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Daniel Epps

Daniel Epps

School Class Text Book
Washington University School of Law Criminal Law Cases and Materials on Criminal Law - Dressler and Garvey 8th Edition
Washington University School of Law Criminal Law Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Washington University School of Law Criminal Law Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Washington University School of Law Criminal Law rC
Washington University School of Law Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed, Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime (Seventh Edition)
Washington University School of Law Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed, Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime (Seventh Edition)