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University of Virginia

University of Virginia

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting Broome, Ted Accounting for Lawyers. 4th Edition. David R. Herwitz & Matthew J. Barrett
Accounting Broome, Ted No Book
Accounting for Lawyers Broome, Oscar Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements
Administrative Law Bamzai, Aditya Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Duffy, John Administrative Law
Administrative Law Duffy, John Administrative Law (Lawson, Gary)
Administrative Law Duffy, John Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Duffy, John Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Harrison, John C. Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
Administrative Law Harrison, John C. Can't Remember
Administrative Law Ortiz, Dan Administrative Law
Administrative Law Ortiz, Dan Administrative Law
Administrative Law Ortiz, Dan Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
Administrative Law Woolhandler, Ann Admin Law Lawson
Administrative Law Woolhandler, Ann Administrative Law, Gary Lawson 2006
Administrative Law Woolhandler, Ann Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Admiralty Ortiz, Dan No Book
Admiralty Ortiz, Dan unknown
Admiralty Rutherglen, George None - Class Materials
Advanced Federal Income Tax Hayashi, Andrew Course Pack
Agency and Partnerships Cohen, George Agency and Partnerships, Cases and Materials, Klein
Agency and Partnerships Cohen, George M. Hynes and Loewenstein. Agency, Partnership and the LLC: The Laws of Unincorporated Business Enterprises, Cases, Materials, Problems 9th ed. 2016 ISBN: 978162847959 Carolina Academic Press.
Agency, Partnership and the LLC Cohen, George Agency, Partnership and the LLC, Hines and Lowenstein 7th ed.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Waddell, William Dispute Resolution: A Survey
Antitrust Fischman, Joshua Areeda, Kaplow & Edlin, Antitrust Analysis(7th ed., 2013)
Antitrust Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust
Antitrust Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust - Hovenkamp
Antitrust Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust - Hovenkamp
Antitrust Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust Law - Sullivan, Hovenkamp
Antitrust Nachbar, Thomas B. Sullivan, Hovenkamp, Shelanski & Leslie, Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems (8th ed. 2019)
Antitrust Law Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust - Hovenkamp
Antitrust Law Nachbar, Thomas B. Antitrust Law: Policy & Practice, 4th Ed., Anderson
Antitrust Law Nachbar, Thomas B. not sure took class in fall 2010
Banking and Financial Institutions Verdier, Pierre-Hugues Carnell, Macey, & Miller, The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions (5th Edition).
Banking and Financial Institutions Verdier, Pierre-Hugues Richard S. Carnell, Jonathan R. Macey, Geoffrey P. Miller, The Law of Financial Institutions, 5ed.
Banking and Financial Institutions Verdier, Pierre-Hugues The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions
Bankruptcy Hynes, Richard Baird and Jackson on Bankruptcy (5th ed.)
Bankruptcy Hynes, Richard Can't Remember
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bankruptcy - Baird, Jackson, Adler
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bankruptcy - Baird, Jackson, Adler
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bankruptcy, William D. Warren & Daniel J. Bussel
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bankruptcy, William D. Warren & Daniel J. Bussel; Bankruptcy - Baird, Jackson, Adler
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bussel and Skeel. Bankruptcy. 10th ed. ISBN. 9781609304409. Foundation Press.
Bankruptcy Walt, Steven Bussel and Skeel. Bankruptcy. 10th ed. ISBN. 9781609304409. Foundation Press.
Business and Governmental Tort Liability Abraham, Kenneth Franklin and Rabin, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
Business and Governmental Tort Liability White, G. Edward Franklin & Rabin, Tort Law & Alternatives: Cases & Materials (9th edition), 2011, Foundation Press
Civil Liberties Ballenger, Scott Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Civil Procedure I Bamzai, Aditya unknown
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. 1L Civ Pro book - Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Freer (6th Edition) Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions
Civil Procedure I Collins, Mike Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions by Richard D. Freer, Wendy Collins Perdue
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. Friedman and Collins' the Law of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 4th
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. Friedman and Collins' the Law of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 4th
Civil Procedure I Collins, Michael G. The Law of Civil Procedure (2nd Edition)
Civil Procedure I Dudley, Earl Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Garrett, Brandon Civil Procedure (Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff) 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Harrison, John C. Unsure - Fall 2019
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory 1L 2011 Civil Procedure Textbook (Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, 3rd Edition)
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory 1L Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory Civil Procedure, 4th / Edition 4 by Thomas Rowe Jr, Suzanna Sherry, Jay Tidmarsh Civil Procedure, 4t
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory Erichson & Glover, CIVIL PROCEDURE (Adv. Ed. 2020)
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Paul Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure, Fourth Edition
Civil Procedure I Nelson, Caleb Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Nelson, Caleb Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Nelson, Caleb civil procedure cases and materials american casebook series fourteenth edition
Civil Procedure I Nelson, Caleb Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Eleventh Edition)
Civil Procedure I Ortiz, Dan Civil Procedure A modern Approach (Updated 7th Edition) Marcus et al.
Civil Procedure I Ortiz, Dan Civil Procedure A modern Approach (Updated 7th Edition) Marcus et al.
Civil Procedure I Ortiz, Dan Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, 5th ed (Marcus, Redish, Sherman, Pfander)
Civil Procedure I Ortiz, Dan Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, by Marcus, Red
Civil Procedure I Rutherglen, George Civil Procedure (7th Ed, Yeazell)
Civil Procedure I Rutherglen, George Yeazell & Schwartz, Civil Procedure (10th ed. 2019) ISBN: 978-1543808650
Civil Procedure I Rutherglen, George Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Sinclair, Kent Cases and Material on Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Sinclair, Kent unknown
Civil Procedure I Spencer, A. Benjamin Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Walker, W. Laurens Civil Procedure - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Babcock, Massaro and Spaulding. Civil Procedure Cases and Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781454876458. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Civil Procedure 9th Ed. Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Friedman & Collins, The Law of Civil Procedure (4th ed. 2013)
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations 7th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454815488. Aspen Publishers.
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann No Textbook - Cases and class notes only
Civil Procedure I Woolhandler, Ann Rowe, et al. Civil Procedure. (6th ed. 2024). ISBN 9798887864631. Foundation Press.
Communications Robinson, Glenn Law of Public Communication - (Middleton)
Computer Crimes Bamzai, Aditya Computer Crime Law, 3rd Edition by Orin Kerr
Conflict of Laws Collins, Michael G. Conflict of Laws 9th Edition: Kay, Kramer, Roosevelt
Conflict of Laws Collins, Michael G. PETER HAY, ET AL., CONFLICT OF LAWS (5th ed. 2010)
Constitutional Law I Barzun, Charles Stone, Geoffrey. Constitutional Law   7th ed.  2016 Supplement   ISBN: 9781454875598. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Bowers, Joshua Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (6th)
Constitutional Law I Forde-Mazrui, Kim Farber, Eskridge, & Frickey, Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law: Themes for the Constitution
Constitutional Law I Forde-Mazrui, Kim Farber, Eskridge, ET AL, Constitutional Law Themes for the Constitution's Third Century (4th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Goluboff, Risa 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Hellman, Deborah Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Mahoney, Julia Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Martin, Daniel Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Nachbar, Thomas B. Stone, Seidman et al., Constitutional Law (8th ed. 2017).
Constitutional Law I Prakash, Saikrishna Constitutional Law - Sullivan & Feldman 18th Ed
Constitutional Law I Prakash, Saikrishna Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Schauer, Frederick Constitutional Law - Sullivan and Feldman - 20th Edition
Constitutional Law I Schwartzman, Micah J. 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Schwartzman, Micah J. 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_7th
Constitutional Law I Sprigman, Christopher Constitutional Law Stone et al
Contract LLM Kraus, Jody S. 2007
Contracts Choi, Albert 1L Contracts
Contracts Choi, Albert C. Knapp, N. Crystal & H. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2007)
Contracts Cohen, George M. Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Cohen, George Can't Remember
Contracts Cohen, George M. Contracts
Contracts Cohen, George Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Cohen, George Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Geis, George S. Ayres & Klass, STUDIES IN CONTRACT LAW (9th Ed. 2017) (CB) (ISBN-13: 978-1634603256)
Contracts Geis, George S. Contracts
Contracts Geis, George S. Contracts
Contracts Geis, George S. Don't Remember
Contracts Geis, George S. Studies in Contract Law, Ayres & Klas
Contracts Harrison, John C. Frier and White's The Modern Law of Contracts 4th ed.
Contracts Hellman, Deborah Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Hynes, Richard 1L Contracts (Farnsworth - 8th Edition)
Contracts Hynes, Richard Contracts - Farnsworth; Contract Law: Selected Source Materials, 2007 Ed. - Burton, Eisenberg.
Contracts Hynes, Richard Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Hynes, Richard Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Johnston, Jason S. Brest and Krieger. Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Professional Judgment: A Guide for Lawyers and Policymakers 1st ed. ISBN: 9780195366327. Oxford.
Contracts Johnston, Jason S. Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Johnston, Jason S. Contract Law and Theory, 5th edition
Contracts Johnston, Jason S. Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts Kordana, Kevin 2016 - no Textbook
Contracts Kordana, Kevin No Book
Contracts Kordana, Kevin No Book
Contracts Kordana, Kevin no textbook He assigned readings instead
Contracts Kordana, Kevin None
Contracts Kraus, Jody S. Contract Law & Theory - Scott & Kraus
Contracts Kraus, Jody S. Contract Law & Theory - Scott & Kraus
Contracts Kraus, Jody S. Contract Law & Theory - Scott & Kraus
Contracts Mahoney, Paul 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Mahoney, Paul 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Contracts by Carol Sanger, E. Allan Farnsworth, Neil B. Cohen, William F. Young Jr.
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Contracts1st Year book
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Selections for Contracts, 2016 ed. ISBN: 9781634602952. Foundation Press.
Contracts Mahoney, Paul Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law & Theory (5th edition)
Contracts Mahoney, Paul unknown
Contracts Stephan, Paul Contract Law & Theory 5th Edition Scott Kraus
Contracts Stephan, Paul Scott & Kraus, Contract Law and Theory Sixth Edition 2023 - SK -
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. 1L contracts book, red cover
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. his own
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. None - Class materials provided
Contracts Verkerke, J.H. Self-written contracts book
Contracts II Kraus, Jody S. Contract Law and Theory, Scott and Kruas, Fourth Edition
Copyright Oliar, Dotan No Book
Copyright Sprigman, Christopher Copyright in a Global Information Economy
Corporate Finance Geis, George S. 2012 - No Textbook
Corporate Finance Geis, George S. No Book
Corporate Income Tax Yale, Ethan None
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Dooley, Michael Business Association - Allen Kraakman
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Geis, George S. Business Associations - Klein - 10th Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Geis, George S. Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein 9th Ed.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Harrison, John C. Bainbridge, Business Associations, 11th edition (2021)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Harrison, John C. Business Associations, 6th Ed. by Klein, Ramseyer & Bainbridge
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Harrison, John C. Can't remember - Fall 2015
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Harrison, John C. Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Harrison, John C. Unavailable
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Hwang, Cathy Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kitch, Edmund W. Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin 2015 - No Textbook
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin Business Associations - Klein 7th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin Cases and Materials on Corporations Including Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies 10 ed.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kordana, Kevin No Book
Criminal Adjudication Brown, Darryl Miller & Wright, Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication (Aspen, 3rd ed. 2007)
Criminal Investigation Armacost, Barbara E. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Investigation Coughlin, Anne Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Bonnie, Richard Bonnie
Criminal Law Bonnie, Richard Criminal Law - Bonnie
Criminal Law Bonnie, Richard Criminal Law -- Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, Low, 2d, Foundation
Criminal Law Bonnie, Richard Criminal Law Bonnie Fourth Edition
Criminal Law Bowers, Joshua Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries and Low, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, 4th. Ed. (Foundation 2015).
Criminal Law Bowers, Joshua Criminal Law and Procedure Cases and Materials, Dripps, Boyce, Perkins, 13th edition, ISBN:978-1634609289
Criminal Law Bowers, Joshua Criminal Law: Doctrine, Application, and Practice (Aspen Casebook) 2nd Edition by Jens David Ohlin
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl Criminal Law
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl Criminal Law - Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, Low - 3rd ed. University Casebooks
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl Criminal Law (Darryl Brown) 1st ed., fall 2022 https://opencasebook.org/casebooks/5587-criminal-law-darryl-brown/
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl DEFINING CRIMES - Stuntz and Hoffman
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl Defining Crimes 3rd. ed. Joseph L Hoffmann (Author), Henry J Friendly Professor of Law William J Stuntz (Author) ISBN: 1454889217
Criminal Law Brown, Darryl unknown
Criminal Law Caine, Burton unknown
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Bonnie et al., Criminal Law (4th ed., Foundation 2015)
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Bonnie, Coughlin, Jefferies, Low
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Bonnie, Coughlin, Jefferies, Low
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries and Low's Criminal Law, 4th
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Bonnie, et al., Criminal Law (4th Ed 2015)
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Can't Remember
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Criminal Law -- Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, Low, 2d, Foundation
Criminal Law Coughlin, Anne Criminal Law, 3rd Ed. (Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, and Low)
Criminal Law Frampton, Thomas Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Harmon, Rachel unknown
Criminal Law Harrison, John C. Bonnie, et al., Criminal Law (4th Ed 2015)
Criminal Law Jeffries, John C. Criminal Law - Bonnie
Criminal Law Low, Peter W. 1L Criminal Law - Can't Remember
Criminal Law Low, Peter W. Can't Remember
Criminal Law Low, Peter W. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Low, Peter W. Criminal Law, 3rd Ed. (Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, and Low)
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Criminal Law -- Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, Low, 2d, Foundation
Criminal Law Stevenson, Megan Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow, CRIMINAL LAW AND ITS PROCESSES: CASES AND MATERIALS 11TH EDITION
Criminal Law Stevenson, Megan Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Stevenson, Megan Kennedy, Joseph. Criminal Law: Cases, Controversies, and Problems 1st ed. ISBN: 9781640200715. American Casebook Series
Criminal Procedure Brown, Darryl American Criminal Procedure by Saltzburg (9th edition)
Criminal Procedure Brown, Darryl Criminal Procedures, Miller & Wright
Criminal Procedure Harmon, Rachel can't remember
Criminal Procedure Harmon, Rachel Crim Pro 8th Saltzburg
Criminal Procedure Pryor, William CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Survey Bowers, Joshua 2013 Criminal Procedure Textbook
Criminal Procedure Survey Harmon, Rachel Comprehensive Criminal Procedure, Allen, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold, Meares, 5th Edition
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Armacost, Barbara E. Comprehensive Criminal Procedure - Allen
Cybersecurity Eichensehr, Kristen None - Class Materials
Election Law Gilbert, Michael Election Law: Cases and Materials 5th Edition
Election Law Gilbert, Michael Election Law: Cases and Materials 5th Edition
Emerging Growth Companies and Venture Capital Lincoln, Mike Bagley and Dauchy. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Law   4th ed.    ISBN: 9780538466462. South-Western. 
Employee Benefits Doran, Michael Medill, Introduction to Employee Benefits Law: Policy and Practice, 4th ed.
Employment Discrimination Forde-Mazrui, Kim Employment Discrimination Law & Theory (Rutherglen)
Employment Discrimination Rutherglen, George EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION
Employment Discrimination Rutherglen, George Employment Discrimination: Law and Theory (2005)
Employment Discrimination Rutherglen, George Employment Discrimination: Law and Theory (Rutherglen and Donohue, 2nd Ed.)
Employment Discrimination Rutherglen, George Employment Discrimination: Law and Theory 5th ed. 2022 -
Employment Law Verkerke, J.H. Material(s) Distributed annually, no textbook on the market
Employment Law Verkerke, J.H. Verkerke
Environmental Law Cannon, Jonathan Z. Env. Law.
Environmental Law Cannon, Jonathan Z. Env. Law.
Environmental Law Livermore, Michael 2019 - No Textbook Used
Environmental Law Livermore, Michael Aagaard, Owen and Pidot. Practicing Environmental Law 2017 ISBN: 9781683288114. West Academic Publishing.
Evidence Abrams, Kerry EVIDENCE
Evidence Barzun, Charles Evidence - Fisher
Evidence Barzun, Charles Evidence - McCormick
Evidence Collins, Michael G. GRAHAM C. LILLY, ET AL., PRINCIPLES OF EVIDENCE (7th ed. 2015)
Evidence Dudley, Earl unknown
Evidence Ferzan, Kimberly N/A
Evidence Ferzan, Kimberly No Book
Evidence Mitchell, Gregory Evidence - George Fisher
Evidence Mitchell, Gregory Evidence - George Fisher - 2d ed.
Evidence Mitchell, Gregory Evidence, Second Edition, Fisher
Evidence Mitchell, Gregory GEORGE FISHER, EVIDENCE (2d ed. 2008)
Evidence Mitchell, Gregory Wonsowicz, Pavel. Evidence: A Context and Practice Casebook      ISBN: 9781594605215. Carolina Academic Press.
Evidence Mitchell, Paul Wonsowicz, Pavel. Evidence: A Context and Practice Casebook. 2nd ed. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN: 9781531007034
Evidence Schauer, Frederick cases and materials on evidence 5th
Evidence Schauer, Frederick Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Sinclair, Kent EVIDENCE
Evidence Sinclair, Kent Evidence Regular Text
Evidence Sinclair, Kent unknown
Evidence Spellman, Barbara Evidence Fisher 3rd Edition 2013
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Abrams, Kerry AREEN & RAGAN, CASES AND MATERIALS ON FAMILY LAW (2006)(5th Ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Abrams, Kerry unknown
Federal Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Federal Criminal Law
Federal Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Federal Criminal Law
Federal Income Tax Doran, Michael Andrews and Wiedenbeck, Basic Federal Income Taxation, 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1454824985
Federal Income Tax Hayashi, Andrew Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, Federal Income Taxation (16th ed.)
Federal Income Tax Hayashi, Andrew unknown
Federal Income Tax Robinson, Mildred FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Robinson, Mildred Schmalbeck, Zelenak and Lawsky. Federal Income Taxation 4th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454858003. Wolters Kluwer.
Federal Income Tax Shaviro, Daniel Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, andScharff, Federal Income Taxation, 19th Edition
Federal Income Tax Stephan, Paul can't remember
Federal Income Tax White, Thomas R. FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Yale, Ethan Bankman, Shaviro, Stark and Kleinbard. Federal Income Taxation 17th ed. ISBN: 9781454871026. Wolters Kluwer.
Federal Income Tax Yale, Ethan Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, Federal Income Taxation (16th ed.)
Federal Income Tax Yale, Ethan Can't Remember
Federal Income Tax Yin, George Bankman, Shaviro, & Stark, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION (16th Edition)
Food and Drug Law Riley, Margaret (Mimi) Hutt, Merrill & Grossman, Food & Drug Law: Cases and Materials (4th ed. 2013)
Foreign Relations Prakash, Saikrishna Foreign Relations Law, Bradley and Goldsmith 3rd ed. (2008)
Franchise Law Dienelt, John Can't Remember
Free Speech Schauer, Frederick Unavailable
Immigration Law Martin, David Immigration and Citizenship, Process and Policy, 7th
Insurance Law Abraham, Kenneth Can't Remember
Insurance Law Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (6th ed. 2015)
Insurance Law Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Insurance Law Abraham, Kenneth Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Intellectual Property Survey Oliar, Dotan Intellectual Property in New Technological Age 6th Edition
Intellectual Property Survey Oliar, Dotan Menell et al., Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2020
International Business Law Verdier, Pierre-Hugues 2020 - No Textbook (professor provided materials)
International Civil Litigation Rutherglen, George Zekoll, Collins and Rutherglen. Transnational Civil Litigation. ISBN: 9780314908131
International Law Deeks, Ashley Carter, Weiner, Hollis. International Law 7th ed. (Aspen 2018)
International Law Deeks, Ashley Carter, Weiner, Hollis. International Law 7th ed. (Aspen 2018)
International Law Deeks, Ashley International Law, Sixth Edition (Aspen Casebook)
International Law Moore, John International Law Cases and Materials (Damrosch, Henkin, Pugh, Schachter & Smit) 4th ed.
International Law Setear, John K. International Law from the Copy Center
International Law Verdier, Pierre-Hugues Damrosch and Murphy. International Law: Cases and Materials 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9780314286437. West Academic Publishing.
International Law Verdier, Pierre-Hugues Damrosch and Murphy. International Law: Cases and Materials 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9780314286437. West Academic Publishing.
International Sales Walt, Steven International Business Transactions Cases and Materials
International Taxation Hayashi, Andrew None
International Taxation Yin, George I don't remember
International Trade Ragosta, John A. International Trade Law and Policy by Jackson, Davy, Sykes
Internet Law Nugent, Nicholas Goldman, Internet Law: Cases & Materials (2022)
Labor Law Barr, John Dau-Schmidt, Malin, Corrada, Cameron & Fisk, Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace (3rd ed.)
Land Use Cannon, Jonathan Z. Land Use Regulation--Selmi, Kushner
Law of the Police Harmon, Rachel None
Legislation Gilbert, Michael Caleb Nelson, Statutory Interpretation
Local Government Schragger, Richard Local Government Law: Cases and Materials Fourth Edition - Frung, Ford, Barron
Mental Health Law Hafemeister, Thomas Mental Health Law
Merger and Acquisitions Choi, Albert Mergers and Acquisitions by Maynard
Merger and Acquisitions Hwang, Cathy can't remember
National Security Law Deeks, Ashley Dycus, Banks, Raven-Hansen and Vladeck. Counterterrorism law 3rd ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868316. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
National Security Law Deeks, Ashley No Book
Nonprofit Organizations Kordana, Kevin Nonprofit Organizations, Fishman & Schwarz
Ocean and Coastal Law Moore, John The Law of the Sea
Partnership Tax White, Thomas R. Partnership Taxation, 2012/2013 Ed.
Partnership Tax Yale, Ethan The Logic of Subchapter K
Patent Bagley, Margo Merges & Duffy, Patent Law and Policy, 5th Ed.
Patent Bagley, Margo Patent Law by Adelman
Patent Bagley, Margo Patent Law, Cases and Materials - Third Edition - Adelman, Rader, Thomas
Patent Duffy, John Cases and Materials on Patent Law (American Casebooks) 4th Edition Martin J. Adelman
Patent Duffy, John Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Long Any
Privacy Law Haley, Thomas Solove and Schwartz. Information Privacy Law 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781454849537. Wolters Kluwer.
Professional Responsibility Balnave, Richard D. Morgan and Rotunda, Professional Responsibility (11th), Foundation Press.
Professional Responsibility Cohen, George GEOFFREY C. HAZARD ET AL., THE LAW AND ETHICS OF LAWYERING (6th ed. 2017).
Professional Responsibility Cohen, George M. The Law and the Ethics of Lawyering (Hazard, Koniak, Cramton, Cohen) 4th edition
Professional Responsibility Cohen, George M. The Law and the Ethics of Lawyering (Hazard, Koniak, Cramton, Cohen) 4th edition
Professional Responsibility Hylton, J. Gordon None Used
Professional Responsibility Jaffe, Cale Hazard, Koniak, Cramton, Cohen, and Wendel's The Law and Ethics of Lawyering, 6th
Professional Responsibility Mitchell, Paul Dzienkowski, John. Professional Responsibility Standards, Rules and Statutes 2017-2018 Abridged Edition ISBN: 9781683287735. West.
Professional Responsibility Ryan, A. Sprightley No Book
Professional Responsibility Sachs, Benjamin Ethical Problems in The Practice of Law Concise 4th Edition- Lerman Schrag
Professional Responsibility Walker, W. Laurens professional responsibility
Professional Responsibility Walker, W. Laurens The Law and Ethics of Lawyering
Property I Doran, Michael Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Property I Harrison, John C. Property - Merrill & Smith 2007
Property I Hynes, Richard Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Johnson, Alex Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Johnson, Alex unknown
Property I Kitch, Edmund W. Property - Dukemenier
Property I Kitch, Edmund W. Property - Dukeminier
Property I Kitch, Edmund W. Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Mahoney, Julia Merrill & Smith - Property: Principles & Policies (2nd ed., 2010)
Property I Mahoney, Julia Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Mahoney, Julia Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Mahoney, Julia Property 1
Property I Nicoletti, Cynthia Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Nicoletti, Cynthia Dukeminier et al., Property (Aspen: Tenth Edition), 2022.
Property I Schragger, Richard Barrows and Hemingway. Property Law.
Property I Schragger, Richard Singer - Property Law: Rules, Policies and Procedures
Property I Schragger, Richard Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (5th ed. 2010)
Property I Stephan, Paul Property, Dukeminier & Krier, sixth edition.
Quantitative Methods Fischman, Joshua Analytical Methods for Lawyers
Real Estate Transfer, Finance and Development Johnson, Alex Can't Remember
Regulation of the Political Process Gilbert, Michael Lowenstein et al., Election Law: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2017),
Religion and the Constitution Schwartzman, Micah J. RELIGION AND THE CONST
Religious Liberty Schwartzman, Micah J. not listed
Remedies Harrison, John C. Modern American Remedies
Secured Transactions Hynes, Richard SECURED TRANSACTIONS
Secured Transactions Walt, Steven Secured Transactions in Personal Property, Warren & Walt, 7th Ed. 2007
Secured Transactions Walt, Steven Steven D. Walt & William D. Warren, Secured Transactions in Personal Property
Securities Regulation Curtis, Quinn Choi and Pritchard' Securities Regulation, Cases and Analysis, 5th. ed.
Securities Regulation Curtis, Quinn Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation Curtis, Quinn Don't Remember
Securities Regulation Kitch, Edmund W. Cox, Hillman and Langevoort. Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (8th ed.) and Securities Regulation: Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms (2016) ISBN: 9781454886884. Wolters Kluwer.
Securities Regulation Kitch, Edmund W. Securities Regulation Cases & Materials 5th ed.
Securities Regulation Kitch, Edmund W. unknown
Securities Regulation Mahoney, Paul can't remember
Securities Regulation Mahoney, Paul Cox, Hillman & Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (7th ed. 2013)
Securities Regulation Vollmer, Andrew Choi and Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th Edition)
Securities Regulation Vollmer, Andrew Stephen J. Choi & A.C. Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th ed. 2015)
Securities Regulation Vollmer, Andrew Stephen J. Choi & A.C. Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th ed. 2015)
Tax Stephan, Paul Klein
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Cases and Materials on Torts - Tenth Edition - Epstein, Sharkey
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Cases and Materials on Torts (9th Edition) by Richard Epstein
Torts Abraham, Kenneth The Forms and Functions of Tort Law
Torts Abraham, Kenneth Torts - Epstein
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Cases and Materail on Torts
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Cases and Materials for Torts 11th Edition (Epstein, Sharkey)
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Richard A. Epstein & Catherine M. Sharkey, Cases & Materials on Torts (10th ed. 2012)
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Richard Epstein, cases and Materials on Torts
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Torts - Epstein
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. Torts - Epstein
Torts Armacost, Barbara E. unknown
Torts Barzun, Charles Epstein
Torts Barzun, Charles Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials. - 12th edition
Torts Barzun, Charles Torts - Epstien
Torts Cope, Kevin L. Farmsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781454892748. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Cope, Kevin L. Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Duffy, John Cases and Materials on Torts - 10th Edition
Torts Duffy, John Epstein Sharkey Cases and Materials on Torts 11th edition
Torts Duffy, John Richard A. Epstein & Catherine M. Sharkey, Cases and Materials on Torts (11th ed. 2016)
Torts Johnston, Jason S. Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Johnston, Jason S. Franklin and Rabin, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
Torts Johnston, Jason S. Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Kendrick, Leslie Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Kendrick, Leslie Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Kendrick, Leslie Torts
Torts Robinson, Glen O. Tort law cases and material
Torts Sprigman, Christopher Epstein
Torts Strauss, Gregg Cases and Materials on Torts (11th ed.), Epstein & Sharkey
Torts Walt, Steven Bussel and Skeel. Bankruptcy. 10th ed. ISBN. 9781609304409. Foundation Press.
Torts White, G. Edward 1L Franklin, Rabin, & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 8th edition.
Torts White, G. Edward Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts White, G. Edward Prosser, Wade and Schwartz, TORTS: Cases and Materials, (12th Ed. Foundation Press)
Torts White, G. Edward Tort Law And Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 8th Edition ISBN-10:‎ 1599410354 ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1599410357
Torts White, G. Edward unknown
Torts White, G. Edward unknown
Torts II White, G. Edward Tort Law and Alternatives
Trade Secrets Rowe, Elizabeth ELIZABETH A. ROWE & SHARON K. SANDEEN, TRADE SECRET LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (3d. ed.) (West Academic 2021).
Trademark BeVier, Lillian Beazley, Marybeth. A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy Moot Court 4th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454830962. Wolters Kluwer.
Trusts & Estates II Cushman, Barry Don't Remember - It was red
Trusts and Estates Cahn, Naomi Gary. Contemporary Trusts and Estates: An Experiential Approach. 9th ed. ISBN 978-1454851424. Wolters Kluwer.
Trusts and Estates Cushman, Barry Trust and Estates
Trusts and Estates Cushman, Barry Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Trusts and Estates Hylton, J. Gordon Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Trusts and Estates Robinson, Mildred Trusts and Estates
Wills and Trusts Cady, John Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Wills and Trusts Cady, John Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)