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Washington University School of Law

Washington University School of Law

Class Professor Text Book
14th Amendment Law Crum, Travis Constitutional Law - Sullivan and Feldman - 21st Edition
14th Amendment Law Mandelker, Daniel Mandelker, Daniel. Law of the Fourteenth Amendment
14th Amendment Law Mandelker, Daniel Mandelker: The Law of the 14th Amendment
Administrative Law Law, David Gellhorn and Byse's Administrative Law: Cases and Comments (11th ed 2011)
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald Administrative Law
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald Administrative Law (Aspen Casebook) John M. Rogers, Michael P. Healy, Ronald J. Krotoszynski
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald ASIMOW & LEVIN, STATE AND FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (4th ed. 2014)
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law 2d Edition (Asimow, Bonfield, Levin)
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law 2d Edition (Asimow, Bonfield, Levin)
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law 3rd Edition; Asimow, Levin
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law 3rd Edition; Asimow, Levin
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law 3rd Edition; Asimow, Levin
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law; Asimow, Bonfield, and Levin (2d ed.)
Administrative Law Levin, Ronald State and Federal Administrative Law; Asimow, Bonfield, and Levin (2d ed.)
Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Appleton, Susan Adoption and Assisted Reproduction
Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Regulating Sex Appleton, Susan Families Under Construction: Parentage, Adoption, and Assisted Reproduction (Aspen Casebook Series) 2nd Edition by Susan Frelich Appleton (Author), D. Kelly Weisberg (Author)
Advanced Corporate Tax Reorganizations Wright, Philip CCH Treatise: Federal Taxation of Corporations & Shareholders by Eisenberg, Schneider, and White
American Indian Law Gunn, Amy American Indian Law
American Indian Law Gunn, Steven American Indian Law
American Indian Law Gunn, Steven American Indian Law
American Indian Law Gunn, Steven American Indian Law Cases and Commentary, Anderson, Berger, 2010 ed.
American Indian Law Gunn, Steven Anderson, Krakoff, and Berger's American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, 4th
American Legal History Konig, David T. A History of American Law (Lawrence M Friedman, 3rd ed.)
American Legal History Konig, David T. American Legal History
American Legal History Konig, David T. American Legal History: Cases and Materials - Ely, Hall, Finkelman
American Public Law Process Murchison, Brian Administrative Law, the American Public Law System: Cases and Materials (American Casebooks)
Antitrust De Geest, Gerrit Morgan, Thomas. Cases and Materials on Modern Antitrust Law and Its Origins 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314283436. West Academic Publishing.
Antitrust Drobak, John Antitrust
Antitrust Drobak, John Fox, Eleanor & Crane, Daniel; Cases and Materials on U.S. Antitrust in Global Context (American Casebook Series) 4th Edition; ISBN: 978-1640208612
Antitrust Drobak, John Morgan, Thomas. Cases and Materials on Modern Antitrust Law and Its Origins 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314283436. West Academic Publishing.
Antitrust Ellis, Dorsey Antitrust
Antitrust Ellis, Dorsey No Book
Antitrust Law Drobak, John Antitrust - Hovenkamp
Antitrust Law Ellis, Dorsey Antitrust
Arbitration O'Donnell, Daniel Katherine V. W. Stone, ARBITRATION LAW, fourth edition (2021)
Bankruptcy Keating, Daniel L. Debtor and Creditor Law
Bankruptcy Keating, Daniel L. Warren, Elizabeth. Bankruptcy and Article 9: Statutory Supplement   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781454875413. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Bankruptcy Nicholson, Jill Bankruptcy Law Principles, Policies and Practice by Charles J. Tabb (3 rd ed.)
Bankruptcy Saunders BANKRUPTCY
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry BANKRUPTCY
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry BANKRUPTCY
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights -- Elizabeth Warren
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Bankruptcy 9th Edition: William D Warren, Daniel J. Bussel, and David A. Skeel, Jr.
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Elizabeth Warren and Jay Westbrook, The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Elizabeth Warren and Jay Westbrook, The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Law of Debtors and Creditors
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems, Seventh Edition
Bankruptcy Schermer, Barry The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Business Associations Tuch, Andrew Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
Business Organizations Gross, Lenny Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Civil Procedure I Bracey, Christopher Civil Procedure - University Casebook Series - Rowe, Sherry, Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Bracey, Christopher Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, 4th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Bracey, Christopher Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, by Marcus, Red
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John 1L Civ Pro
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civ Pro Book
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civil Procedure CASES AND MATERIALS Thirteenth Edition, Friedenthal, Miller
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civil Procedure Cases And Materials, 11th (American Casebook Series)" Jack H. Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Drobak, John Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, 11th (American Casebook)
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Boyce, Dripps & Perkins, Criminal Law and Procedure (11th ed. 2010)
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 12th edition
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 13th edition
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Civil Procedure, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Tenth Edition (2009),
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Civil Procedure, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Twelfth Edition (2018),
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure Eleventh Edition (2013)
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure Eleventh Edition (2013)
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff, Steinman, and McKenzie's Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 13th
Civil Procedure I Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Unsure
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline civ pro - yeazell - 2008
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Civil Procedure (7th Ed, Yeazell)
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Civil Procedure (7th Ed, Yeazell)
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Don't Remember
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Kim, Pauline Yeazell Civil Procedure 7th edition
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald civ pro casebook
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (10th Ed. 2009)
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 12th edition
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 13th edition
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition (American Casebook Series) 11th Edition by Jack F
Civil Procedure I Levin, Ronald Friedenthal et al., Civil Procedure (12th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Lim, Julian 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Lim, Julian Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure (7th ed. 2008)
Civil Procedure I Syverud, Kent Fletcher, Pleading and Procedure (Foundation Press)
Civil Procedure I Trautman, Philip Civil Procedure - Friedenthal
Civil Procedure II Drobac, Jennifer 1L Torts (blue book)
Close Business Associations Bruner, Christopher M. Closely Held Business Organization: Case, Materials, & Problems. Robert A. Ragazzo & Douglas K. Moll
Close Business Associations Bruner, Christopher M. Closely Held Business Organizations
Commercial Law Keating, Daniel L. Commercial Transactions A Systems Approach 8th LoPucki
Commercial Law Keating, Daniel L. Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach
Commercial Law Keating, Daniel L. Commercial Transactions_ A Syst - Lynn M. LoPucki
Commercial Law Keating, Daniel L. Keating, Sales: A Systems Approach (Wolters Kluwer 6th ed. 2016)
Commercial Law Keating, Daniel L. LoPucki, et al., Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach, Fifth Edition; Mann, Warren & Westbroo
Commercial Law: Payments Keating, Daniel L. Commercial Law 6th Edition (Warren and Walt)
Conflicts of Law Appleton, Susan Conflict of Laws 7th Edition Currie, Kay, Kramer, Rosevelt
Conflicts of Law Waters, Melissa Conflict of Laws
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. unknown
Constitutional Law I Crum, Travis Constitutional Law, Feldman & Sullivan, 20th Edition Foundation Press
Constitutional Law I Crum, Travis Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 20th edition
Constitutional Law I Culhane, Marianne B. Stone, Seidman, Sunstein and Tushnet
Constitutional Law I Doe CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Goldstein, Joel Redlich, Attanasio and Goldstein, Constitutional Law (5th ed. 2008)
Constitutional Law I Katz, Andrea Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Katz, Andrea Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Kershman, John Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Constitutional Law- by Sullivan, 16th Edition
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Constitutional Law Sullivan (18th Edition)
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Constitutional Law Sullivan, 17th Edition
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I LaPierre, Bruce unknown
Constitutional Law I Law, David Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet & Karlan, Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law - Sullivan & Feldman 18th Ed
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law - Sullivan and Feldman - 21st Edition
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law 16th Edition, by Sullivan and Gunther
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law, Sullivan
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law: Cases -- Comments -- Questions (11th ed. 2011)
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy, Cases and Materials
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Magarian, Greg Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Constitutional Law, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) 16th Edition
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Jonathan D. Varat and Vikram D. Amar, Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials - Foundation Press 2017 - 15th edition
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Varat and Amar Constitutional Law Cases and Materials 15th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Varat and Amar Constitutional Law Cases and Materials 16th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Varat and Amar, Constitutional Law 16th edition
Constitutional Law I Osgood, Russell Varat, Amar, and Caminker. Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials. (16th ed. 2021). ISBN 13-9781647083618. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Paulson, Stanley Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Paulson, Stanley Modern Constitutional Law (Rotunda, 8th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Paulson, Stanley Modern Constitutional Law (Rotunda, 8th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Paulson, Stanley unknown
Constitutional Law I Richards, Neil Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Rosenbury, Laura Casebook: Joseph William Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th edition 2014)
Constitutional Law I Seymore, Malinda Con law I
Contract LLM Christensen, Joel Studies in Contract Law (University Casebook Series) 9th Edition by Ian Ayres (Author), Gregory Klass (Author)
Contract LLM Christensen, Joel studies in contract law 8th edition
Contract LLM Greenfield, Michael M. Contracts
Contracts Badawi, Adam Basic Contract Law - by Lon L. Fuller; Melvin Eisenberg - 8th ed
Contracts Badawi, Adam Basic Contract Law, 9th Edition (Fuller, Eisenberg, Gergen)
Contracts Badawi, Adam Basic Contract Law, 9th Edition (Fuller, Eisenberg, Gergen)
Contracts Badawi, Adam I forgot
Contracts Baker, Betsy 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Aryes Ian, Klass Gregory. Studies in Contract Law 9th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1634603256. Foundation Press
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayers & Klass
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayers & Speidel, Studies in Contract Law, 9th ed 2017
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayres & Klass, STUDIES IN CONTRACT LAW (8th Ed. 2012)
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayres & Klass, Studies in Contract Law (9th ed)
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayres and Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.)
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Ayres, Klass, and Stone,Studies in Contract Law, 10th Ed., 2024, West
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Can't Remember
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Cases and Materials on Contracts (Farnsworth)
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Cases and Materials on Contracts (University Casebook Series) 8th Edition
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Contract Law 6th edition, Studies in; Murphy, Speidel, Ayers
Contracts Baker, William G. IAN AYRES AND GREGORY KLASS, STUDIES IN CONTRACT LAW (9th ed. 2017)
Contracts Baker, Scott A. IAN AYRES AND GREGORY KLASS, STUDIES IN CONTRACT LAW (9th ed. 2017).
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Baker, Scott A. Studies in Contract Law, 8th (University Caseboook) [2012] Ian Ayres
Contracts De Geest, Gerrit 1L Contracts Casebook (Epstein)
Contracts De Geest, Gerrit 2014 - No Textbook
Contracts De Geest, Gerrit Aryes, Klass and Stone. Studies in Contract Law 10th edition. ISBN: 9781647085445.
Contracts De Geest, Gerrit None - Course Pack
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Contracs
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Contract- Dawson
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Contracts 9th Edition (Dawson, Harvey, et al)
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Contracts I
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Contracts: Cases and Comment (9th ed.) - Dawson, Harvey, Henderson, Baird
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. Dawson, Harvey, Henderson and Baird. Contracts: Cases and Comment  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781609302115. Foundation Press. 
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. No Book
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. unknown
Contracts Greenfield, Michael M. unknown
Contracts Haley, John 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Haley, John Contract: Law In Action, 2nd Ed
Contracts Haley, John Contracts: Blum, 2004
Contracts Haley, John Fuller/Eisenberg 7th
Contracts Kieff, F. Scott Can't Remember
Contracts Kieff, F. Scott Contract Law 6th edition, Studies in; Murphy, Speidel, Ayers
Contracts Kieff, F. Scott Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Kieff, F. Scott Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Millon, David Contracts
Contracts Pardo, Rafael Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Roberts, Caprice Contract- Dawson
Contracts Russell, Margaret Dawson, Harvey, Henderson and Baird. Contracts: Cases and Comment  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781609302115. Foundation Press. 
Contracts Shill, Gregory BURTON & DRAHOZAL, PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT LAW (5th ed. 2018)
Contracts Shill, Gregory Crandall and Whaley. Cases, Problems, and Materials on Contracts 7th ed. ISBN: 9781454864653. Aspen.
Contracts Smith, Peggie 1 L Contracts
Contracts Smith, Peggie Burton and Eisenberg. Contract Law: Selected Source Materials Annotated 2016 ed. ISBN: 9781634607483. West Academic Publishing
Contracts Smith, Peggie Contracts Fullenberg 8th Edition
Contracts Smith, Peggie Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Smith, Peggie Fuller & Eisenberg 8th Edition
Contracts Smith, Peggie Fuller, Eisenberg & Gergen, Basic Contract Law (10th ed.)
Contracts Smith, Peggie Fuller, Eisenberg & Gergen, Basic Contract Law (9th edition)
Contracts Smith, Peggie No Book
Contracts II Nelson, Camille Contracting Law - 4th Edition, Amy Kasterly, Deborah Post, Nancy Ota
Copyright Theriault, Leah Can't Remember
Copyright Theriault, Leah Copyright Law - Lexis
Copyright Theriault, Leah Copyright Law’, Jaszi et al, 7th edition and its 2009 statutory supplement
Copyrights and Related Rights McManis, Charles YEN & LIU, COPYRIGHT LAW: ESSENTIAL CASES AND MATERIALS (2008)
Corporate Acquisitions Lehrer, Joseph No Book
Corporate Compliance and Risk Management D'Onfro, Danielle The Law of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
Corporate Taxation Weidenbruch Jr., Peter P. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Corporate Taxation Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Corporate Taxation
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Badawi, Adam Agency and Partnerships, Cases and Materials, Klein
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Badawi, Adam Business Associations : Agency, Partner. and Corporations: William Klein, J. Ramseyer, Stephen Bain
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Badawi, Adam Business Associations Klein, Ramseyer, and Bainbridge 7th Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Badawi, Adam Can't Remember
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Baker, Scott A. Charles O’Kelly & Robert Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations (7th ed. 2014).
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Baker, Scott A. Charles O’Kelly & Robert Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations (7th ed. 2014).
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. Business Associations - Klein 7th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. Business Associations - Klein 7th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. Corporations & Other Business Associations : Charles R. T. O'Kelley (Hardcover, 2010)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. Corporations And Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials - O'Kelley - 6th Ed.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Burson, Charles W. No Book
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Frankenreiter, Jens Spamann, Holger. Corporations, 2nd edition (2019). ISBN: 978-1790591626
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Lambert, Thom Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Sale, Hillary Allen & Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th ed., Aspen 2012)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Sale, Hillary Charles O’Kelley and Robert Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations 6th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Sale, Hillary Corporations & Other Business Associations: Cases & Materials, Seventh Edition (Aspen Casebook)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Seligman, Joel Cases and Materials on Corporations (8th ed) Choper, Coffee, Gilson
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Seligman, Joel Cases and Materials on Corporations (8th ed) Choper, Coffee, Gilson
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Seligman, Joel Cases and Materials on Corporations. John C. Coffee.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Siebecker, Michael Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Siegel, Mary CORPORATIONS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Bainbridge. Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations. (11th ed. 2021). Foundation Press. ISBN: 978-1636593999.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Association - Klein 8th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Association - Klein 9th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Association 10th Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Associations - Klein 9th
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Associations - Klein, Ramseyer Bainbridge
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Business Association 11th Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Can't remember, Corporations
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press. 
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press. 
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Tuch, Andrew Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press. 
Criminal Adjudication Osgood, Russell 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Branham, Lynn Can't Remember
Criminal Law Branham, Lynn Criminal Law (Casebook), Saltzburg
Criminal Law Brickey, Kathleen unknown
Criminal Law Brickey, Kathleen unknown
Criminal Law Buell, Sam unknown
Criminal Law Buell, Sam unknown
Criminal Law Epps, Daniel Cases and Materials on Criminal Law - Dressler and Garvey 8th Edition
Criminal Law Epps, Daniel Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Epps, Daniel Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Epps, Daniel rC
Criminal Law Gardner, Trevor Angela Harris and Cynthia Lee, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, 4th ed.
Criminal Law Gardner, Trevor Criminal Law, Cases and Materials (American Casebook Series) 4th Edition, Lee and Harris, 978-1683284062
Criminal Law Hughes, Emily Can't Remember
Criminal Law Hughes, Emily Criminal Law Lee Harris and Lee 2nd Edition
Criminal Law Hughes, Emily Criminal Law: Cases & Mat. 4th Ed.
Criminal Law Hughes, Emily unknown
Criminal Law Inazu, John 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Inazu, John Dressler Understanding Criminal Law 8th Edition
Criminal Law Kalhan, Anil Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Kalhan, Anil Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Katz, Elizabeth D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Katz, Elizabeth D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Katz, Elizabeth D. Joshua Dressler and Stephen P. Garvey, Criminal Law Cases and Materials (8th ed. 2019)
Criminal Law Kaufman, Zachary Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Klein, Alexandra Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Levin, Ben Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law MacDonnell, Timothy C. Criminal Law Bonnie
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell 1L Criminal Law - Can't Remember
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell Boyce, Dripps & Perkins, Criminal Law and Procedure (11th ed. 2010)
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell Boyce, Dripps and Perkins' Criminal Law and Procedure, 11th Edition
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell Boyce, Dripps and Perkins' Criminal Law and Procedure, 12th Edition
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell Criminal Law and Procedure, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) University Casebook Series; Dripps, Donald, Boyce, Ronald, Perkins, Rollin
Criminal Law Osgood, Russell Don't remember spring 2023
Criminal Law Perry, Mary Cases and Material on Criminal Law - Dressler 5th ed.
Criminal Law Perry, Mary Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Quinn, Mae C. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Procedure Davis, Angela J. Crim Pro, 7th - Saltzburg & Capra
Criminal Procedure Gardner, Trevor Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King, Kerr, and Primus, Basic Criminal Procedure (16th Edition, West Academic Publishing 2023, ISBN 978-1-63659-077-6).
Criminal Procedure Quinn, Mae C. Criminal Procedure: Investigation, Second Edition
Criminal Procedure Quinn, Mae C. Criminal Procedure: Investigation, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook)
Criminal Procedure II Hughes, Emily CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication King, John D. Dressler and Thomas, Criminal Procedure: Prosecuting Crime, Sixth Edition. ISB: 978-0314279507. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Levin, Ben Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed Criminal Procedure: Prosecuting Crime (7th ed. 2020)
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Levin, Ben N/A
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Osgood, Russell Dripps, Donald. Criminal Law and Procedure, Cases and Materials
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Epps, Daniel Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed, Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime (Seventh Edition)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Epps, Daniel Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed, Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime (Seventh Edition)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Gardner, Trevor Chemerinsky and Levenson. Criminal Procedure: Adjudication 2nd ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454807124. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Gardner, Trevor Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments and Questions. 14th ed. ISBN 9781634591607. American Casebook Series.
Employee Pensions and Benefits Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Wiedenbeck & Osgood, Cases and Materials on Employee Benefits
Employment Discrimination Rosenbury, Laura Employment Discrimination Law: Cases & Materials on Equality in the Workplace
Employment Discrimination Rosenbury, Laura Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace (American Casebook S
Employment Discrimination Smith, Peggie Employment Discrimination Law (Avery, Ontiveros, Corrada, Selmi, and Hart; 8th ed. 2010)
Employment Discrimination Smith, Peggie Estreicher and Harper. Cases and Materials on Employment Law. 4th ed. ISBN 978-0314280381. West.
Employment Law Crain, Marion Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Employment Law
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Employment Law
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Employment Law
Employment Law Kim, Pauline Work Law: Cases and Materials by Crain, Kim & Selmi
Employment Law Smith, Peggie No Book
Employment Law Smith, Peggie Rothstein and Liebman, Employment Law (7th ed. 2011),
Energy Law Templeton, Mark none - professor supplied material
Environmental Law Fraley, Jill Environmental Regulation - Law, Science, and Policy -- Percival, Schroeder, Miller, and Leape
Environmental Law Hubertz, Elizabeth unknown
Environmental Law Lipeles, Maxine Environmental Regulation - Law, Science, and Policy - 7th ed
Estate and Gift Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Federal Estate and Gift Taxation, Ninth Edition by Bittker, Clark, and McCouch
Ethical Lawyering Rosen, David N/A - Class handouts
Ethics Pratzel, Alan Morgan, Thomas D., Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienowski. Professional Responsibility: Problems
Ethics Pratzel, Alan Thomas D. Morgan, John S. Dzienkowski, Mitt Regan. Professional Responsibility, Problems and Materials 14th. ISBN: 9781636592466.
Evidence Barnes, Katherine Evidence - Cases and Materials, 10th Edition, Waltz & Park
Evidence Demleitner, Nora V. Friedland, Bergman and Taslitz. Evidence Law and Practice  6th ed.    ISBN: 9781630447861. LexisNexis. 
Evidence Green, Michael D. Kenneth S. Abraham & Daniel Schwarcz, Insurance Law and Regulation (7th ed. 2020).
Evidence Harawa, Daniel Evidence, Third Edition, Fisher
Evidence Jeffress, Amy EVIDENCE
Evidence Kuhns, Richard Can't Remember
Evidence Rosen, David 2014 - No textbook required
Evidence Rosen, David Can't Remember
Evidence Rosen, David COURSEPACK
Evidence Rosen, David evidence law and practice by friedland
Evidence Rosen, David Federal Rules of Evidence 2013-2014/Learning Evidence
Evidence Rosen, David Learning Evidence
Evidence Rosen, David Learning Evidence
Evidence Rosen, David Learning Evidence, Deborah Jones Merritt & Ric Simmons (3d ed. 2015)
Evidence Rosen, David Model rules of Evidence
Evidence Rosen, David No Book
Evidence Rosen, David No Book
Evidence Rosen, David No Book
Evidence Rosen, David No Book
Evidence Rosen, David None- Professor's Handouts
Evidence Rosen, David None, professor notes
Evidence Rosen, David Professor's notes
Evidence Rosen, David Professor's notes
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Appleton, Susan can't remember - Fall 2020
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Appleton, Susan FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Appleton, Susan Modern Family Law - Weisberg, Appleton (6th edition)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Appleton, Susan Modern Family Law: Weisberg & Appleton
Federal Courts Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System, 7th ed
Federal Courts Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System, 7th ed
Federal Courts Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Sorry not sure...
Federal Income Tax Block, Cheryl FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Block, Cheryl Federal Income Taxation (Klein, Bankman, Shaviro) 16th Edition
Federal Income Tax Block, Cheryl Federal Income Taxation, Klein 14th Edition
Federal Income Tax Block, Cheryl Federal Income Taxation, Klein 14th Edition
Federal Income Tax Osgood, Russell Federal Income Taxation - Weidenbeck & Andrews 2010, 6th ed.
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Fed Income Tax, 13th - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind &
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Guerin, Postlewaite & Rosenzweig, PROBLEMS AND MATERIALS IN FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION (9th ed. forthcoming)
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Problems and Materials in Federal Income Taxation - Guerin - 6th Edition
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Andrews and Wiedenbeck, Basic Federal Income Taxation (Aspen Publishers 6th ed. 2009)
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Andrews and Wiedenbeck, Basic Federal Income Taxation, 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1454824985
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Basic Federal Income Taxation 6th ed.
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Basic Federal Income Taxation 8th ed.
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Federal Income Taxation (Foundation Press)
Federal Income Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Wagman and Waisman. Animal Law: Cases and Materials 5th ed. ISBN: 9781611632347. Carolina Academic Press.
Federal Jurisdiction Drobak, John Federal Courts & Federal System
Federal Jurisdiction Drobak, John Federal Jurisdiction
Federal Jurisdiction Drobak, John Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System, (Sixth Ed. 2009)
Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure Drobak, John Federal Jurisdiction
Foreign Relations Waters, Melissa Curtis A. Bradley, Ashley Deeks, & Jack Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials (7th ed.)
Free Speech Magarian, Greg First Amendment Law, 5th Edition, Sullivan and Gunther
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Mersmann, Tomea Introduction to the US Legal System
Health Law Sachs, Rachel Clark, Fuse Brown, Gatter, McCuskey, and Pendo. The Law of Healthcare Organization and Finance. 2022 9th Ed. ISBN: 9781684677139. West Academic Publishing.
Health Law Sachs, Rachel FURROW, ET AL., HEALTH LAW: CASES, MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS (8th ed. 2018)
Health Law Sepper, Elizabeth Health Law
Health Law Sepper, Elizabeth Health Law 7th Ed. Furrow, Greaney, Johnson, Jost, Schwartz
Immigration Law Herbert-Meyer, Katie Immigration Law and Policy (Legomsky)
Immigration Law Legomsky, Stephen Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy (5th Ed, Lemomsky)
Immigration Law Legomsky, Stephen IMMIGRATION LAW
Immigration Law Legomsky, Stephen IMMIGRATION LAW
Immigration Law Legomsky, Stephen Immigration Law and Policy (Legomsky)
Immigration Law Meyer, Katie Immigration and refugee law and policy(university casebook series) 7th edition. Stephen Legomsky, David Thronson
Immigration Law Meyer, Katie Immigration Law and Policy (Legomsky)
Information Privacy Richards, Neil Privacy & Data Protection Law 2nd Edition by William McGeveran
Information Privacy Richards, Neil Privacy & Data Protection Law by William McGeveran
Information Privacy Richards, Neil Privacy & Data Protection Law by William McGeveran
Information Privacy Richards, Neil William McGeveran, Privacy and Data Protection Law
Intellectual Property Baker, Scott A. 2014 - No Textbook Used
Intellectual Property Baker, Scott A. David W. Barnes, John M. Conley, Integrated Intellectual Property cases, materials, and statutes
Intellectual Property Chiang, Tun-Jen Margreth Barrett, Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials (4th ed. West)
Intellectual Property Collins, Kevin Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, 5th Edition, Merges, Menell and Lemley
Intellectual Property McManis, Charles Intellectual Property (Dreyfuss, Kwall)
Intellectual Property Survey Baker, Scott A. Integrated Intellectual Property, Barnes&Conley, 2016
International Commercial Arbitration Khan, Imad None
International Criminal Law Sadat, Leila PAUST, BASSIOUNI, ET AL., INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW (4th ed. 2013)
International Law Peil, Michael Damrosch, Henkin, Murphy & Smit, INTERNATIONAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (5th Ed. 2009)
International Law Sadat, Leila International Law, Cases and Commentary
International Law Sadat, Leila INTERNATIONAL LAW: CASES AND COMMENTARY (5TH ED. 2014) (J&N).
International Law Sadat, Leila Janis and Noyes. International Law: Cases and Commentary 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314280411. West.
International Law Sadat, Leila Mark W. Janis & John E. Noyes, International Law: Cases and Commentary (4th ed.)
International Law Waters, Melissa International Law (3rd Edition) - Janis, Noyes
Investment Banking and Private Equity Tuch, Andrew no textbook Professor assigned readings instead
Labor Law Crain, Marion Labor Law: Cases and Materials
Land Use Mandelker, Daniel Mandelker, et al., Planning and Control of Development: Cases and Materials (10th ed.)
Law and Economics De Geest, Gerrit Hand-outs
Law and Psychology Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca N/A
Law and Psychology Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca N/A (No text book)
Law and Psychology Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca N/A (No text book)
Lawyer's Ethics Rosen, David I don't remember
Lawyer's Ethics Rosen, David Model Professional Rules of Ethics
Lawyer's Ethics Rosen, Hon. Gerald E. None - Class Materials
Lawyer's Ethics Rosen, David Problems, Cases, and Materials in Professional Responsibility, 3rd edition, Devine
Legal Profession Clark, Kathleen Professor's Material
Legal Profession Joy, Peter Professional Responsibility: A Contemporary Approach (4th ed. 2020)
Legal Profession Kuehn, Bob ethical problems in the practice of law concise version
Legal Profession Kuehn, Bob Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Legal Research Bertram, Dorie Legal Reasoning, Writing, and Other Lawyering Skills Third Edition
Legal Research Bondareff, Hyla Can't Remember
Legislation Levin, Ronald No Book
Legislation Magarian, Greg Eskridge et al's Legislation and Regulation
Legislation Magarian, Greg Eskridge, Jr., Brudney, Chafetz, Frickey and Garrett. Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 6th ed.: 9781683281832
Legislation Magarian, Greg Eskridge, Jr., Brudney, Chafetz, Frickey and Garrett. Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 6th ed.: 9781683281832
Local Government Mandelker, Daniel State and Local Government
Media Law Hoppenjans, Lisa Franklin, Anderson, Lidsky & Gajda, Mass Media Law (9th ed., 2016)
Media Litigation Lipman, Benjamin Can't Remember
Mediation Kuchta-Miller, Jessica RESOLVING DISPUTES: THEORY, PRACTICE & LAW,
Merger and Acquisitions Frankenreiter, Jens Hill, Quinn & Davidoff Solomon, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS: Law, Theory and Practice (2nd ed. 2019)
Merger and Acquisitions Frankenreiter, Jens Hill, Quinn, and Davidoff Solomon, Mergers and Acquisitions: Law, Theory, and Practice, 2d edition
National Security Law Berman, Emily Materials Provided by Prof
Natural Resources Law Heisel, Edward Natural Resource Law
Natural Resources Law Heisel, Edward Natural Resources Law, Fifth Edition
Natural Resources Law Heisel, Edward Natural Resources Law: A Place-Based Book of Problems and Cases by Klein, Birdsong, Klass, Biber & Owen (5th ed., Aspen Publishing)
Negotiations Hollander-Blumoff, Rebecca Rau, Sherman & Peppet, "Negotiation" + Fisher & Ury "Getting to Yes"
Nonprofit Organizations Ruger, Peter None; handouts
Partnership Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Yin & Burke, Partnership Taxation (3th ed. 2020)
Partnership Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Don't Remember
Partnership Tax Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Fundamentals of Partnership Taxation
Patent Collins, Kevin Patent Law 4th Edition - Janice Mueller
Patent Collins, Kevin Patent Law and Policy Cases and Materials Eighth Edition by Robert Patrick Merges, John Fitzgerald Duffy
Patent Collins, Kevin PATENT LAW AND POLICY, Eighth Edition 2021 - , Robert Merges & John Duffy
Patent Collins, Kevin Patent Law and Policy, Sixth Edition (Merges)
Patent Kieff, F. Scott PATENT LAW
Patent Kieff, F. Scott Patent Law and Policy
Patent Kieff, F. Scott Principles of Patent law
Patent Kieff, F. Scott Principles of Patent Law, 4th Ed., Kieff, Newman, Schwartz, Smith
Patent Kieff, F. Scott Principles of Patent Law, 4th Ed., Kieff, Newman, Schwartz, Smith
Patent Sachs, Rachel Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 7th ed. ISBN 9781632824516. California Academic Press.
Privacy Law Richards, Neil Privacy and Information Data Law
Professional Responsibility Franck, Susan Traversing the Ethical Minefield: Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility
Property I Becker, David M. Property (Dukeminier & Krier, 5th ed.)
Property I Blankfein-Tabachnick, David Merrill & Smith, Property: Principles and Policies (2nd ed. 2012)
Property I Carfield, Maggi Dukemeiner
Property I Carfield, Maggi Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Carfield, Maggi unknown
Property I Carter-Johnson, Jennifer Property, Merrill and Smith
Property I Clark, Mary Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Clowney, Stephen Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Crusto, Mitchell unknown
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781599415765. Foundation Press. 
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle THOMAS W. MERRILL & HENRY E. SMITH, PROPERTY (3d ed. 2016) [ISBN: 1628101024 / ISBN-13: 9781628101027]
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle THOMAS W. MERRILL & HENRY E. SMITH, PROPERTY (3d ed. 2016)
Property I D'Onfro, Danielle THOMAS W. MERRILL & HENRY E. SMITH, PROPERTY (3d ed. 2016)
Property I Dinner, Deborah Merril Smith
Property I Dinner, Deborah Property - Smith & Merrill (2007)
Property I Dinner, Deborah Property Principles and Policy, Thomas W. Merril
Property I Dinner, Deborah Property: Principles And Policies (University Casebook) 1st Edition by Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith ISBN-10: ‎1599410117 ISBN-13: ‎978-1599410111
Property I Drobak, John Cases & Texts on PROPERTY, Fifth Edition
Property I Drobak, John Compiled Casebook (pdf)
Property I Drobak, John Helmholz
Property I Eggert, David Corletta and Sprankling
Property I Gunn, Steven Property Law and the Public Interest: Cases and Materials by G. Hylton, D. Callies, P. Franzese & D
Property I Helmholz, Richard Burke Fundamentals of Property Law, 5th Edition
Property I Helmholz, Richard Burke, Burkhart & Helmholz, Fundamentals of Property Law (4d ed)
Property I Helmholz, Richard fifth edition of Fundamentals of Property Law
Property I Helmholz, Richard Property
Property I Jost, Timothy unknown
Property I Klein, Christine Dukeminier et al, Property, (10th Ed. 2022). ISBN 9781543838497. Aspen Publishing
Property I Klein, Christine Property Law: Cases, Problems, and Skills, Third Edition
Property I Konig, David T. Custom
Property I Konig, David T. Wolters Kluwer
Property I Mandelker, Daniel Hylton, Callies, Mandelker & Franzese, Property Law and the Public 
Interest (3rd ed.)
Property I Mandelker, Daniel Property - Mandelker
Property I Minzner, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Minzner, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Minzner, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Minzner, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Rosenbury, Laura Property - Dukemineier, Krier, Alexander, Schill 6th Ed
Property I Sachs, Rachel Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Sachs, Rachel Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Sachs, Rachel Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Sachs, Rachel Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Tp gallanis Property
Property I Whitman, Dale Contemporary Property - Nelson, Stoebuck, & Whitman
Property I Whitman, Dale Contemporary Property - Nelson, Stoebuck, & Whitman
Property I Whitman, Dale Nelson, Stoebuck, & Whitman's Contemporary Property
Property II Minzner, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Real Estate Transactions Goldstein, Jonathan I. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS
Real Estate Transactions Salsich, Peter Real Estate Transactions, 2d ed., Malloy and Smith,
Regulating Drugs and Other Medical Products Dresser, Rebecca Law, Medicine, and Medical Techology by Lars Noah - 2nd Edition
Religion and the Constitution Inazu, John Course Packet Spring 2018
Religion and the Constitution Inazu, John Inazu Course Pack
Religion and the Constitution Inazu, John Professor did not have a textbook.
Remedies Perry, Mary Charles L. Knapp, Nathan M. Crystal & Harry G. Prince, Problems in Contract Law (7th ed. 2012)
Remedies Perry, Mary Modern American Remedies by Douglas Laycock; Aspen Publishers, Fourth Edition, 2010.
Remedies Perry, Mary Remedies: Cases and Material- Laycock
Sales Keating, Daniel L. Keating, Sales: A Systems Approach (Wolters Kluwer 6th ed. 2016)
Securities Regulation Buell, Sam SECURITIES REGULATIONS
Securities Regulation Sale, Hillary Coffee & Sale - Securities Regulation Cases and Materials (12th Ed 2012)
Securities Regulation Seligman, Joel Casebook: Securities Regulation Cases & Materials, 8th edition
Securities Regulation Seligman, Joel Coffee & Sale - Securities Regulation Cases and Materials
Securities Regulation Seligman, Joel Coffee & Sale, SECURITIES REGULATION - CASES AND MATERIALS (13th Ed. 2015)
Securities Regulation Seligman, Joel Cox, Hillman and Langevoort. Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (8th ed.) and Securities Regulation: Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms (2016) ISBN: 9781454886884. Wolters Kluwer.
Securities Regulation Seligman, Joel Securities Regulation (University Casebook Series) 13th Edition John Coffee
Speech, Press, and the Constitution Magarian, Greg NOAH FELDMAN & KATHLEEN M. SULLIVAN, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (21st ed.) (Foundation 2022)
State and Local Government Law Mandelker, Daniel State and Local Government in a Federal System Seventh Edition
Torts Baker, Scott A. Cases and Materials on Torts (10th ed)
Torts Baker, Scott A. Epstein - Torts - 9th ed
Torts Ellis, Dorsey Can't Remember
Torts Ellis, Dorsey The Torts Process 7th ed. - Henderson
Torts Ellis, Dorsey TORTS Case and Materials, Twerski Henderson
Torts Ellis, Dorsey Torts Process by Henderson
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine 1L Textbook
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Can't Remember
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Cases And Materials on Torts, 12th (University Casebook)" William L. Prosser
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Dobbs - Torts and Compensation. 7th
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Dobbs and Hayden, Torts and Compensation (6th ed. 2009)
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Tort Law and Practice
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Torts & Compensation, Dobbs (2009)
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Torts and Compensation, Dobbs
Torts Goldwasser, Katherine Torts Dobbs Hayden 5th Ed.
Torts Legomsky, Stephen Can't Remember
Torts Norwood, Kimberly 1L Torts
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs - Torts and Compensation. 7th
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs and Hayden, Torts and Compensation: Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Inju
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden & Bublick - Torts and Compensation. 9th Edition
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden& Bublick, Torts and Compensation (7th ed. 2013).
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden, Bublick: Torts and Compensation (8th Edition).
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden, Bublick: Torts and Compensation (8th Edition).
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Dobbs, Hayden, Bublick: Torts and Compensation (West Academic Publishing 9th Edition)
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Torts Outline
Torts Norwood, Kimberly Torts and Compensation 9th Edition
Torts Peppers, Todd Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Rozema, Kyle Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Schmudde, David Epstein- 7th Edition
Torts Schmudde, David Torts - Epstein
Torts Sepper, Elizabeth Diamond, Levine and Bernstein. Understanding Torts 5th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780769872346. LexisNexis
Torts Sepper, Elizabeth Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Tamanaha, Brian 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz
Torts Tamanaha, Brian 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz, 12th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Posner
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser & Wade Torts (11th?)
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser Wade and Schwartz, Torts Cases and Materials, 12th Edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian prosser wade and schwartz's torts cases and materials 12th edition schwartz kelly partlett
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, Torts Cases and Materials - 11th Edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade and Schwartz’s Torts: Cases and Materials, 12th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade and Schwartz’s Torts: Cases and Materials, 14th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials - 13th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials - 13th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials. - 12th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian prosser, wade, and schwartz's torts - 13th edition
Torts Tamanaha, Brian The Torts Process 6th Ed. - Henderson
Trademark McManis, Charles Intellectual Property - Lange, LeFrance, and Myers
Trademark McManis, Charles Trademark & Unfair Competition, 3d - Ginsburg, Lit
Trademark McManis, Charles Trademarks and Unfair Competition
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McManis, Charles Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McManis, Charles Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McManis, Charles Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie
Trademarks and Unfair Competition Wheelock, Bryan Barton Beebe, Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook Version 10
Trademarks and Unfair Competition Wheelock, Bryan Trademarks and Unfair Competition
Transnational Law Drumbl, Mark unknown
Transnational Litigation and Arbitration Durkee, Melissa Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice Second Edition, 2021 -
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (8th ed).
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  11th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Trusts and Estates Dukeminier
Trusts and Estates Davis, Adrienne Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen).
Trusts and Estates Foster, Frances H. Dukeminer & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th Ed. 2013)
Trusts and Estates Foster, Frances H. No Book
Trusts and Estates Foster, Frances H. Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
Trusts and Estates Foster, Frances H. Wills, Trusts & Estates Dukeminier 9th
Trusts and Estates Foster, Frances H. Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)
Trusts and Estates Maynard, Goldburn Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Trusts and Estates Moore, Kelly Trust and Estates
Trusts and Estates Osgood, Russell Wills, Trusts, and Estates
UCC Article 2 DeLong, Sidney Intro to UCC
UCC Article 2 Greenfield, Michael M. Sales and Leases
UCC Article 2 Keating, Daniel L. Keating, Sales: A Systems Approach (Wolters Kluwer 6th ed. 2016)
UCC Article 2 Keating, Daniel L. Sales A Systems Approach 7th Edition
UCC Article 2 Keating, Daniel L. UCC 2 - Sales
Zoning and Land Use Mandelker, Daniel Mandelker, et al., Planning and Control of Development: Cases and Materials (8th ed., 2011)