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University of Idaho

University of Idaho

Class Professor Text Book
Administrative Law Seamon, Richard Administrative Law
Administrative Law Seamon, Richard Administrative Law (Seamon and Reese)
Administrative Law Seamon, Richard Professor Seamon's Casebook
Advanced Torts Lillard, Monique Torts- Franklin, Rabin & Green, 9th ed
Antitrust Anderson, Mark Antitrust Analysis 7th Ed, Areeda/Kaplow
Antitrust Anderson, Mark Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Aspen 4th Edition
Bankruptcy Elsaesser, Ford Bankruptcy Law and Practice, 2nd Edition
Bankruptcy Elsaesser, Ford Bankruptcy: Cases and Materials (4th Ed.) Margaret Howard
Business Associations Anderson, Mark BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Business Associations Anderson, Mark Corporations & Other Business Associations 2007 : Charles O'Kelly, Robert B. Thompson
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Anderson, Mark D. Casebook, O'Kelley and Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations 2014, 7th
Business Organizations Anderson, Mark D. O'
Business Organizations Haan, Sarah Business Organizations Cases And Materials Unabridged Eleventh Edition
Civil Procedure I Eaglewoman, Angelique 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Eaglewoman, Angelique Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Macfarlane, Katherine Ides, May, Grossi. Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems, 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781454863311. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Civil Procedure I Seamon, Richard Richard D. Freer & Wendy Collins Perdue, CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES, MATERIALS, AND QUESTIONS (LexisNexi
Civil Procedure II Eaglewoman, Angelique 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure II Eaglewoman, Angelique Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure II Eaglewoman, Angelique Don't Remember
Civil Procedure II Seamon, Richard 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure II Seamon, Richard Can't Remember
Civil Procedure II Seamon, Richard Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure II Seamon, Richard Richard D. Freer & Wendy Collins Perdue, CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES, MATERIALS, AND QUESTIONS (LexisNexi
Community Property (see also Family Law and Marital Property) Brandt, Elizabeth COMMUNITY PROPERTY
Community Property (see also Family Law and Marital Property) Brandt, Elizabeth Her own book
Constitutional Law I MacDonald, James Constitutional Law, Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I McLeod, Aman ConLaw - Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Seamon, Richard American Constitutional Law: Powers and Liberties (2nd Ed.) Massey
Constitutional Law I Seamon, Richard Massey 3d
Constitutional Law II Heeren, Geoffrey Constitutional Law 7th Massey
Constitutional Law II MacDonald, James Constitutional Law, Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law II Sanders, Shaakirrah Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law II Sanders, Shaakirrah Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law II Sanders, Shaakirrah Constitutional-Casebook-Series-Erwin-Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law II Seamon, Richard American Constitutional Law Edition: 5th Massey
Contracts Bridy, Annemarie 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Bridy, Annemarie Can't Remember
Contracts Murphy, Tim Knapp, Crystal, Prince, Hart, Silverstein, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials, 10th Ed. Aspen Publishing 2023 -
Contracts Murphy, Tim Schwartz and Walters. Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook 2nd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781611635546. Carolina Academic Press.
Contracts Satz, Michael No Book
Contracts Satz, Michael Problems in Contract Law - Cases and Materials (Knapp, Crystal and Prince 6th Ed. 2007 Aspen Publish
Contracts Satz, Michael Problems in Contract law - Knapp 6th Edition
Contracts II Bridy, Annemarie Farnsworth
Contracts II Satz, Michael Contract Law and Theory, Scott and Kruas, Fourth Edition
Creditors Rights Satz, Michael Creditors Rights
Creditors Rights Satz, Michael No Book
Criminal Law Anderson, Mark D. 1L Crim Law Textbook
Criminal Law Gross, Jordan Dressler, Understanding Criminal Law, 9th Edition
Criminal Law Newton, Sam Criminal Law 2nd Edition Kennedy
Criminal Law Williams, Alan F. Don't Remember
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Donald L. Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Courtroom
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Donald L. Criminal Procedure Lexis
Criminal Procedure Hutton, Chris Miller and Wright. Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication: Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454858683. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure Sanders, Shaakirrah Chemerinsky & Levenson
Criminal Procedure Sanders, Shaakirrah Criminal Procedure Chemerinsky & Levenson
Criminal Procedure Sanders, Shaakirrah Erwin Chemerinksky and Laurie Levenson, Criminal Procedure: Investigation (3rd ed.)
Criminal Procedure Williams, Alan F. Con Law book
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Newton, Sam Criminal Procedure Investigations: Chemerinsky 4th Edition.
Education Law Rumel, John Education Law, Policy, and Practice
Education Law Rumel, John Education Law, Policy, and Practice Kaufman and Kaufman 3d Edition
Evidence Cover, Aliza A Modern Approach To Evidence, 4th Edition
Evidence Lewis, D. Craig EVIDENCE
Evidence Rumel, John Evidence Fisher 3rd Edition 2013
Evidence Williams, Alan F. Evidence Fisher
Federal Courts MacDonald, James Federal Courts
Federal Income Tax Jellum, Linda The Fundamentals of Federal Taxation: Problems and Materials - John A. Miller & Jeffrey A. Maine
Insurance Law Griffiths, Kevin A. Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Intellectual Property Palmatier, Duncan 978-1943689057
Internet Law Bridy, Annemarie Grimmelmann, Internet Law (Digital Copy)
Introduction to Intellectual Property Bridy, Annemarie INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: CASES & MATERIALS, Lydia Pallas Loren
Law of the Workplace Lillard, Monique 2015 no text
Law of the Workplace Lillard, Monique WORK LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, Second Edition, by Marion Crain, Pauline Kim, and Michael Selmi
Negotiable Instruments Beard, D. Benjamin Negotiable Instruments
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin 1L Property - Dukeminier (7th Ed.)
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin 1L Property Law
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin Dukeminier & Krier Property
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin Property
Property I Beard, D. Benjamin Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Long, Jerrold A. 1L Property - Dukeminier
Property I Long, Jerrold A. Don't Remember
Property I Long, Jerrold A. Don't Remember
Property I Miller, Stephen J. Sprankling and R. R. Coletta, Property: A Contemporary Approach, 5th Edition
Property I Pedrioli, Carlo Spranking and Coletta. Property: A Contemporary Approach 5th ed.
Property I Vincenti, Sheldon Property Law
Property II Beard, D. Benjamin 1L Property
Property II Cosens, Barbara Can't Remember
Property Security Beard, D. Benjamin Secured Credit: A Systems Approach (7th ed. 2012)
Property Security Couture, Wendy Secured Credit: A Systems Approach, Seventh Edition (Aspen Casebook) by Lynn M. LoPucki and Elizabet
Real Estate Transactions MacDonald, James No Book
Real Estate Transactions MacDonald, James No Book
Remedies Lillard, Monique None
Remedies Rumel, John Modern American Remedies: Cases & Materials [Hardcover] [2010]
Sales Beard, D. Benjamin Can't Remember
Sales Beard, D. Benjamin Sale of Goods: Reading & Applying the Code
Sales Beard, D. Benjamin unknown
Sales Pacillo, Edith Chomsky, Kunz, Martin, Schiltz: Learning Sales Law
Securities Regulation Couture, Wendy Security Regulations Cases and Analysis
Tax Miller, John A. The FUndamentals of Federal Taxation
Taxation Miller, John A. Miller, John A., Maine, Jeffrey A., The Fundamentals of Federal Taxation, 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781531011086, Carolina Academic Press 2018
Torts Bohannan, Christina Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions Witt and Tani
Torts Goble, Dale D. 1 L Torts
Torts Goble, Dale D. 1L Torts - BLUE Book
Torts Goble, Dale D. 1L Torts (blue book)
Torts Goble, Dale D. Can't Remember
Torts Goble, Dale D. Can't Remember
Torts Lillard, Monique Tort Law and Alternatives- Franklin Seventh Edition
Water Law Cosens, Barbara n/a - provided materials
Wills and Trusts Brandt, Elizabeth Wills and Trusts
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Brandt, Elizabeth Can't Remember
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Brandt, Elizabeth Will, Trust, and Estates
Workplace Law Rumel, John Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Workplace Law Wilde, Anne Employment Law Rothsein Seventh Edition