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School Professor Text Book
Boston University School of Law Marks, Stephen No Book
Boston University School of Law Marks, Stephen No Book
Boston University School of Law Marks, Stephen None - professors handouts and blackboard documents
Boston University School of Law Moncrieff, Abigail Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (Eskridge, Frickey, G
Boston University School of Law Moncrieff, Abigail Legislation and Regulation (University Casebooks)
Boston University School of Law Wexler, Jay D. Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Boston University School of Law Wexler, Jay D. Legislation
Boston University School of Law Wexler, Jay D. Regulatory State; Schultz, et al
Brigham Young University Jones, RonNell Cases and Materials in Legislation
Brooklyn Law School Solan, Lawrence M. Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Eskridge
Brooklyn Law School Solan, Lawrence M. unknown
Chicago-Kent College of Law Eglit, Howard Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Eglit, Howard Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Hand, Jacqueline Legislative Process
Chicago-Kent College of Law Heyman, Steven J. 1 L Contracts
Chicago-Kent College of Law Heyman, Steven J. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Heyman, Steven J. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Chicago-Kent College of Law Heyman, Steven J. Legislative Process
Chicago-Kent College of Law Heyman, Steven J. Purple Statutory Interpretation Book (Levin?)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Marder, Nancy Brudney William N. Eskridge Jr. and Josh Chafetz, CASES AND MATERIALS ON LEGISLATION AND REGULATION: STATUTES AND THE CREATION OF PUBLIC POLICY, 6th ed. (2020)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Marder, Nancy Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 5th (American Casebook Series) 5th Edition by William Eskridge Jr, Philip Frickey, Elizabeth Garret, James Brudney
Chicago-Kent College of Law Marder, Nancy Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett and Brudney’s Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (5th ed. 2014)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Marder, Nancy Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett and Brudney’s Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (5th ed. 2014)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Marder, Nancy Legislation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Shapiro, Carolyn Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett & Brudney, Legislation and Regulation 5th Ed
Chicago-Kent College of Law Shapiro, Carolyn Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Chicago-Kent College of Law Shapiro, Carolyn Legislative Process
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen 1L Legislation and Regulation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Eskridge, Frickey, Garret & Brudney, Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation (5th ed. 2014)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett & Brudney, Cases & Materials on Legislation & Regulation (5th ed. 2014)
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett & Brudney, Legislation and Regulation 5th Ed
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Legislation: Eskridge
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen Legislative Process
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen No Book
Chicago-Kent College of Law Sowle, Stephen unknown
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Dougherty, Veronica Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Eskridge
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Dougherty, Veronica Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Eskridge
Columbia Law School Briffault, Richard Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Columbia Law School Gluck, Abbe Cases and materials on legislation:statutes and the creation of public policy
Columbia Law School Johnson, Olatunde Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Columbia Law School Johnson, Olatunde Eskridge
Columbia Law School Johnson, Olatunde Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Columbia Law School Johnson, Olatunde Legislation; Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, Eskridge, Frickey & Garrett (4th Ed. 2007)
Columbia Law School Merrill, Thomas W. Caleb Nelson, Statutory Interpretation (Foundation Press 2011)
Cumberland School of Law DeBow, Mike Legislation
DePaul University College of Law Roberts, John C. Legislative Process
Elon University Rivers James, Faith Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy by William N. Eskri
Florida State University College of Law Seidenfeld, Mark unknown
Fordham Law School Brudney, James J. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
George Mason University School of Law Somin, Ilya Eskridge, Frickey, and Garrett, Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Pub
George Mason University School of Law Somin, Ilya Legislation
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (Eskridge, Frickey, G
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Legislation
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Georgetown University Law Center Fredrickson, Caroline Brudney William N. Eskridge Jr. and Josh Chafetz, CASES AND MATERIALS ON LEGISLATION AND REGULATION: STATUTES AND THE CREATION OF PUBLIC POLICY, 6th ed. (2020)
Georgetown University Law Center Fredrickson, Caroline Eskridge, Brudney, Chafetz, Fricke, & Garrett. Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (6th ed. 2020)
Georgetown University Law Center Nourse, Victoria Eskridge Jr., Gluck, Nourse: Statutes, Regulation, and Interpretation: American Casebook Series. 2014 ed. ISBN 978-0-314-27356-7
Georgetown University Law Center Tobia, Kevin unknown
Georgia State University College of Law Griffith, Janice Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Georgia State University College of Law Kinkopf, Neil Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Georgia State University College of Law Kinkopf, Neil Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy: Fourth Edition
Harvard Law School Freeman, Jody Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Harvard Law School Rakoff, Todd Administrative Law (Strauss, Rakoff, Farina)
Harvard Law School Rakoff, Todd Administrative Law (Strauss, Rakoff, Farina)
Harvard Law School Tushnet, Mark THE REGULATORY AND ADMINISTRATIVE STATE (Oxford 2006)
Harvard Law School Ver Steegh, Nancy Legislation
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Widiss, Deborah A. Don't Remember
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Cooper, Jeffrey O. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Jones School of Law Mitchell, Wendell W. Legislation
Jones School of Law Mitchell, Wendell Legislative Process
Michigan State University College of Law Staszewski, Glen Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
Michigan State University College of Law Staszewski, Glen Eskridge, Frickey, & Garrett, Cases and Materials on Statutory Interpretation (2012)
Michigan State University College of Law Staszewski, Glen Legislation
Mitchell Hamline (Hamline University School of Law) Johnson, Bruce H. Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
New York Law School Botein, Michael statutory interpretation
New York Law School Botein, Michael unknown
New York Law School Kostant, Peter C. Legal Methods
New York Law School Minda, Gary Legislation & Regulation
New York Law School Minda, Gary Legislation & Regulation
New York Law School Munger, Frank Can't Remember
NYU Redlich, Norman Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Eskridge
Ohio State University Huefner, Steven Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Ohio State University Huefner, Steven Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 5th Ed
Ohio State University Huefner, Steven Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Ohio State University Huefner, Steven Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Ohio State University Moritz, E. Stewart Manning & Stephenson, Legislation and Regulation (Foundation Press, 1st ed. 2010)
Ohio State University Moritz, E. Stewart Manning and Stephenson, Legislation and Regulation (Foundation Press 2010)
Ohio State University Rudesill, Dakota Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Ohio State University Tobin, Donald B. Legislation
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Eskridge, et al., Cases and Materials on Legislation (4th ed., 2007)
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Eskridge, Frickey & Garrett, Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Eskridge, Frickey, and Garrett, Cases and Materials on Legislation
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Legislation
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Legislation
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Ohio State University Tokaji, Daniel P. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Ohio State University Walker, Christopher J. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Ohio State University Walker, Christopher J. Legislation and Regulation, 2nd Edition (University Casebook), Stephenson and Manning
Oklahoma City University School of Law Blitz, Marc Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (5th ed.)
Oklahoma City University School of Law Roesler, Shannon Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Oklahoma City University School of Law Spiropoulos, Andrew unknown
Oklahoma City University School of Law Spiropoulos, Andrew unknown
Penn State Fox, James Legislative Process
Rutgers University, Camden Ryan, Patrick J. Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Rutgers University, Camden Ryan, Patrick J. Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Rutgers University, Camden Williams, Robert F. Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
Rutgers University, Newark Bell, Bernard Can't Remember
Rutgers University, Newark Bell, Bernard Legislation
Rutgers University, Newark Bell, Bernard Legislation
Rutgers University, Newark Bell, Bernard Legislation
Saint Louis University Petroski, Karen Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Saint Louis University Petroski, Karen Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Seattle University School of Law Baroni, William E. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Seton Hall Deloreto, Michael Legislative Process, Mikva, Lane, Gerhardt ISBN 978-1454835295
South Texas College of Law Houston Todd, Robert Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
South Texas College of Law Houston Todd, Robert Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Southern Illinois University School of Law Kelley, Patrick Saluki LAP Packet
Southern Illinois University School of Law Kelly, J. Patrick No Book
Southern Methodist University Cortez, Nathan Legislation
Southern Methodist University Cortez, Nathan No Book
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren Legislative Process (Mikva & Lane)
St. Johns University Krishnakumar, Anita Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy: Elizabeth Garrett, P
Suffolk University O'Driscoll, Anne B. Don't Remember
Suffolk University O'Driscoll, Anne B. None - Course Pack
Suffolk University Rizoli, Louis A. None
Suffolk University Wilkerson, Timothy O. None - Course Pack
Temple University Libonati, Michael E. Cases and Materials in Legislation
University of Baltimore School of Law Kirkland, Bonnie None- Professor's Handouts
University of Baltimore School of Law Martin, Bruce N/A - Handouts
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Leib, Ethan Legislation
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Leib, Ethan Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Leib, Ethan Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
University of Chicago Law School Gersen, Jacob Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
University of Dayton School of Law Cox, Jeannette Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
University of Dayton School of Law Cox, Jeannette Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Cox, Jeannette Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
University of Dayton School of Law Cox, Jeannette Legislative Process
University of Dayton School of Law Crist, Maria Perez Modern Statutory Interpretation
University of Dayton School of Law Hallinan, Charles Don't Remember
University of Dayton School of Law Hallinan, Charles Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Hallinan, Charles Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Hallinan, Charles Legislation and Regulation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legislation
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley Legislative Process
University of Dayton School of Law Howarth, Cooley No Book
University of Florida Fenster, Mark Cases and Materials in Legislation
University of Georgia Levin, Hillel Y. Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (Eskridge, Frickey, G
University of Kansas Leben, Steve Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
University of Kansas Levy, Richard Legislation
University of Kansas Levy, Richard Legislation
University of Kansas Levy, Richard Legislation
University of Memphis Romantz, David S. Legislation Cases & Materials
University of Memphis Romantz, David S. self selected materials
University of Miami Blatt, William Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
University of Michigan Mendelson, Nina Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
University of Mississippi Hall, Matthew Legislation
University of Mississippi Hall, Matthew Legislation
University of Missouri Hawley, Joshua Can't Remember
University of Missouri Hawley, Joshua Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (Eskridge, Frickey, G
University of Missouri Hawley, Joshua Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, CASES AND MATERIAL ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION (West, 2012)
University of New Hampshire Murphy, William J. Selected cases in course packet
University of Pennsylvania Gelbach, Jonah Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 5th Ed
University of Pennsylvania Ruger, Theodore Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy by William N. Eskri
University of Pennsylvania Ruger, Theodore Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
University of San Diego Rapapport, Elizabeth Legislation
University of San Diego Rappaport, Michael B. Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (Eskridge, Frickey, G
University of San Diego Rappaport, Michael B. Eskridge and Frickey and Garrett, Legislation (3rd ed.)
University of San Diego Rappaport, Michael B. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
University of San Diego Sohoni, Mila Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
University of South Carolina Reid, Charles No Book
University of Tulsa Thomas, James C. Legisalative Law and Statutory Interpretation
University of Tulsa Thomas, James C. Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 3rd Eskridge
University of Virginia Gilbert, Michael Caleb Nelson, Statutory Interpretation
Washington University School of Law Levin, Ronald No Book
Washington University School of Law Magarian, Greg Eskridge et al's Legislation and Regulation
Washington University School of Law Magarian, Greg Eskridge, Jr., Brudney, Chafetz, Frickey and Garrett. Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 6th ed.: 9781683281832
Washington University School of Law Magarian, Greg Eskridge, Jr., Brudney, Chafetz, Frickey and Garrett. Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 6th ed.: 9781683281832
Widener University, Harrisburg DeLiberato, Vincent C. Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
William and Mary Law School Bruhl, Aaron-Andrew P. Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
William and Mary Law School Bruhl, Aaron-Andrew P. Eskridge and Frickey and Garrett, Legislation (3rd ed.)