson University Lake, Peter Can't Remember
Stetson University Lake, Peter Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Stetson University Lake, Peter No Book
Suffolk University McNaught, Stephen None
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan Course Supplement
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan INSURANCE LAW
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan No Book
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan No Book
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan No Book
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan None - Course Pack
SUNY Buffalo Law School Kohane, Dan Supplement
Syracuse University Abramovsky, Aviva Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Smith Insurance Law
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Wallace, William Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 7th Edition
Texas Tech Bard, Jennifer Insurance Law and Regulation
Texas Tech Stafford, Paul Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 6th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez May 2010
Texas Tech Stafford, Paul Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
Texas Tech Stafford, Paul Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition Tom Baker
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold Binder- buy at school
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold Insurance Law
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold No Book
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold No Book
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold no text book, course pack
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold None - Course Pack
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold Stempel, Jeffrey. Principles of Insurance Law  4th ed. ISBN: 9781422476864. LexisNexis.
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold Understanding Insurance Law (Jerry)
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold Understanding Insurance Law (Jerry)
Tulane University School of Law Flanagan, Harold unknown
U of Hawaii Richardson School of Law Beh, Hazel Martinez & Whelan, Cases & Materials on Insurance Law
University of Alabama Lyons, Susan Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of Alabama McMichael, Benjamin ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (6th ed. 2015).
University of Alabama McMichael, Benjamin ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020).
University of Alabama McMichael, Benjamin ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020).
University of Alabama Randall, Susan Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Alabama Randall, Susan Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Arizona Plitt, Steven Arizona Insurance Law: ABA Text
University of Arizona Sakall, Greg insurance law henderson
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Sampson, Kathryn None
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Phillips, Connie Forgot Textbook Name
University of Baltimore School of Law Miller, Ron Henderson
University of California, Berkeley Lavitt, Joseph Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of California, Berkeley Lavitt, Joseph Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
University of California, Irvine Talesh, Shauhin BAKER, INSURANCE LAW AND POLICY: CASES, MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS 2nd Edition
University of California, Los Angeles Salamon, Noah Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of California, Los Angeles Salomon, Noah Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Lariviere, Margie Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 7th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez 2013
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Lariviere, Margie Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 7th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez 2013
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Lariviere, Margie Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Lariviere, Margie Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Martinez, Leo Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 7th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez 2013
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Martinez, Leo Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
University of Colorado O'Neil, Carrie Law - Abraham and Schwarcz's Insurance Law and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 7th Law - Abraham and Schwarcz's Insurance Law and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 7th
University of Connecticut Anderson, Jill Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Connecticut Baker, Tom INSURANCE LAW
University of Connecticut Kochenburger, Peter principles of insurance law
University of Detroit Mercy Mellon, James Insurance Law
University of Florida Jerry, Robert H. Blue Book
University of Florida Jerry, Robert H. Insurance Law
University of Florida Jerry, Robert H. Insurance Law, Henderson & Jerry
University of Florida jerry, robert Insurance Law, Henderson & Jerry
University of Florida Jerry, Robert H. Insurance Law, Henderson & Jerry
University of Florida Jerry, Robert H. Understanding Insurance Law (Jerry)
University of Florida Molk, Peter ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020).
University of Florida Molk, Peter ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020). ISBN:9781683289517
University of Georgia Watkins, John Abraham and Schwarcz's Insurance Law and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 6th
University of Hawaii Beh, Hazel Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. Insurance Law and Regulation
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. unknown
University of Houston Chandler, Seth J. unknown
University of Idaho Griffiths, Kevin A. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Illinois Hyman, David A. Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Illinois Molk, Peter Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of Illinois Pahre, Jennifer Insurance Law
University of Illinois Pahre, Jennifer INSURANCE LAW
University of Illinois Pahre, Jennifer Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of Iowa Prince, Anya ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020). ISBN:9781683289517
University of Kansas Westerbeke, William Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Kansas Westerbeke, William Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
University of Kansas Westerbeke, William unknown
University of Kentucky Underwood, Richard Cases and Materials on Insurance--Martinez 7th edition
University of Kentucky Underwood, Richard Insurance
University of Kentucky Underwood, Richard Insurance Law
University of Kentucky Underwood, Richard Martinez
University of Kentucky Underwood, Richard Stempel, Jeffrey. Principles of Insurance Law  4th ed. ISBN: 9781422476864. LexisNexis.
University of La Verne College of Law Held, Kenneth Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Louisville Hall, Tim Insurance Law and Regulation 4th Edition
University of Louisville Hall, Tim Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition by Kenneth Abraham
University of Louisville Hall, Tim Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition by Kenneth Abraham
University of Maine School of Law Wriggins, Jennifer Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition Tom Baker
University of Maine School of Law Wriggins, Jennifer Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition Tom Baker
University of Memphis McDaniel, Stephen Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 6th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez May 2010
University of Memphis McDaniel, Stephen Principles of Insurance Law - Fischer
University of Miami Halpert, Stephen K. ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020). ISBN:9781683289517
University of Miami Halpert, Stephen K. don't remember but I got an A in his class
University of Miami Halpert, Stephen K. Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition Tom Baker
University of Michigan Logue, Kyle Insurance Law
University of Michigan Logue, Kyle Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Michigan Logue, Kyle Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Michigan Logue, Kyle Tom Baker & Kyle Logue, Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed.
University of Minnesota Law School Schwarcz, Daniel ABRAHAM & SCHWARCZ, INSURANCE LAW AND REGULATION (7th ed. 2020). ISBN:9781683289517
University of Mississippi Percy, Farish Insurance Law
University of Mississippi Percy, Farish Insurance Law and Regulation
University of Mississippi Percy, Farish Insurance Law and Regulation
University of Mississippi Percy, Farish Law - Abraham and Schwarcz's Insurance Law and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 7th Law - Abraham and Schwarcz's Insurance Law and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 7th
University of Missouri Phillips, Ray INSURANCE LAW
University of Montana Munro, Gregory S. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Nebraska Works, Bob Insurance Law
University of Nebraska Works, Bob N/A; Cases Assigned by PDF Files
University of North Dakota Traynor, Paul Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Oklahoma College of Law Travis, Rex Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Oregon Chandler, Seth J. unknown
University of San Diego Kelly, Michael B. Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, 5th Edition by Kenneth Abraham
University of South Carolina Davis, Bill Course Packet
University of South Carolina Davis, William P. INSURANCE LAW
University of South Carolina Davis, Bill Supplement
University of South Carolina Davis, Bill unknown
University of South Carolina Finkel, Gerald Insurance Law and Regulation
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee Course Pack Consisting of Applicable South Carolina and Federal Statutory and Case Law
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee No Book
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee No Book
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee No Book
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee No Book
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee No Textbook - Cases and class notes only
University of South Carolina Jedziniak, Lee Supplement
University of South Dakota Baron, Roger Can't Remember
University of Tennessee Mutter, Carol Insurance Law
University of Texas Law School Avraham, Ronen Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
University of Toledo Boyd, Nathan R. Insurance Law
University of Toledo Boyd, Nathan R. Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
University of Toledo Boyd, Nathan R. Jerry & Richmond, UNDERSTANDING INSURANCE LAW, FOURTH EDITION, 2007
University of Virginia Abraham, Kenneth Can't Remember
University of Virginia Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (6th ed. 2015)
University of Virginia Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
University of Virginia Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
UNLV, Boyd School of Law Stempel, Jeff principles of insurance law Stempel 4th
USC Rosen, Peter Cases and Materials on Insurance Law, 7th (American Casebooks) by Leo P. Martinez 2013
USC Rosen, Peter Cases and Materials on Insurance Law. Leo Martinez & John Whelan
USC Rosen, Peter N/A
Valparaiso University School of Law Stuart, Susan Insurance Law
Vanderbilt University Law School Haugen, Gary Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Vanderbilt University Law School Haugen, Gary Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Villanova University French, Christopher C. Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Villanova University Saiman, Chaim Baker & Logue. Insurance Law and Policy, Cases and Materials.
Villanova University Saiman, Chaim Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Villanova University Saiman, Chaim Tom Baker & Kyle Logue, Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed.
Wayne State University Law School Pijls, Hans Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Wayne State University Law School Pijls, Hans Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
West Virginia University Cady, Tom Insurance Law
West Virginia University Cady, Tom No Book
Western New England University Anderson, Jill Insurance Law
Whittier Law School Cohen, Warren H. INSURANCE LAW
Widener University, Delaware Hemphill, William Bruce Insurance Law
Widener University, Delaware Hemphill, William Bruce INSURANCE LAW
Widener University, Delaware Hemphill, William Bruce Insurance Law and Regulation
Widener University, Delaware Hemphill, William Bruce Insurance Law and Regulation
Widener University, Delaware Hemphill, William Bruce Insurance Law and Regulation
Widener University, Harrisburg Robinette, Christopher Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Willamette University College of Law Molk, Peter Kenneth S. Abraham 6th edition
William and Mary Law School Rashkind, Alan Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
William and Mary Law School Raskin, Jamin Insurance Law And Regulation: Cases And Materials by Kenneth S. Abraham
Wisconsin Law School Carstensen, Peter Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Wisconsin Law School Carstensen, Peter Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Wisconsin Law School Carstensen, Peter Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition Tom Baker