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George Mason University School of Law

George Mason University School of Law

Class Professor Text Book
14th Amendment Law Somin, Ilya Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, and Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (6th ed. 2014)
Administrative and Regulatory State Mascott, Jen Cass, Diver, Beermann and Freeman. Administrative Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454866985. Wolters Kluwer.
Administrative Law Adler, Jonathan Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (5th Ed.)
Administrative Law Cecot, Caroline Hickman and Pierce. Federal Administrative Law, Cases and Materials 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781609303372. Foundation Press.
Administrative Law Cecot, Caroline Kristin E. Hickman & Richard J. Pierce, Jr., Federal Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (3d ed.) (Foundation Press, 2020).
Administrative Law Davies, Ross Aman, Rookard & Mayton, Administrative Law 4th ed. 2023 -
Administrative Law Greve, Michael Admin Law - Cases and Materials
Administrative Law Heinzerling, Lisa Administrative Law
Administrative Law Hurwitz, Justin (Gus) Federal Administrative Law Cases and Materials (2010) Hickman and Pierce
Administrative Law Menashi, Steven Federal Administrative Law, 7th edition, Gary Lawson
Administrative Law Rabkin, Jeremy Cass, Diver, Beermann and Freeman. Administrative Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454866985. Wolters Kluwer.
Administrative Law Rabkin, Jeremy Federal Administrative Law, 6th Edition, Gary Lawson
Administrative Law Rabkin, Jeremy Lawson, Federal Administrative Law, 5th ed.
Administrative Law Sales, Nathan Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Administrative Law Sales, Nathan Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman) 6th ed.
Administrative Law Sales, Nathan Administrative Law Cases and Materials by Cass, Diver, Beermann, Freeman, Sixth Edition
Administrative Law Sales, Nathan Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (5th Ed.)
Administrative Law Sales, Nathan Can't Remember
Administrative Law Walden, Greg Aviation Law
Administrative Law White, Adam Hickman and Pierce. Federal Administrative Law, Cases and Materials 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781609303372. Foundation Press.
Administrative Law Wright, Jay Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Administrative Law Wright, Jay Cass, Diver, Beerman & Freeman, Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (6 th Ed. 2011)
Antitrust Abbott, Alden Antitrust
Antitrust Dillbary, J. Shahar No Casebook
Antitrust Ginsburg, Douglas H. Andrew I. Gavil, William E. Kovacic, Jonathan B. Baker, and Joshua D. Wright, Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts and Problems in Competition Policy (2016) (3rd Edition).
Antitrust Ginsburg, Douglas H. ELHAUGE & GERADIN, GLOBAL ANTITRUST LAW AND ECONOMICS (2d edition 2011)
Antitrust Johnsen, D. Bruce Antitrust Law Cases and Analysis
Antitrust Kelly, Michael S. Antitrust Law in Perspective (Gavil)
Antitrust Sayyed, Bilal Francis and Sprigman
Antitrust Wright, Joshua Antitrust - Hovenkamp
Antitrust Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law in Perspective: 3rd Edition (Gavil, Kovacic, Baker & Wright)
Antitrust Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law In Perspective: Cases, Concepts And Problems In Competition Policy, 2d.
Antitrust Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law In Perspective: Cases, Concepts And Problems In Competition Policy, 2d. (2008)
Antitrust Wright, Joshua Don't Remember
Antitrust Law Abbott, Alden Antitrust Law in Perspective (Gavil)
Antitrust Law Ginsburg, Douglas H. Elhauge & Geradin, Global Competition Law and Economics 2d ed.
Antitrust Law Sayyed, Bilal No Book
Antitrust Law Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law In Perspective: Cases, Concepts And Problems In Competition Policy, 2d.
Antitrust Law Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law In Perspective: Cases, Concepts And Problems In Competition Policy, 2d.
Antitrust Law Wright, Joshua Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts and Problems in Competition Policy, 3d. (Gavil, Kovacic, Baker & Wright)
Bankruptcy Young, Craig Bankruptcy Law, Charles J. Tabb, Ralph Brubaker.
Bankruptcy Zywicki, Todd Bankruptcy - Epstein 3rd
Bankruptcy Zywicki, Todd Cases, Problems, and Materials on Bankruptcy, 4th Edition 2007, Baird, Jackson, and Adler
Bankruptcy Zywicki, Todd Don't Remember
Business Associations Bradford, Laura Business Associations, Allen et. al.
Business Associations Bradford, Laura Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, 3rd Ed., Allen, Kraakman, Subramanian
Business Associations Hutchison, Harry Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Business Associations Hutchison, Harry Business Associations Cases and Materials on Agency Partnerships and Corporations
Business Associations Johnsen, D. Bruce Corporations & Other Business Associations 2007 : Charles O'Kelly, Robert B. Thompson
Business Associations Kidd, Jeremy BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Business Associations Lerner, Craig Business Associations Klien 6th edition
Business Associations Lerner, Craig casebook method
Business Associations Lerner, Craig Klein
Business Associations Lerner, Craig Klein
Business Associations Saguato, Paolo Hwang and Saguato's Business Associations: A Modern Approach
Business Associations Saguato, Paolo The required text for this course is Hwang & Saguato, Business Associations: A Modern Approach (forthcoming with Foundation Press).
Business Associations Saguato, Paolo William Klein, J. Ramseyer, Stephen Bainbridge, Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations, Foundation Press (10th ed. 2018).
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization 3d. ed. - Allen, Kraakman, Subramanain
Business Associations Verret, J.W. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations-Allen, Kraakman, Subramanian 2nd Edition
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Johnsen, D. Bruce Corporations and other business organizations: cas
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Verret, J.W. Allen Kraakman & Subramanian Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization 4th Ed 2012
Civil Procedure I Crepelle, Adam Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Davies, Ross Rowe, Sherry, and Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure (4th ed. 2016)
Civil Procedure I Hayward, Allison Civil Procedure - Cases, Materials, and Questions - Fifth Edition
Civil Procedure I Hayward, Allison Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Kochan, Donald J. Civil Procedure 13th Edition Field, Kaplan, Clermont
Civil Procedure I Kontorovich, Eugene Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Kontorovich, Eugene Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations 7th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454815488. Aspen Publishers.
Civil Procedure I Kontorovich, Eugene Glannon, Perlman, & Raven-Hansen. CIVIL PROCEDURE: A COURSEBOOK 4th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Mazo, Eugene 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon
Civil Procedure I Menashi, Steven Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations 7th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454815488. Aspen Publishers.
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Jonathan Civ Pro Miller Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Jonathan Civil Procedure- Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff (10th Edition)
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Jonathan Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials 10th ed. - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher 2012 - No Textbook
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher 2017 - no Textbook
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher 2019 No textbook required
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Cass, Diver, Beermann and Freeman. Administrative Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454866985. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Civ Pro Markus Redding and Sherman 4th edition
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Civil Procedure - Subrin
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Did not have a textbook
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton and Hershkoff, Civil Procedure (11th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Linda Mullinx something like that
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher N/A - cases assigned via Lexis
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher No textbook - all online cases
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher no textbook He assigned readings instead
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher None: Full Cases Read Online
Civil Procedure I Newman, Christopher Subrin, Minow, Brodin & Main, Civil Procedure Doctrine, Practice and Context (3d Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Parker, Jeffrey S. Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Parker, Jeffrey S. Civ Pro Miller Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Parker, Jeffrey S. Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Parker, Jeffrey S. Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Parker, Jeffrey S. Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (11th edition 2013: West Academic) (ISBN 978-0-314-28016- 9)
Civil Procedure I Raven-Hansen, Peter Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Schleicher, David Civ Pro Miller Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Schleicher, David Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Schleicher, David Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Schleicher, David friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Smith, Doug Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Smith, Doug Civ Pro Markus Redding and Sherman 4th edition
Civil Procedure I Smith, Doug Marcus, Redish and Sherman
Civil Procedure I Sturiale, Jennifer Civil Procedure Cases and Materials, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, and Hershkoff (11th)
Civil Procedure I Wright, Jay Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, 10th (American Casebook Series) by Jack H. Friedenthal
Civil Procedure/ADR I Davis, Michael L. CIVIL PROCEDURE: A Coursebook (Fourth Edition), by Glannon, Perlman, and Raven Hansen.
Commercial Paper Byrne, J Peter 1st Amendment Law
Commercial Paper Effros, Robert Negotiability (Byrne)
Communications Berresford, John W. Selected cases
Communications Law and Policy Sockett, Lisa Telecommunications Law and Policy, 4th Edition, Benjamin & Speta (2015)
Communications Law and Policy Sockett, Lisa Telecommunications Law and Policy, Second Edition (2006): Douglas Gary Lichtman, Howard A. Shelansk
Computer Crimes Swaminatha, Tara Thomas K. Clancy, Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases, First Edition
Constitutional Law I Bernstein, David 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Bernstein, David The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy by Douglas Kmiec, Stephen Presser
Constitutional Law I Bernstein, David The American Constiutional Order
Constitutional Law I Bernstein, David unknown-but one that is not keyed to anything
Constitutional Law I Claeys, Eric The Constitution of the United States by Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, and Bray
Constitutional Law I Greve, Michael Ernest A. Young., The Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States
Constitutional Law I Greve, Michael Ernest A. Young., The Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States
Constitutional Law I Greve, Michael Michael Stokes Paulsen et al., The Constitution of the United States
Constitutional Law I Greve, Michael Michael Stokes Paulsen et al., The Constitution of the United States
Constitutional Law I Greve, Michael The Constitution of the the United States Second Edition
Constitutional Law I Kontorovich, Eugene FELDMAN & SULLIVAN, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (20tth edition) (2019)
Constitutional Law I Kontorovich, Eugene FELDMAN & SULLIVAN, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (21st edition) (2022)
Constitutional Law I Kontorovich, Eugene Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest et al., Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2015)
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest, et al., Process of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Aspen, 5th Edition, 2006; Robert McCloskey
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (5th Ed, 2006)
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (7th ed. 2018).
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials, (Aspen, 7th ed. 2018)
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisiomaking
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Constitutional Law, Cases and Materials, by Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, 5th ed
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson Textbook Unknown
Constitutional Law I Lund, Nelson unknown
Constitutional Law I Mascott, Jen Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781628103083. West.
Constitutional Law I Mascott, Jen Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 6th ed. ISBN: 9781685616311.
Constitutional Law I Nelson Lund unknown
Constitutional Law I Rao, Neomi Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional
Constitutional Law I Rao, Neomi Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (5th Ed, 2006)
Constitutional Law I Rao, Neomi Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Rao, Neomi Process of Constitutional Decision Making
Constitutional Law I Rao, Radhika Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law I Somin, Ilya Brest
Constitutional Law I Somin, Ilya Brest & Levinson, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, 7th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Somin, Ilya Brest et al., Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2015)
Constitutional Law I Somin, Ilya Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (6th Ed, 2014)
Constitutional Law I Somin, Ilya Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law II Bernstein, David Barnett and Katz. Constitutional Law: Cases in Context. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781454806929. Wolters Kluwer.
Constitutional Law II Bernstein, David Can't Remember
Constitutional Law II Bernstein, David CON LAW
Constitutional Law II Bernstein, David Individual Rights and the American Constitution
Constitutional Law II Bernstein, David Individual Rights and the American Constitution
Constitutional Law II Hayward, Allison Constitutional Law: Cases in Context (Aspen 2008) - Barnett
Constitutional Law II Hayward, Allison Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law II Hayward, Allison Schulhofer, Kadish
Constitutional Law II Ilya somin unknown
Constitutional Law II Lupu, Chip Gregory Maggs & Peter Smith, Constitutional Law (West, 2009)
Constitutional Law II Somin, Ilya 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law II Somin, Ilya Brest Livingston
Consumer Protection Cooper, James C. He uses a PDF of different texts for the class.
Contracts Boardman, Michelle contract
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law & Theory - Scott & Kraus
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law & Theory 5th Edition Scott Kraus
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory (2013) (978-0769848945) by Robert E. Scott, Jody S. Kraus
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (4th ed.)
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Knapp, Charles. Rules of Contract Law: Selections From the Uniform Code 2017-2018 Statutory Supplement ISBN: 9781454875345. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Boardman, Michelle Robert E. Scott & Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th ed. 2013)
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. 1L Contracts Knapp
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law & Theory 5th Edition Scott Kraus
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law & Theory 5th Edition Scott Kraus
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott (Author), Jody S. Kraus (Author)
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th ed.)
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th ed.)
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Scott & Kraus, Contract Law & Theory (5th ed. 2013)
Contracts Buckley, Francis H. Scott, Kraus Contract Law 5th Ed.
Contracts Byrne, James 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Byrne, James Contracts - Cases and Materials; Farnsworth & Young; 6th Ed.
Contracts Byrne, J Peter Contracts - Cases and Materials; Farnsworth & Young; 6th Ed.
Contracts Byrne, James Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Byrne, James Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Byrne, James Contracts Cases and Materials; Farnsworth & Young 7th ed.
Contracts Davies, Ross Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Davies, Ross Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Davies, Ross Contract Law and Theory, Scott and Kruas, Fourth Edition
Contracts Davies, Ross Contracts
Contracts Lu, Yijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) (5th Edition) 978-0769848945
Contracts Lu, Yijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts Lu, Yijia Scott and Kraus, Contract Law and Theory 5th ed.
Contracts Lu, Yijia Scott, Kraus Contract Law 5th Ed.
Contracts Lu, Yijia Scott, Kraus Contract Law 5th Ed.
Contracts Neyland, Jordan ROBERT E. SCOTT AND JODY S. KRAUS, CONTRACT LAW AND THEORY (5th edition).
Contracts Neyland, Jordan Scott & Kraus, Contract Law and Theory, Fifth Edition, 2013
Contracts O'Connor, Sean Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials, Knapp et al. 10th ed., Aspen 2023 -
Contracts Pi, Daniel Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts Pi, Daniel Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition, Robert E. Scott (Author),‎ Jody S. Kraus (Author) ISBN-13: 978-0769848945 ISBN-10: 076984894X
Contracts Pi, Daniel Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus CONTRACT LAW AND THEORY (5th ed.).
Contracts Pi, Daniel Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus CONTRACT LAW AND THEORY (5th ed.).
Contracts Rao, Weijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) (5th Edition) 978-0769848945
Contracts Rao, Weijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott (Author), Jody S. Kraus (Author)
Contracts Rao, Weijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott (Author), Jody S. Kraus (Author)
Contracts Rao, Weijia Contract Law and Theory (Scott, Kraus)
Contracts Wright, Joshua Can't Remember
Contracts Wright, Richard Contract Law and Theory
Contracts Wright, Joshua Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts Zywicki, Todd Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts Zywicki, Todd Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts Zywicki, Todd No Book
Contracts Zywicki, Todd Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory 6th ed. 2023 -
Contracts Zywicki, Todd Scott and Kraus, Contract Law and Theory 4th Ed.
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Can't Remember
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law & Theory, 5th ed. (Scott & Kraus)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (4th ed.)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus, (Revised 3rd Ed.)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus, (Revised 3rd Ed.)
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts II Boardman, Michelle Don't Remember
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. 1L Contracts Knapp
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. Contract Law and Theory 4th Edition, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th ed.)
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th ed.)
Contracts II Buckley, Francis H. Scott and Kraus, 4th Ed.
Contracts II Byrne, James Cases and Materials on Contracts, 7th Ed. by Farnsworth
Contracts II Byrne, James Contracts - Farnsworth; Contract Law: Selected Source Materials, 2007 Ed. - Burton, Eisenberg.
Contracts II Davies, Ross Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus, (Revised 3rd Ed.)
Contracts II Davies, Ross Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts II Davies, Ross No Book
Contracts II Lu, Yijia Contract Law and Theory (2013) (5th Edition) 978-0769848945
Contracts II Lu, Yijia Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th 2014)
Contracts II Lu, Yijia Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus, Contract Law and Theory (5th 2014)
Contracts II Pi, Daniel Contracts: Cases and Materials by Kessler, Friedrich
Contracts II Rao, Weijia Contract Law & Theory 5th Edition Scott Kraus
Contracts II Wright, Joshua Contract Law & Theory - Scott & Kraus
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd Contract Law and Theory 4th Edition, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd Contract Law and Theory 4th Edition, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd Contract Law and Theory 4th Edition, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd Contract Law and Theory, 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Contracts II Zywicki, Todd No Book
Copyright Dannenberg, Ross Copyright law
Copyright Dannenberg, Ross Copyright, A Contemporary Approach, Brauneis
Copyright Newman, Christopher Copyright - Gorman & Ginsburg
Copyright Newman, Christopher Fromer and Sprigman, Copyright Law - Cases and Materials v2.0
Copyright Newman, Christopher Gorman & Ginsburg, Copyright: Cases and Materials (7th edition)
Copyright Wright, Brad COPYRIGHT
Corporate Acquisitions Ashton, Kendrick The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions, Dale A. Oesterle, American Casebook Series (4th Edition)
Corporate Acquisitions Hutchison, Harry Acquisitions and Takeovers
Corporate Acquisitions Segal, Tom The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions, Dale A. Oesterle, American Casebook Series (3rd Edition)
Corporate Income Tax Holmes, Rachelle Corporate Taxation - Diane Block
Corporate Income Tax Poulsen, Ross Schwarz & Lathrope, FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION (10th ed. 2018).
Corporate Taxation Holmes, Rachelle Can't Remember
Corporate Taxation Holmes, Rachelle Corporate Taxation - Diane Block
Corporate Taxation Katz, Adam Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 10th ed. 2021 ISBN: 9781647088804. Foundation Press.
Corporate Taxation Perkins, Rachelle Schwarz and Lathrope, FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION 10th ed. 2019 -
Corporate Taxation Perkins, Rachelle UNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope & Rosenberg (8th ed. 2012)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Johnsen, D. Bruce Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations by Klein, Ramse
Criminal Law Clark, Randall Criminal Law and Its Processes (7th ed. 2001) Kadish & Schulhofer
Criminal Law Jeffrey parker unknown
Criminal Law Kerr, Orin Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law Leider, Robert Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Leider, Robert Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Leider, Robert Dressler, CRIMINAL LAW 9th ed. 2022 -
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig 1L - Criminal Law - Kadish 10th edition
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Criminal Law
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 9th Edition)
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Criminal Law and Its Processes by Kadish, Schulhofer & Steiker (8th Edition)
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook Series), 9th Edition
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Lerner, Craig Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Meyers, Erin Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Mungan, Murat Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael Criminal Law -- Dressler
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael Criminal Law - Dressler, 4th Ed.
Criminal Law O'Neill, Michael No Book
Criminal Law Parker, Jeffrey S. CRIMINAL LAW & ITS PROCESSES, Kadish, 9th Edition
Criminal Law Parker, Jeffrey S. CRIMINAL LAW & ITS PROCESSES, Kadish, 9th Edition
Criminal Law Parker, Jeffrey S. criminal law and its processes 8th ed. Kadish
Criminal Law Polsby, Daniel Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Criminal Law and Its Processes 9th edit. Kadish
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Joshua Dressler & Stephen Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (9th ed. 2022)
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Joshua Dressler & Stephen Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (Sixth Edition)
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Joshua Dressler & Stephen Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (Sixth Edition)
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Joshua Dressler & Stephen Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 7th edition
Criminal Law Shannon, Steve Joshua Dressler Casea and Materials on Criminal Law 5th Ed
Criminal Law Treyger, Elina Criminal Law and Its Processes 9th edit. Kadish
Criminal Law Treyger, Elina Don't Remember
Criminal Law Treyger, Elina Kadish, Schulhofer, Steiker and Barkow. Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials 9th ed. 2012 ISBN: 9781454817550. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure Baldrate, Brian Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, by Saltzburg, D
Criminal Procedure Fitzpatrick, Dennis Joshua Dressler and George C. Thomas, III, Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime, Fifth Ed. (2013)
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig American Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig American Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary, 8th ed. Saltzburg and Capra
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary, 8th ed. Saltzburg and Capra
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig American Criminal Procedure-Investigative, 10th edition, Saltzburg
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig Crim Pro, 7th - Saltzburg & Capra
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig Saltzburg & Capra
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Investigative 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285591. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure Lerner, Craig Saltzburg, Capra, and Gray, American Criminal Procedure: Investigative (12th ed. 2022)
Criminal Procedure Lord, David Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285577. West.
Criminal Procedure Lord, David Salzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure, Investigative: Cases and Commentary 11th ed. ISBN-13:978-1683289883. West Academic Publishing
Criminal Procedure Morris, Larry American Criminal Procedure: Investigative, Saltzburg & Capra, 8th Ed.
Criminal Procedure O'Neill, Michael American Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure O'Neill, Michael CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure O'Neill, Michael Criminal Procedure Saltzburg, et al.
Criminal Procedure O'Neill, Michael Saltzburg & Capra, American Criminal Procedure: Cases & Commentary (Eighth Edition)
Criminal Procedure Thacher, Jonathan Criminal Procedure and the Constitution, Israel, Kamisar, LaFave, King
Criminal Procedure Treyger, Elina 2016 Criminal Procedure Textbook-Dressler/Thomas
Criminal Procedure Treyger, Elina Joshua Dressler and George C. Thomas, III. Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime, Fifth Ed. (2012)
Criminal Procedure Treyger, Elina Joshua Dressler and George C. Thomas, III. Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime, Fourth Ed 2010
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Lord, David American Criminal Procedure: Adjudication – Cases and Commentary, 12th Edition by Stephen A. Saltzburg and Daniel J. Capra (ISBN-978-1-647408- 645-9).
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Polsby, Daniel Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Investigative 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285591. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Treyger, Elina Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King, Kerr, and Primus, Advanced Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments and Qu
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Lord, David American Criminal Procedure: Investigative – Cases and Commentary, 11th Edition by Stephen A. Saltzburg and Daniel J. Capra (ISBN-10: 1683289889; ISBN-13: 978-1683289883.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Lord, David Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Investigative 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285591. West Academic Publishing.
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Butler, Henry Butler, Drahozal & Shepherd, Economic Analysis for Lawyers (3rd ed. 2014, Carolina Academic Press)
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Butler, Henry Economic Analysis for Lawyers
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Cooper, James C. Butler, Drahozal & Shepherd, Economic Analysis for Lawyers (3rd ed. 2014, Carolina Academic Press)
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Cooper, James C. Butler, Henry. Economic Analysis for Lawyers, Third Edition
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Cooper, James C. Henry N. Butler, Joanna Shepherd Bailey & Christopher R. Drahozal, Economic Analysis for Lawyers (3rd ed.)
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Johnsen, D. Bruce Economic Analysis of Law for Lawyers, Butler 2nd. Edition
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Johnsen, D. Bruce Economic Analysis of Law for Lawyers, Butler 2nd. Edition
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Johnsen, D. Bruce Law and Economics
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Johnsen, D. Bruce Law and Economics
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Stevenson, Megan Butler, Henry. Economic Analysis for Lawyers, Third Edition
Economic Foundations of Legal Studies Wright, Joshua Butler, Henry. Economic Analysis for Lawyers, Third Edition
Economics for Lawyers Garoupa, Nuno Butler. Economic Analysis for Lawyers, 3rd ed.
Economics for Lawyers Garoupa, Nuno Butler. Economic Analysis for Lawyers, 3rd ed.
Election Law Hayward, Allison Election Law
Employment Discrimination Henter, Charles Varies per semester
Employment Discrimination Kordek, Kathleen A. 2018 - No Textbook
Employment Discrimination Mollen, Neal Don't Remember (Spring 2023)
Employment Discrimination Rosenblum, Jeff Employment Discrimination: Law and Theory (Rutherglen and Donohue, 2nd Ed.)
Employment Law Henter, Charles Don't Remember
Employment Law Henter, Charles employment law willborn & Schwabb (5th)
Employment Law Henter, Charles Employment Law: Cases and Materials by Willborn, Schwab, Burton, and Lester (6th ed. 2017)
Employment Law Henter, Charles Employment Law: Cases and Materials by Willborn, Schwab, Burton, and Lester (6th ed. 2017)
Employment Law Hutchison, Harry Employment Law
Employment Law Hutchison, Harry Employment Law
Employment Law Kordek, Kathleen A. Employment Law Rothstein Sixth Edition
Employment Law Mollen, Neal Estreicher, Harper, and Tippett, Cases and Materials on Employment Law: the Field as Practiced (5th Ed. American Casebook Series)
Environmental Law Mehan, G. Tracy Environmental Law In Context: Cases and Materials, Second Edition by Robin Kundis Craig (Thomson/Wes
Environmental Law Mehan, G. Tracy Environmental Law in Context: Cases and Materials, Third Edition
Estate and Gift Tax D'Aversa, Carmina Paul R. McDaniel, et al., Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation Case and Materials, Foundation Press, Seventh Edition, ISBN 9781609300098
Evidence Bernstein, David Mueller and Kirkpatrick, Evidence under the Rules (9th Edition, 2018)
Evidence Davis, Michael L. Generic Evidence Textbook (Blue Cover)
Evidence McNichols, John Evidence: Cases and Materials (12th ed.), by Roger C. Park & Richard D. Friedman
Evidence McNichols, John Evidence: Cases and Materials (13th ed.), by Roger C. Park & Richard D. Friedman
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. casebook method
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. CASES AND MATERIALS ON EVIDENCE (11TH) - WALTZ & P
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. CASES AND MATERIALS ON EVIDENCE, by Park & Friedman (Foundation Press, 13th Ed. 2019, ISBN-978-1634603423).
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Evidence by Park and Friedman, 12th Edition (2013)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Evidence by Park and Friedman, 12th Edition (2013)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Evidence Cases and Materials by Park & Friedman (twelfth edition)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Evidence Cases and Materials, Park and Waltz (Updated 10th Edition)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Evidence, Waltz, Park, Friedman, 11th edition
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Park & Friedman, Evidence (12th ed. 2013: Foundation Press)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. Park and Friedman; Evidence (12th ed. 2013: Foundation Press)
Evidence Parker, Jeffrey S. unknown
Evidence Smith, Loren Evidence Cases and Materials by Park & Friedman (twelfth edition)
Evidence Wooldridge, Robert Evidence by Park
Evidence Wooldridge, Robert No Book
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Domestic Relations
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Family Law - 7th Edition - Krause
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Family Law Krause, Elrod, Garrison, and Oldham 2007
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Family Law 5th Ed. Krause
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen FAMILY LAW FROM MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES: CASES AND COMMENTS
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Krause, Elrod, & Oldham, Family Law: Cases, Comments and Questions (7th ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Krause, Elrod, & Oldham, Family Law: Cases, Comments and Questions (West: 8th ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Alvare, Helen Krause, Elrod, Garrison & Oldham, Family Law: Cases, Comments and Questions (6th ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kirk, Elizabeth Krause, Elrod & Oldham, Family Law: Cases, Comments and Questions West: 8th ed - .
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Olson, Nathan VA Code Sections- VA Specific Coourse
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Smith, Stephanie Cant Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Smith, Loren Family Law, Cases, Comments and Questions by Harry D. Krause 6th Edition
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Smith, Dennis J. Virginia Family Law: Theory, Practice & Forms (Swisher, Diehl & Cottrell, 2009)
FDA Law Lietzan, Erika Cases and Materials: Food and Drug Law (Fourth Edition) by Peter Barton Hutt, Richard A. Merrill, an
Federal Courts Cooper, James C. Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System, (Sixth Ed. 2009)
Federal Courts Greve, Michael Fallon, Manning, Meltzer, & Shapiro, The Federal Courts and the Federal System (7th Ed. 2015). ISBN: 9781609304270
Federal Courts Greve, Michael Hart & Wechsler's Federal Court & Federal System - 7th edition
Federal Courts Morrow, Erin Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Income Tax Chorvat, Terrence R. Federal Taxation
Federal Income Tax Chorvat, Terrence R. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Chorvat, Terrence R. Klein, Bankman, Shaviro. Federal Income Tax.
Federal Income Tax Chorvat, Terrence R. Unknown-Fall 2012
Federal Income Tax Perkins, Rachelle Bankman, Shaviro & Stark, Federal Income Taxation (18th ed. 2018)
Financial Regulation Saguato, Paolo Barr, Jackson, & Tahyar: Financial Regulation: Law and Policy
First Amendment Lukianoff, Greg Constitutional Law - Sullivan & Feldman 18th Ed
First Amendment Newman, Christopher Hellman Araiza Baker Bhagwat FIRST AMENDMENT LAW: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND FREEDOM OF RELIGION (4 th ed. 2018)
Food and Drug Law Hoffman, Joel E. No Book
Food and Drug Law Schwartz, Mark Food and Drug Law Cases and Materials (FDL), Third Edition, Hutt, Merrill, and Grossman, Foundation
Government Contract Law Sacilotto, Kara None - Online material and handouts
Health Law Goldberg, Alan Health Law, Cases, Materials and Problems, 6th (American Casebook Series), By Barry R. Furrow, Thoma
Health Law Yeh, Susan Hall, Bobinski & Orentlicher, Medical Liability And Treatment Relationships (2nd Ed. 2008).
Immigration Law Greer, Anne No Book
Immigration Law Perry, Nicholas Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (6th edition, 2008)
Immigration Law Perry, Nicholas mmigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy, 7 Edition
Income Taxation Chorvat, Terrence R. Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION
Income Taxation Chorvat, Terrence R. Federal Income Taxation (Klein, etc.)
Income Taxation Holmes, Rachelle FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION by Klein, Bankman, Shaviro (14th ed.)
Income Taxation Holmes, Rachelle Federal Income Taxation, 15th Ed.
Intellectual Property Bradford, Laura Intellectual Property Outline
Intellectual Property Bradford, Laura No Book
Intellectual Property Claeys, Eric Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Related State Doctrines, Revised 6th Goldstein
Intellectual Property Hartline, Devlin Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2016: Vol I & II - Merges, Menell & Lemley
Intellectual Property Kobayashi, Bruce IP in the new Tech Age (Merges Menell Lemley)
Intellectual Property Kunin, Stephen Intellectual Property - Cases and Materials on TM and CR - Dreyfuss/Kwall
Intellectual Property Sturiale, Jennifer Loren and Miller - Intellectual Property
International Human Rights Law Kao, Emilie International Human Rights: Law, Politics, Morals, 3rd Ed., Steiner, Alston, & Goodman
International Law Feighery, Timothy International Law (Carter Trimble & Weiner)
International Law Israel, Brian Damrosch, Henkin, Murphy & Smit, International Law Cases
International Law Rabkin, Jeremy International Law: Cases and Commentary by Mark W. Janis; John Noyes 3rd Edition
International Law Rabkin, Jeremy International Law: Cases and Commentary by Mark W. Janis; John Noyes 3rd Edition
International Law Rabkin, Jeremy Janis & Noyes, International Law, 5th ed, 2014
Introduction to United States Law Price, Alison Outline of all course material as provided in D2L Platform.
Land Use Planning Eagle, Steven Land Use Controls: Cases and Materials, Ellickson et al., 4th ed., 2013
Land Use Planning Eagle, Steven Land Use Planning
Land Use Planning Eagle, Steven Land Use Regulation
Law and Economics Butler, Henry Economic Analysis for Lawyers
Law and Economics Butler, Henry Economic Analysis for Lawyers
Law and Economics Dillbary, J. Shahar Dillbary, Shariar and Landes, Law and Economics: Theory, Cases, and Other Materials, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4548-3389-5
Law and Economics Hazlett, Thomas Principles of Economics
Law and Economics Johnsen, D. Bruce Heyne, Boettke, Prychitko (12th Ed.)
Law and Economics Johnsen, D. Bruce The Economic Way of Thinking
Law and Economics Wright, Joshua Economic Analysis of Law for Lawyers, Butler
Legal Methods Costello, John Virginia Remedies
Legislation Somin, Ilya Eskridge, Frickey, and Garrett, Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Pub
Legislation Somin, Ilya Legislation
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Greve, Michael Eskridge, Frickey & Garrett, CASES AND MATERIALS ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION (West, 2012).
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Kleinfeld, Joshua 2015 - No Textbook
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Lund, Nelson William N. Eskridge, Philip P. Frickey, Elizabeth Garrett, & James J. Brudney, Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (West, 5th ed. 2014), ISBN: 978-1628101737
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rabkin, Jeremy Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, CASES AND MATERIALS ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION (West, 2012)
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rabkin, Jeremy Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, CASES AND MATERIALS ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION (West, 2012)
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy 5th Ed
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Rao, Neomi Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy (American Casebook Series) 4th Edition
Local Government Schleicher, David Local Government Law - Baker, Gillette
Mental Health Law Minter, Whitney None - Online material and handouts
National Security Law Dick, Darren No Book
National Security Law Dick, Darren no textbook He assigned readings instead
National Security Law Fitzpatrick, Dennis Do not remember
National Security Law Sales, Nathan National Security Law
National Security Law Sales, Nathan National Security Law
National Security Law Sales, Nathan National Security Law, 4th Edition
Partnership Tax Chorvat, Terrence R. Partnership Taxation
Patent Chiang, Tun-Jen Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy
Patent Chiang, Tun-Jen Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Patent Chiang, Tun-Jen Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials
Patent Chiang, Tun-Jen Robert Patrick Merges and John Fitzgerald Duffy, Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials (8th ed. 2021).
Patent Hartline, Devin Merges & Duffy, Patent Law and Policy, 6th Ed.
Patent Kunin, Stephen Adelman, Rader, Thomas - Cases and Materials on Patent Law - 3rd Edition
Patent Kunin, Stephen Cases and Materials on Patent Law, Third Edition by Adelman, Rader and Thomas
Patent Kunin, Stephen Patent Law by Adelman
Patent Moore, Kimberly unknown
Patent Mossoff, Adam Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition, 2013 - Merges & Duffy
Patent Vermont, Samson No Book
Patent and Know-How Licensing O'Shaughnessy, Michael Drafting Patent License Agreements
Patent Law II Chiang, Tun-Jen Merges & Duffy, Patent Law and Policy, 5th Ed.
Patent Law II Chiang, Tun-Jen Patent Law by Adelman
Patent Law II Chiang, Tun-Jen Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition, 2013 - Merges & Duffy
Patent Law II Chiang, Tun-Jen Robert Patrick Merges & John Fitzgerald Duffy, Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials (7th ed. 2017).
Patent Law II Mossoff, Adam Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Products Liability Bernstein, David PRODUCTS LIABILITY
Products Liability Bernstein, David Products Liability: Problems and Process Henderson
Professional Responsibility Burger, Arthur 2013 Compendium of Professional Responsibility
Professional Responsibility Burger, Arthur Compendium of Professional Responsibility Rules and Standards, 2010 Ed.
Professional Responsibility Burger, Arthur Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 2023 Ed. by the American Bar Association, ISBN No. 9781639052998
Professional Responsibility Holmes, Rachelle Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (Lerman & Schrag, 2nd ed.)
Professional Responsibility Holmes, Rachelle Ethical Problems inthe Practice of Law
Professional Responsibility Lemley, Charles Problems, Cases and Materials in Professional Responsibility (4th ed. 2013)
Professional Responsibility Lemley, Charles Professional Responsibility - A Contemporary Approach
Professional Responsibility Perkins, Rachelle Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law by Lerman and Schrag (3rd ed.)
Professional Responsibility Perkins, Rachelle Lerman, Schrag & Rubinson, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (Fifth Edition, 2020)
Professional Responsibility Perkins, Rachelle MRPC
Professional Responsibility Perkins, Rachelle Red Cover Prof. Responsibility Casebook
Professional Responsibility Rosenblum, Jeff Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, Third Edition, Lerman and Schrag
Professional Responsibility Rosenblum, Jeff Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Property I Alvare, Helen 1L Constitutional Law
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill’s Property, 7th edition.
Property I Alvare, Helen Dukeminier, Krier, et al, Property, 10th edition Aspen Publishing, 2022 -
Property I Alvare, Helen Property (7th ed) Jesse Dukeminier et al
Property I Claeys, Eric Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Claeys, Eric Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Claeys, Eric Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Claeys, Eric No text book, Powerpoints by professor
Property I Claeys, Eric Property
Property I Claeys, Eric Property: Principles & Policies (Merrill & Smith)
Property I Claeys, Eric Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith, Property: Principles and Policies, 2d ed.
Property I Claeys, Eric Thomas W. Merrill, Henry E. Smith & Maureen E. Brady, Property: Principles and Policies, 4th edition, 2022, Foundation Press, ISBN-13: 978-63658-367-8.c
Property I Claeys, Eric Thomas W. Merrill, Henry E. Smith & Maureen E. Brady, Property: Principles and Policies, 4th edition, 2022, Foundation Press, ISBN-13: 978-63658-367-8.c
Property I Eagle, Steven 1L Property - Dukeminier (8th Ed.)
Property I Eagle, Steven 1L Property - Dukeminier 8th Edition
Property I Eagle, Steven Can't Remember
Property I Eagle, Steven Don't Remember
Property I Eagle, Steven Dukemeiner
Property I Eagle, Steven Dukemeiner
Property I Eagle, Steven DUKEMENIER, KRIER, ALEXANDER & SCHILL, PROPERTY (7th ed. 2010)
Property I Eagle, Steven Dukeminier
Property I Eagle, Steven Merrill & Smith - Property
Property I Eagle, Steven Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Eagle, Steven Property Dukeminier 8th edition
Property I Eagle, Steven Property- Dukeminier, Krier, Alenander & Schill 7th ed.
Property I Eagle, Steven Property: Principles & Policies (Merrill & Smith)
Property I Gallanis, Thomas P. Burke, Burkhart & Gallanis, Fundamentals of Property Law, 5th ed. 2020, Carolina Academic Press, ISBN 9781531016586.
Property I Gallanis, Thomas P. Burke, Burkhart, & Gallanis, Fundamentals of Property Law (5th ed. 2020)
Property I Kochan, Donald J. Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Kochan, Donald J. Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Mossoff, Adam Don't Remember
Property I Mossoff, Adam Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781599415765. Foundation Press. 
Property I Mossoff, Adam Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Mossoff, Adam Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Mossoff, Adam Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Mossoff, Adam Property
Property I Mossoff, Adam Property book
Property I Mossoff, Adam PROPERTY, Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, & Schill (Sixth Edition, Aspen)
Property I Mossoff, Adam Property: principles and policies (4th ed. 2022)
Property I Mossoff, Adam Property---Sixth Edition---Durkeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill
Property I Mossoff, Adam Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith, Property: Principles and Policies (2d ed. 2012)
Property I SALL, ROBERT Property
Property I Somin, Ilya Don't Remember
Property I Somin, Ilya Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Somin, Ilya Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Somin, Ilya Jesse Dukeminier, Mark Krier, Gregory Alexander, Michael Schill and Lior Strahilevitz, Property, (Aspen, 2018), 9th ed.
Property I Somin, Ilya Property
Real Estate Finance Heninger, Jeffrey Modern Real Estate Finance and Land Transfer: A Transactional Approach, 5th ed. (2012)
Real Estate Finance Heninger, Jeffrey Modern Real Estate Finance and Land Transfer: A Transactional Approach, 5th ed. (2012)
Remedies Claeys, Eric Douglas Laycock & Richard L. Hasen, Modern American Remedies (Aspen 5th ed. 2019). ISBN-13: 978-1-4548-9127-7
Remedies Cummings, Mark Virginia Remedies
Remedies Earnest, Margaret M. Don't Remember
Remedies Mossoff, Adam IDK
Remedies Smith, Loren Ames, Chafee, and Re on Remedies by Sherwin, Eisenberg & Re (Foundation Press 2012)
Remedies Smith, Loren Ames, Chafee, and Re on Remedies by Sherwin, Eisenberg & Re (Foundation Press 2012)
Secured Finance Brust, Jennifer Secured Transactions in Personal Property 9th Edition, William Warren and Steven Walt
Secured Finance Schroll, James Don't Remember
Securities Regulation Bondi, Bradley J. Don't remember spring 2023
Securities Regulation Bondi, Bradley J. Stephen J. Choi and A.C. Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis, Fifth Edition, ISBN: 9781640209718
Securities Regulation Gessler, Joshua Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Neyland, Jordan Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Sports Law Flanagan, Todd Matthew J. Mitten, Timothy Davis, N Jeremi Duru, Barbara Osborne. Sports Law and Regulation: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Fifth Edition ISBN: 9781543810813
Sports Law Kelly, Michael S. Don't Remember
Statutory Interpretation Rabkin, Jeremy Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, CASES AND MATERIAL ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION (West, 2012)
Statutory Interpretation and Legislation Somin, Ilya Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, and Brudney, Cases and Materials on Legislation: Statutes and the Creati
The Founders Constitution Rabkin, Jeremy Professors Own Packet
Torts Cecot, Caroline 1L Tort don't remember
Torts Cecot, Caroline EPSTEIN & SHARKEY, CASES AND MATERIALS ON TORTS (11th ed. 2016)
Torts Cecot, Caroline Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Cecot, Caroline Witt and Tani. Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, 5th Ed. 2020.
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Cases and Materials on Torts
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Fall 2010
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Frank J. Vandall, Ellen Wertheimer, and Mark C. Rahdert, Torts: Cases and Problems (Carolina 4th ed. 2018).
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Frank J. Vandall, Ellen Wertheimer, and Mark C. Rahdert, Torts: Cases and Problems (Carolina 4th ed. 2018).
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Frank J. Vandall, Ellen Wertheimer, and Mark C. Rahdert, Torts: Cases and Problems (Carolina 4th ed. 2018).
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Frank J. Vandall, Ellen Wertheimer, and Mark C. Rahdert, Torts: Cases and Problems (LexisNexis 3d ed. 2012)
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Frank J. Vandall, Ellen Wertheimer, and Mark C. Rahdert, Torts: Cases and Problems (LexisNexis 3d ed. 2012)
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Torts: Cases and Problems 2nd Edition (Wertheimer, Vandall, Rahdert)
Torts Chiang, Tun-Jen Torts: Cases and Problems 2nd Edition (Wertheimer, Vandall, Rahdert)
Torts Claeys, Eric Cases and Material on Torts (11th Edition) by Richard Epstein and Catherine Sharkey.
Torts Claeys, Eric Cases and Materials on Torts - Epstein - 12th ed.
Torts Claeys, Eric Cases and Materials on TORTS Epstein 9th edition
Torts Claeys, Eric Epstein - Torts - 9th ed
Torts Claeys, Eric EPSTEIN, CASES AND MATERIALS ON TORTS (9th ed. 2008)
Torts Claeys, Eric Richard A. Epstein & Catherine M. Sharkey, Cases and Materials on Torts, 11th ed.
Torts Claeys, Eric Torts - Epstein
Torts Claeys, Eric unknown
Torts Davies, Ross Abraham, Forms & Functions of Tort Law 5th Edition ISBN: 9781634594516
Torts Davies, Ross Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Davies, Ross Abraham, Kenneth. The Forms and Functions of Tort Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781609300531. Foundation Press. 
Torts Davies, Ross Farnsworth & Grady, Torts Cases and Questions (2d ed. 2009)
Torts Davies, Ross No Book
Torts Davies, Ross Torts Cases and Questions; Farnsworth & Grady 2nd ed.
Torts Krauss, Michael Cases and Materials on Torts
Torts Krauss, Michael Cases and Materials on Torts - 11th Edition
Torts Krauss, Michael Cases and Materials on Torts - Tenth Edition - Epstein, Sharkey
Torts Krauss, Michael Cases and Materials on Torts (9th Edition) by Richard Epstein
Torts Krauss, Michael Epstein, Cases and Materials on Torts, 11th Ed
Torts Krauss, Michael epstien
Torts Krauss, Michael Prosser Wade and Schwartz, Torts Cases and Materials, 12th Edition
Torts Krauss, Michael Torts
Torts Krauss, Michael Torts - Epstein
Torts Leider, Robert torts cases and questions, fransworth and grady, 2nd edition
Torts Meyers, Erin Dobbs, Hayden & Bublick, Torts and Compensation: Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury, Concise Edition 9th ed. - .
Torts Meyers, Erin Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Schechter, Roger E. No Book
Torts Vermont, Samson Can't Remember
Torts Vermont, Samson Tort Law
Torts Vermont, Samson Torts - Henderson
Torts Vermont, Samson unknown
Torts Warnick, Ashlie Prosser, Wade & Schwartz's (11th)
Torts Yeh, Susan Cases and Materials on Torts
Torts Yeh, Susan Cases and Materials on Torts
Torts II Krauss, Michael Epstein
Trade Secrets Claeys, Eric No Book
Trade Secrets Meeker, Frederic Based on case list provided by professor
Trade Secrets Meeker, Frederic None
Trademark Banner, Brian Hilliard, D.C. et al., Trademarks and Unfair Competition (8th ed. 2010)
Trademark Banner, Brian Trademarks and Unfair Competition (8th ed. 2010),
Trademark Bradford, Laura Can't Remember
Trademark Bradford, Laura Trademark
Trademark Hudis, Jonathan Hilliard, D.C. et al., Trademarks and Unfair Competition (8th ed. 2010)
Trademark Mossoff, Adam Graeme Dinwoodie & Mark Janis, Trademarks and Unfair Competition: Law and Policy (4th ed. 2014)
Trademark Mossoff, Adam Trademarks and Unfair Competition, 3rd Ed., Dinwoodie & Janis (Aspen 2010)
Trusts and Estates Claeys, Eric cant remember, dont feel like looking it up, will be the same though, he loves it
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd can't remember - Spring 2015
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (8th Edition)
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd TRUSTS AND ESTATES
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES by Mcgovern, Kurtz, & Rein (West)
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)
Trusts and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (8th ed. )
Trusts and Estates Gallanis, Thomas P. Gallanis, Family Property Law (Foundation, 8th ed. 2020).
Trusts and Estates Gallanis, Thomas P. Gallanis, Family Property Law: Cases and Materials on Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 8th ed. 2020
Unfair Trade Practices Singhvi, Nikhil Maggs & Schechter, Trademark and Unfair Competition Law, 7th edition (West, 2012).
Unfair Trade Practices Zullow, Evan Trademarks and Unfair Competition Law, 6th edition (West, 2002)
Virginia Practice Alden, Leslie No Textbook; Virginia Code Readings Online
Virginia Practice Davis, Michael None - Online material and handouts
Virginia Remedies Cummings, Mark Costello Library Compilation
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Dukeminier & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th edition)
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES by Dukeminier & Sitkoff D & S (9th ed. Aspen 2013).
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES by Dukeminier, Sitkoff and Lindgren (8th ed. Aspen 2009)
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cohen, Lloyd Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)