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Business Associations (See also Corporations)

Business Associations (See also Corporations)

School Professor Text Book
American College of Law Wallace, Perry Business Org
American University, Washington College of Law Effross, Walter BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
American University, Washington College of Law Effross, Walter No Book
American University, Washington College of Law Greenberg, Lawrence Business Associations - Klein 8th
American University, Washington College of Law Wallace, Perry BA
American University, Washington College of Law Wallace, Perry Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
American University, Washington College of Law Wallace, Perry Business Organizations
American University, Washington College of Law Wallace, Perry Business Organizations
American University, Washington College of Law Wallace, Perry Corporations: Including Partnerships...(Hamilton)
Appalachian School of Law Herman, Maryann Business Associates: Cases and Materials on Agency 8th Ed. (Klein)
Appalachian School of Law Herman, Maryann Business Associations (8th ed.) Klein, Ramseyer & Bainbridge
Appalachian School of Law Murray, John BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Appalachian School of Law Murray, John BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Appalachian School of Law Murray, John BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Appalachian School of Law Murrey, John BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Appalachian School of Law Murrey, John Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Arizona State University College of Law Lynk, Myles BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Arizona Summit (Phoenix School of Law) Miller, Warren don't remember but I got an A in his class
Ave Maria School of Law Strang, Lee J. Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Barry University School of Law Leecock Business Org
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Bierschbach, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Wansley, Matt Palmiter, Alan. Corporations (Examples and Explanations Series)  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454850168. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Yablon, Charles Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations by Stephen Bainbridge - 11th Edition
Boston College Law School FitzGibbon, Scott Cases & Materials on Corporations, 10th edition. Hamilton and Macey
Boston University School of Law Lawson, Gary Corporations and Other Business Associations, 8th Edition, O’Kelley & Thompson
Brigham Young University Scharffs BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Brigham Young University Scharffs BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Brigham Young University Smith, Gordon Business Organizations: Cases, Problems & Case Studies (3rd Edition, Wolters Kluwer 2012)
Brooklyn Law School Fanto, James A. Business Associations - Cox & Eisenberg
Brooklyn Law School Gold, Andrew Corporations and Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials, by Charles O’Kelley and Robert Thompson (Aspen, 8th edition, 2017)
Brooklyn Law School Park, James Business Associations Casebook
Brooklyn Law School Park, James Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Capital University Law School Steele Unincorporated BA
Capital University Law School Steele, Athornia unknown
Capital University Law School Wood, Richard J. Agency Partnerships and the LLC, Hines and Lowenstein 6th ed
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George Corporations and Other Business Ograntizations: Caes, Materials, Problems
Case Western Reserve University Law School Dent, George Corporations and other Business Organisations - Eisner
Case Western Reserve University Law School Gordon, Richard CORPORATIONS
Case Western Reserve University Law School Gordon, Richard Corporations: Including Partnerships...(Hamilton)
Chapman University School of Law Cao, Lan Eisenberg & Cox, Business Organizations: Cases and Materials 12th edition, Concise Edition
Chapman University School of Law Ripken, Susanna Business Assocations 3rd Edition
Chapman University School of Law Ripken, Susanna Business Associations - Klein 8th
Charleston School of Law Choudhury, Barnali Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Charleston School of Law Choudhury, Barnali Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Charleston School of Law Grant, Kirkland The Law of Corporations by Gilbert
Charlotte School of Law Baez, Beau Business Organizations, Smith & Williams 2008
Charlotte School of Law Baez, Beau Business Structures - Epstein
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Dougherty, Veronica BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Dougherty, Veronica BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Creighton University School of Law Fox, Irina Maynard. Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases and Materials. 4th ed. ISBN 9781454871071. Wolters Kluwer.
Creighton University School of Law Morse, Edward A. Business Associations Casebook
Creighton University School of Law Morse, Edward A. Business Associations Casebook
Cumberland School of Law Warren, LaVone Business Organizations
CUNY Macchiarola, Michael Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships and Corporations
Duke University School of Law Cox, Jim BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Duke University School of Law Cox, Jim Cases and materials on Business Associations
Duke University School of Law Cox, Jim Corporations and Other Business Ograntizations: Caes, Materials, Problems
Duke University School of Law DeMott, Deborah Corporations and Other Business Associations (O'kelley & Thompson, 5th)
Duke University School of Law Gulati, Mitu The Thomson West Book...
Elon University Haile, Andrew Business Associations Cases and Materials on Agency Partnerships and Corporations
Elon University Haile, Andrew BUSINESS STRUCTURES - Epstein, Freer, Roberts & Shepherd – 4th Edition
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Brubaker BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Carney, William BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Carney, William BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Carney, William Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Emory University School of Law Freer, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Freer, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Freer, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Freer, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Freer, Richard Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Emory University School of Law Guttentag, Michael D. BA
Emory University School of Law Kang, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Kang, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Kang, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Kang, Michael Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Emory University School of Law Kang, Michael The Law of Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 12th (American Casebook Series) 1
Emory University School of Law Shepard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Shepard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George BA
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George BA
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George Business Structures - Epstein
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George unknown
Emory University School of Law Shepherd, George unknown
Emory University School of Law Tung, Frederick BA
Florida Coastal School of Law Cataland, James Business Associations Casebook
Florida Coastal School of Law Cataland, James Cases and materials on Business Associations
Florida Coastal School of Law Cataland, James Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Florida Coastal School of Law Cataland, James Corporations 5th Ed
Florida Coastal School of Law Ferguson, Cleveland Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Florida Coastal School of Law Groves, Roger Cases and Materials on Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations (6th Edition)
Florida Coastal School of Law McFarland, Jeff BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida Coastal School of Law Moody, Alexander Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations (Klein 7th ed).
Florida Coastal School of Law Moody, Alexander BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida Coastal School of Law Moody, Sander BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida Coastal School of Law Moody, Sander Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Florida International University College of Law Esquirol, Jorge Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Florida International University College of Law Pouncy, Charles BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida State University College of Law Adler, Robert Business Associations Casebook
Florida State University College of Law Banoff, Barbara Ann BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida State University College of Law Banoff, Barbara Ann Business Associations Casebook
Florida State University College of Law Banoff, Barbara Ann Business Associations Casebook
Florida State University College of Law Banoff, Barbara Ann Business Associations: Cases and Materials On Corporations
Florida State University College of Law Falaschetti, Dino No Book
Florida State University College of Law Klick, Jonathan unknown
Florida State University College of Law Klick, Jonathan unknown
Florida State University College of Law Leahy, Joseph BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida State University College of Law Leahy, Joseph Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Florida State University College of Law Leahy, Joseph No Book
Florida State University College of Law Utset, Manuel Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Florida State University College of Law Utset, Manuel CORPORATIONS INCLUDING PARTNERSHIPS AND LIMITED LI
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Associaitons- Klien
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Associaitons- Klien
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Associaitons- Klien
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Associaitons- Klien
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Florida State University College of Law Williams, Kelli A. Business Organization and Finance: Legal and Economic Principles, Foundation Press, 10th Edition
Fordham Law School Griffith, Sean J. unknown
George Mason University School of Law Johnsen, D. Bruce Corporations and other business organizations: cas
George Mason University School of Law Verret, J.W. Allen Kraakman & Subramanian Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization 4th Ed 2012
Georgetown University Law Center Langevoort, Donald Alan Palmiter, Frank Partnoy, and Elizabeth Pollman, Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach (3d edition 2019).
Georgetown University Law Center Langevoort, Donald Business Associations Casebook
Georgetown University Law Center Thompson, Robert B. Casebook, O'Kelley and Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations
Georgetown University Law Center Thompson, Robert B. Casebook, O'Kelley and Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations 2014, 7th
Golden Gate University School of Law Benedetto, Michelle CORPORATIONS INCLUDING PARTNERSHIPS AND LIMITED LI
Golden Gate University School of Law Greenberg, Marc Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations 7th Ed.
Golden Gate University School of Law Kunken, Steven Business Organizations
Gonzaga University School of Law Morrissey, Daniel J. Hamilton, Macey and Mall. The Law of Business Organizations 12th ed. ISBN: 9780314285638. West Academic Publishing.
Hofstra Law School Colombo, Ronald J. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Hofstra Law School Ku, Julian Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Howard University School of Law Rogers, W. Sherman 2013 - No Textbook
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Fletcher, Gina-Gail Corporations and Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 8th Edition
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Fletcher, Gina-Gail O’Kelley & Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials (8th ed. 2017)
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Bravo, Karen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Bravo, Karen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Cox, Paul unknown
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Georgakopoulos, Nicholas L. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Georgakopoulos, Nicholas L. CORPORATIONS
Jones School of Law Joiner, Courtney unknown
Lewis & Clark Johnson, Jennifer BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Lewis & Clark Johnson, Jennifer Business Associations Klien 6th edition
Lewis & Clark Johnson, Jennifer Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Lewis & Clark Johnson, Jennifer unknown
Liberty University Chrisman, Rodney BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Liberty University Chrisman, Rodney Closely Held Business Organizations
Louisiana State University Holmes, Wendell Business Associaitons- Klien
Louisiana State University Holmes, Wendell No Book
Louisiana State University Holmes, Wendell No Book
Louisiana State University Holmes, Wendell unknown
Louisiana State University Kilborne, Jason Business Associaitons- Klien
Louisiana State University Morris, Glenn Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Louisiana State University Morris, Glenn Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Clark, Brietta unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Guttentag, Michael D. Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Guttentag, Michael D. Can't Remember
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel Business Associaitons- Klien
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel CORPORATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel Corporations and other business organizations: cas
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel Corporations and other business organizations: cas
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel Melvin A. Eisenberg & James P. Cox, Corporations and Other Business Organizations (10th ed. unab
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Lazaroff, Daniel unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese Business Associations, Chappellini
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese Business Associations, Chappellini
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese Business Entities
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese Business Structures
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese Chiapppinelli, Cases and Materials on Business Entities
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese No Book
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese No Book
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Maynard, Therese unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine CORPORATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine CORPORATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine CORPORATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine CORPORATIONS
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine Corporations Law and Policy, Buaman Weiss and Palm
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Pratt, Katherine unknown
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Tung, Frederick BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Crusto, Mitchell Business Org
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Drury, Lloyd bus org
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Drury, Lloyd BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Sullivan, J. unknown
Loyola University School of Law, Chicago Rosenberg, Richard M. Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Marquette University Law School Williams, Phoebe BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
McGeorge School of Law Gevurtz, Franklin BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
McGeorge School of Law Gevurtz, Franklin Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
McGeorge School of Law Malloy, Michael P. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
McGeorge School of Law Malloy, Michael P. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
McGeorge School of Law Malloy, Michael P. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
McGeorge School of Law Malloy, Michael P. Corporations and Other Business Enterprises, Cases and Materials, Standard Edition, FIFTH EDITION, Thomas Lee Hazen, Jerry W. Markham, John F. Coyle
McGeorge School of Law Schlemmer-Schulte, Sabine Business Associations Casebook
McGill University Adams, Wendy Business Associations Casebook
McGill University Janda, Richard COURSEPACK
Mercer University Law School Jellum, Linda unknown
Michigan State University College of Law Barnhizer, Daniel D. Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Michigan State University College of Law Dwyer, Catherine T. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Michigan State University College of Law Strang, Lee J. Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BA
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BA
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
Mississippi College School of Law Edwards, Cecile unknown
Mississippi College School of Law Modak-Truran, Mark Business Associations Casebook
Monterey College of Law Daunt, Phil Business Organizations
Nashville School of Law Dale, James C. CORPORATIONS
New England Law, Boston Dussias, Allison Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
New York Law School Belinfanti, Tamara CASES & MATERIALS ON CORPORATIONS 10TH Ed. Hamilton & Macey
New York Law School Belinfanti, Tamara Corporations Law and Policy by Bauman, Palmiter, Partnoy
New York Law School Estreicher, Aleta G. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
New York Law School Estreicher, Aleta G. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
New York Law School Estreicher, Aleta G. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
New York Law School Haas, Jeffrey Chartacourse
New York Law School Haas, Jeffrey Haas Business Organizations ChartaCourse
Northeastern University School of Law Danielsen, Dan Unsure
Northern Illinois University College of Law Coles, Kathleen Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Northwestern University School of Law Litvak, Katherine Business Organizations: Allen Kraakman Subramanian 3e
Northwestern University School of Law Silver, Carole Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Notre Dame Law School Smithburn, J. Eric Evidence Law
Notre Dame Law School Smithburn, J. Eric Evidence Law
Notre Dame Law School Velasco, Julian BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Notre Dame Law School Velasco, Julian Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
NYU Allen, William T. unknown
NYU Estlund, Cynthia Labor Law - Cox, 14th ed.
Ohio State University Jenkins, Garry W. BA
Ohio State University Jenkins, Garry W. BA
Ohio State University Jenkins, Garry W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Ohio State University Jenkins BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Ohio State University Oesterle, Dale Business Associaitons- Klien
Ohio State University Oesterle, Dale Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Ohio State University Oesterle, Dale Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Ohio State University Rose, Paul Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations by Stephen Bainbridge - 11th Edition
Ohio State University Verdun, Vincene Business Organizations
Pace University School of Law Lund, Andrew BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Pace University School of Law Lund, Andrew Business Associations Casebook
Pace University School of Law Wayner, Linda Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein 7th Ed.
Pepperdine University School of Law Boliek, Babette DAVID G. EPSTEIN ET AL., BUSINESS STRUCTURES (3d ed. 2010)
Regent University Ash, Robert Business Associaitons- Klien
Regent University Ash, Robert BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Regent University Ash, Robert BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Regent University Folsom, Thomas Business Associaitons- Klien
Regent University Folsom, Thomas BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Regent University Rehn, Chris Business Associaitons- Klien
Rutgers University, Camden Ryan, Patrick J. unknown
Rutgers University, Newark Dennis, Donna BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Rutgers University, Newark Dennis, Donna Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Rutgers University, Newark Dickerson, Claire BA
Rutgers University, Newark Dickerson, Claire Business Associations Casebook
Rutgers University, Newark Dickerson, Claire Business Associations Casebook
Rutgers University, Newark Dickerson, Claire Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Rutgers University, Newark Dickerson, Claire Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Rutgers University, Newark Eakeley, Douglas Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, Llcs, and Corporations (University Casebook Series)
Rutgers University, Newark Garten, Helen Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Rutgers University, Newark Garten, Helen Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Saint Louis University Fogel, Bradley Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Saint Louis University Fogel, Bradley Business Organizations
Saint Louis University Greaney, Thomas L. Can't Remember
Saint Louis University Wagner, Constance BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Saint Louis University Wagner, Constance Business Associations Casebook
Santa Clara University Klein, Thomas Business Org
Seattle University School of Law Chinen, Mark Corporations And Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials - O'Kelley - 6th Ed.
Seattle University School of Law Kirkwood, John Business Org
Seton Hall Glynn, Timothy Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Seton Hall Glynn, Timothy Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Seton Hall Lao, Marina Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Seton Hall Lubben, Stephen Business Corporations
Seton Hall Lubben, Stephen Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, Fourth Edition William K. Sjostrom, Jr.
Seton Hall Lubben, Stephen unknown
Seton Hall Lubben, Stephen unknown
Seton Hall Prempeh, H. Kwasi BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Seton Hall Prempeh, H. Kwasi Corporations and Other Business Organizations - Eisenberg
Seton Hall Prempeh, H. Kwasi unknown
Seton Hall Riccio, Ronald Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Seton Hall Riccio, Ronald Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Seton Hall Riccio, Ronald unknown
Seton Hall Winchester, Richard Business Organzations- Bauman, Jeffrey
South Texas College of Law Houston Rosin, Gary S. Corporations 5th Ed
Southwestern University School of Law Dorff, Michael B. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Dorff, Michael B. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Dorff, Michael B. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Dorff, Michael B. Business Associations Casebook
Southwestern University School of Law Dorff, Michael B. Business Organizations
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Business Associations Casebook
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Southwestern University School of Law Epstein, Michael Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Grimes, Warren BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Kim, Sung Hui BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Kim, Sung Hui Business Associations Casebook
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Southwestern University School of Law Schmitt, Michael BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
St. Mary's University School of Law Valencia, Reynaldo Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
St. Thomas University, Florida Butler, Gordon BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
St. Thomas University, Florida Martin, Jennifer Business Enterprises: Legal Structures, Governance and Policy – Cases, Materials, and Problems
St. Thomas University, Florida Roberts, Harriet Rubin Can't Remember
Suffolk University Vacco, Richard ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Syracuse University Ashford, Robert Business Associaitons- Klien
Syracuse University Germain, Gregory can't remember SPRING 2017
Temple University Arewa, Olufunmilayo Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships and Corporations, 10th Ed. (William A. Klein, J. Mark Ramseyer, and Stephen M. Bainbridge)
Temple University Lipson, Jonathan Business Organizations
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. Business Structures
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. Business Structures - Epstein
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. Business Structures - Epstein
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Newman, Neal F. unknown
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Shade, Joseph BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Shade, Joseph BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank Agency and Partnerships
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank BA
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank BA
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank Business Associaitons- Klien
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Snyder, Frank Klein, Ramseyer & Bainbridge, Business Associations: Cases & Materials on
Texas Southern University Cotton, James A. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas Southern University Duruigbo, Emeka BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Texas Southern University Duruigbo, Emeka Closely Held Business Organization: Case, Materials, & Problems. Robert A. Ragazzo & Douglas K. Moll
Texas Southern University Duruigbo, Emeka Closely Held Business Organizations
Texas Southern University Duruigbo, Emeka Texas Business Association: TSU Edition
Texas Southern University Wenger, Kaimipono David I dont remember.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Desai, Anuj Corporations, Law and Policy; Ageency, Partnership, and the LLC
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Desai, Anuj unknown
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Desai, Anuj unknown
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Greenberg, Julie A. Business Associations Casebook
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Greenberg, Julie A. Corporations Law and Policy by Bauman, Palmiter, Partnoy
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Greenberg, Julie A. Corporations: Law & Policy, Bauman, Palmiter & Partnoy
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Templin, Benjamin CORPORATIONS
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Wenger, Kaimipono David BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Wenger, Kaimipono David Business Associations Casebook
U of Hawaii Richardson School of Law Levinson, Justin Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of Akron Lavoie, Richard Business Associations Casebook
University of Akron Padfield, Stefan J. Business Associations Casebook
University of Akron Padfield, Stefan J. Klein
University of Akron Padfield, Stefan J. Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Fendler, Frances S. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Fendler, Frances S. ROBERT A. RAGAZZO & DOUGLAS K. MOLL, CLOSELY HELD BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS (West 2006).
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Fendler, Frances S. unknown
University of Baltimore School of Law Thompson, Sarah Choper
University of California, Berkeley Partnoy, Frank Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach
University of California, Berkeley Partnoy, Frank Palmiter, Alan. Corporations (Examples and Explanations Series)  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454850168. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
University of California, Berkeley Talley, Eric Business Associations Klein, Ramseyer, and Bainbridge
University of California, Irvine Whytock, Christopher Epstein, Freer, and Roberts
University of California, Los Angeles Anabtwai, Iman Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of California, Los Angeles Armstrong BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen Don't Remember
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen unknown
University of California, Los Angeles Bainbridge, Stephen unknown
University of California, Los Angeles Cummings, Scott BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Cummings, Scott BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Cummings, Scott Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships,
University of California, Los Angeles Kim, Sung Hui Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
University of California, Los Angeles Kim, Sung Hui Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
University of California, Los Angeles Pasman-Green, Nora Corporations and other business organizations: cas
University of California, Los Angeles Stout, Lynn Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of California, Los Angeles Stout, Lynn CORPORATIONS
University of California, Los Angeles Stout, Lynn Corporations: Law & Policy, Bauman, Palmiter & Partnoy
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Dibadj, Reza Allen & Kraakman COMMENTARIES AND CASES ON THE LAW OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION (5TH ED) Wolters Kluwer
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Dibadj, Reza Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Lambert, Frederick Can't Remember
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Wang, William BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Chicago Law School Isenbergh, Joseph Biz Org
University of Connecticut Mocsary, George Business Assocations 3rd Edition
University of Dayton School of Law Huffman, Mary Kate Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of Georgia Cherry, Miriam Can't Remember
University of Houston Ricks, Val D. Business Organizations
University of Idaho Anderson, Mark D. Casebook, O'Kelley and Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations 2014, 7th
University of Illinois Hurt, Christine BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Iowa Kurtz, Sheldon Cases and Materials on Corporations Including Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, 11th ed.
University of Kansas Hecker, Webb Business Associations Casebook
University of Kansas Hecker, Webb Business Corporations
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BA
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Business Associaitons- Klien
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Business Associations Casebook
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Business Associations Casebook
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Corporations and Other Business Ograntizations: Caes, Materials, Problems
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Corporations and other business organizations: cas
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Corporations and other business organizations: cas
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. unknown
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. unknown
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. unknown
University of Kansas Hecker Jr., Edwin W. unknown
University of Kentucky Bradley, Chris Corporations & Other Business Associations: Cases & Materials, 8th Edition (Aspen Casebook) by Charles R.T. O'Kelley and Robert B. Thompson
University of Kentucky Campbell, Rutheford "Biff" Business Associations Casebook
University of Kentucky Campbell, Rutheford "Biff" Business Associations Casebook
University of Kentucky Campbell, Rutheford "Biff" Business Associations Casebook
University of Kentucky Campbell, Rutheford "Biff" unknown
University of Kentucky Michael, Douglas BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Kentucky Michael, Douglas Business Associations Casebook
University of Kentucky Michael, Douglas CORPORATIONS
University of Kentucky Michael, Douglas unknown
University of Maryland Booth, Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Maryland Fairfax, Lisa BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Maryland Fairfax, Lisa BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Maryland Fairfax, Lisa BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Maryland Harner, Michelle M. 8th edition 2012 of Klein, Ramseyer, & Bainbridge, Business Associations: Cases and Materials
University of Maryland Ragazzo, Robert BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Maryland Suggs, Robert BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Memphis Harris, Lee Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of Miami Bradley, Caroline Business Associaitons- Klien
University of Miami Bradley, Caroline BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Miami Bradley, Caroline BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Miami Crusto, Mitchell Business Associations: Cases and Materials On Corporations
University of Miami Gudridge, Patrick Business Associations Casebook
University of Miami Gudridge, Patrick No Book
University of Miami Levi, Lili BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Miami Levi, Lili BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of Miami Levi, Lili Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of Miami Levi, Lili Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of Miami Levi, Lili Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
University of Miami Rosen, Robert E. Corporations And Other Business Associations: Cases and Materials - O'Kelley - 5th Ed.
University of Minnesota Law School Hill, Claire BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, WILLIAM A. KLEIN
University of Minnesota Law School Hill, Claire BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS, WILLIAM A. KLEIN
University of Minnesota Law School Hill, Claire Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
University of Minnesota Law School Hill, Claire Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press. 
University of Minnesota Law School Matheson, John Business Law
University of Minnesota Law School Matheson, John Macey and Moll, The Law of Business Organizations (14th ed. 2020)
University of Minnesota Law School Matheson, John N/A
University of Minnesota Law School Matheson, John The Law of Business Organizations (12th ed. 2014)
University of Minnesota Law School McDonnell, Brett Business Organizations
University of Minnesota Law School Painter, Richard W. Business Corporations
University of Mississippi Bullard, Mercer Corporations and Other Business Enterprises (2d edition abridged) Hazen & Markham
University of Mississippi Czarnetzky, John N/A
University of Nebraska Harner, Michelle M. Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
University of New Hampshire Murphy, William J. BA
University of New Hampshire Murphy, William J. Business Associaitons- Klien
University of New Hampshire Murphy, William J. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of New Hampshire Murphy, Ewell E. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
University of New Hampshire Murphy, William Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of North Carolina Hazen, Thomas Lee Business Associations, Chappellini
University of North Carolina Hazen, Thomas Lee Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
University of North Carolina Hazen, Thomas Lee Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
University of North Dakota Fershee, Josh Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
University of Richmond Erickson, Jessica D. Gordon Smith & Cynthia A. Williams, BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: CASES, PROBLEMS, AND CASE STUDIES, 3d
University of Richmond Fisher, William O. CASES AND MATERIALS ON BUSINESS ENTITIES, Chiappinelli, Second Edition (2010)
University of San Diego Partnoy, Frank Alan Palmiter & Frank Partnoy, Corporations: A Contemporary Approach
University of San Diego Smith, Thomas A. unknown
University of South Carolina Burkhard, James R. BUSINESS STRUCTURES (fourth edition - 2015)
University of South Carolina Burkhard, James R. Can't Remember
University of South Carolina Freeman, John P. Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
University of South Carolina Freeman, John P. Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
University of Texas Law School Carson, Loftus Business Organizations
University of Texas Law School Carson, Loftus Dukeminier
University of Texas Law School Hamilton, Robert W. Corporations 9th Hamilton
University of Texas Law School Hu, Henry Business Associaitons- Klien
University of Texas Law School Sokolow, David Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
University of Texas Law School Sokolow, David unknown
University of Toledo Barrett, John Business Associations Casebook
University of Toledo Barrett, John Business Associations Casebook
University of Toledo Barrett, John Cases & Materials on Corporations including Partnerships & Limited Liability Companies, Hamilton & M
University of Toledo Barrett, John Cases and materials on corporations, including partnerships and limited liability companies / by Rob
University of Toledo Barrett, John Corporations: Including Partnerships...(Hamilton)
University of Toledo Barrett, John Hamilton
University of Wyoming Mocsary, George Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
USC Chasalow, Michael Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Valparaiso University School of Law Abrams, Andy Business Associaitons- Klien
Valparaiso University School of Law Huss, Rebecca Business Associaitons- Klien
Valparaiso University School of Law Huss, Rebecca BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Valparaiso University School of Law Huss, Rebecca BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Valparaiso University School of Law Huss, Rebecca Business Associations Casebook
Valparaiso University School of Law Huss, Rebecca Business Organizations
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy Business Associations Casebook
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Valparaiso University School of Law Telman, Jeremy unknown
Villanova University Packel, Leonard unknown
Washburn University Pierce, David Business Organizations
Wayne State University Law School Davidoff, Steven Business Associaitons- Klien
Wayne State University Law School Davidoff, Steven Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Wayne State University Law School Davidoff, Steven Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Wayne State University Law School Davidoff, Steven Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Wayne State University Law School Keller, Sharon Business Associations - Klein 7th
Whittier Law School Haythorn, J. Denny Business Associations - Klein 7th
Whittier Law School Hempel, Amey No Book
William and Mary Law School Kades, Eric CORPORATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Bugge, Lawrence BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Bugge, Lawrence BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Carstensen, Peter BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Heymann, S. Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Heymann, S. Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Heymann, S. Richard BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Monday, Gregory Business Organizations: Cases, Problems, and Case Studies (2nd. ed. 2008)
Wisconsin Law School Shaffer, Gregory BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Wisconsin Law School Smith, Gordon BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS