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Government Contract Law

Government Contract Law

School Professor Text Book
American University, Washington College of Law Carroll, William Charles Tiefer & William A. Shook, Government Contract Law In The Twenty-First Century
American University, Washington College of Law Carroll, William Goverment Contract Law: Teifer & Shook 2nd ed.
American University, Washington College of Law Carroll, William Goverment Contract Law: Teifer & Shook 2nd ed.
American University, Washington College of Law Carroll, William Government Contract Law
Catholic University Of America Sky, Ted Government Contract Law
George Mason University School of Law Sacilotto, Kara None - Online material and handouts
George Washington University Law School Schooner, Steven Cibinic and Nash
George Washington University Law School Schooner, Steven Goverment Contract Law: Teifer & Shook 2nd ed.
George Washington University Law School Schooner, Steven Government Contract Law
George Washington University Law School Schooner, Steven R a l p h C . J r . Na s h J o h n J r . C i b i n ic , F o rma ti o n o f Go v e r nm
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. 2017 - No text required
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Cases and Materials for a Survey of Government Procurement Law
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Course Pack
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Course Pack from Professor
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Government Contract Law
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Government Contract Law
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. No Book
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. no text book, course pack
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. None (Professor provided PDF)
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Professor Provided Text
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Professor Schwartz's unpublished material
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Professor Schwartz's unpublished material
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Professor's Unpublished Coursepack
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Professor's Unpublished Coursepack
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. Schwartz own textbook
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. unknown
George Washington University Law School Schwartz, Joshua I. unknown
George Washington University Law School Yukins, Christopher Government Contract Law
George Washington University Law School Yukins, Christopher Nash and Cibinic - Formation of Government Contracts
George Washington University Law School Yukins, Christopher No Book
Georgetown University Law Center Horan, John 2015 - No Textbook
Georgetown University Law Center Vacketta, Carl L. none - professor supplied material
Howard University School of Law Leggett, Isiah Federal Government Contracts
Regent University Seto, Judge Robert M.M. Government Contract Law
Regent University Seto, Theodore Government Contract Law
University of Alabama Fogle, Cameron Charles Tiefer & William A. Shook, Government Contract Law In The Twenty-First Century
University of Hawaii Conway, Danielle None - Course Pack
University of Illinois Vacketta, Carl L. Government Contract Guidebook
University of Illinois Vacketta, Carl L. Government Contract Law
University of Illinois Vacketta, Carl L. Government Contract Law
University of Illinois Vacketta, Carl L. Vacketta, Government Contractor Primer (2007) and Feldman, Government Contract Guidebook (4th Ed.)
University of Maryland Miller, Chad Charles Tiefer & William A. Shook, Government Contract Law In The Twenty-First Century
Vanderbilt University Law School Hindman, Darwin No Book