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University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting Brown, George H. None
Accounting for Lawyers DeLeo, Alfred F. A Finance Approach to Accounting for Lawyers, Second Edition
Administrative Law Bamberger, Kenneth Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Administrative Law Bamberger, Kenneth Administrative Law (Strauss, Rakoff, Farina)
Administrative Law Bamberger, Kenneth Federal Administrative Law, Cases and Materials - Hickman and Pierce
Administrative Law Bamberger, Kenneth Hickman and Pierce. Federal Administrative Law, Cases and Materials 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781609303372. Foundation Press.
Administrative Law Edley, Christopher Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Edley, Christopher Don't Remember
Administrative Law O'Connell, Anne No Book
Administrative Law O'Connell, Anne Strauss, Rakoff, Farina and Metzger. Gellhorn and Byse's Administrative Law, Cases and Comments 11th ed. 2011 ISBN: 9781599414294. Foundation Press.
Advanced Civil Procedure Bradt, Andrew Complex Litigation: Cases and Materials on Advanced Civil Procedure, 7th (American Casebook Series)
Advanced Constitutional Law Yoo, John Choon Choper et al. Constitutional Law: Cases Comments and Questions. 12th ed. ISBN 9781634595131. American Casebook Series.
Animal Law Wagman, Bruce Animal Law
Animal Law Wagman, Bruce Animal Law Cases and Materials – Fifth Edition; Sonia Waisman
Animal Law Wagman, Bruce Wagman and Waisman. Animal Law: Cases and Materials 5th ed. ISBN: 9781611632347. Carolina Academic Press.
Antitrust Edlin, Aaron S. Areeda, Kaplow, and Edlin, Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases (7th edition, 2013).
Antitrust Shelanski, Howard Antitrust
Antitrust Law Dibadj, Reza No Book
Antitrust Law Edlin, Aaron S. Antitrust Analysis 7th Ed, Areeda/Kaplow
Antitrust Law Edlin, Aaron S. Antitrust Analysis: Problems Text & Cases 2010 Supplement Phillip L. Areeda Edition: 6th
Antitrust Law Edlin, Aaron S. Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases
Antitrust Law Edlin, Aaron S. Antitrust Law Cases and Analysis
Antitrust Law Edlin, Aaron S. Antitrust Law Cases and Analysis
Bankruptcy Ayotte, Ken Cases Problems and Materials, 4th Edition
Bankruptcy Porter, Katie BANKRUPTCY
Bankruptcy Ronner, Amy D. BANKRUPTCY
Biodiversity Law Biber, Eric Wildlife Law
Biodiversity Law Biber, Eric Wildlife Law: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition
Business Associations Badawi, Adam Adam B. Badawi, William A. Birdthistle, and Anthony J. Casey, Business Associations: Cases and Materials
Business Associations Badawi, Adam Adam B. Badawi, William A. Birdthistle, and Anthony J. Casey, Business Associations: Cases and Materials
Business Associations Badawi, Adam n/a - provided materials
Business Associations Cable, Abraham Business Associations - Klein 8th
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza Business Assocations 3rd Edition
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza Business Assocations 3rd Edition
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, Fourth Edition
Business Associations Dibadj, Reza William Allen & Reinier Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (5th edition 2016) (required)
Business Associations Fisch, Jill Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th ed., Aspen 2012)
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, Llcs, and Corporations (University Casebook Series)
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, Third Edition
Business Associations Gadinis, Stavros William T. Allen and Reinier Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization
Business Associations Levy, Neil M. Cases And Materials on Torts, 12th (University Casebook)" William L. Prosser
Business Associations McCrary, Justin Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations 8th Edition Klein
Business Associations McCrary, Justin Business Associations (8th ed.) Klein, Ramseyer & Bainbridge
Business Associations McCrary, Justin Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships & Corporations 8th Edition Klein
Business Associations McCrary, Justin Don't Remember
Business Associations Partnoy, Frank Alan R. Palmiter & Frank Partnoy, Corporations: A Contemporary Approach (2d edition)
Business Associations Partnoy, Frank Palmiter, Alan, Frank Partnoy, and Elizabeth Pollman, Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach 3rd Edition ISBN: 9781640202689
Business Associations Partnoy, Frank Palmiter, Partnoy, and Pollman's Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach, 3d ed. ISBN: 9781640202689.
Business Associations Solomon, Steven D. No Book
Business Associations Talley, Eric Business Associations - Klein 7th
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Partnoy, Frank Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Partnoy, Frank Palmiter, Alan. Corporations (Examples and Explanations Series)  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454850168. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Talley, Eric Business Associations Klein, Ramseyer, and Bainbridge
Business Torts Hanlon, Patrick No Textbook, Online Cases
California Marital Property Kay, Herma Hill Community Property in California, Blumberg, 5th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew 1L Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew Civil Procedure 1L Textbook
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew GEOFFREY C. HAZARD ET AL. PLEADING AND PROCEDURE: STATE AND FEDERAL (Foundation Press, 10th Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Bradt, Andrew Pleading and Procedure (10th ed. 2009), Hazard, et al.
Civil Procedure I Bundy, Stephen Hazard, Jr., Tait, Fletcher, and Bundy's Pleading and Procedure
Civil Procedure I Bundy, Stephen Hazard, Tait, Fletcher and Bundy's Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt, Pleading and Procedure, 12th Edition (Foundation Press, 2020)
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy, & Bradt, Pleading and Procedure, 11th Edition (Foundation Press, 2015)
Civil Procedure I Farhang, Sean No Textbook, Online Cases
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal 11th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Gelbach, Jonah Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Jorde, Thomas Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Milligan, Joy Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Milligan, Joy Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Milligan, Joy Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal 11th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I O'Connell, Anne Hazard
Civil Procedure I O'Connell, Anne Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Oppenheimer, David Civil Procedure - Hazard
Civil Procedure I Oppenheimer, David GEOFFREY C. HAZARD ET AL. PLEADING AND PROCEDURE: STATE AND FEDERAL (Foundation Press, 10th Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Oppenheimer, David Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Oppenheimer, David Hazard, Tait, Fletcher and Bundy's Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal
Civil Procedure I Oppenheimer, David Pleading and Practice by Hazard, Tait, Fletcher and Bundy, Foundation Press (10th ed, 2009)
Civil Procedure I Swift, Eleanor Civil Procedure - Hazard
Civil Procedure I Swift, Eleanor I am not sure
Civil Procedure I Tyler, Amanda Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Tyler, Amanda Friedenthal et al., Civil Procedure (11th ed. 2013)
Civil Procedure I Vetter, Jan 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Vetter, Jan Civ Pro Hazzard
Civil Procedure I Vetter, Jan Pleadings and Procedure, Ed. 10, Hazard, Tatt, Fletcher, Bundy
Civil Procedure I Zhang, Emily Hazard et al. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure. 11th ed. ISBN 9781609301811. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Zhang, Emily Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Zhang, Emily Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure II Bundy, Stephen Pleading and Procedure (Hazard et al)
Civil Procedure II Oakley, Robert Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure II Yoo, John Choon Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal Cases and Materials 10th Edition by Hazard, Tait, et al
Civil Procedure LLM O'Connell, Anne Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure
Climate Change Law Infelise, Robert D. Farber & Carlarne. Climate Change Law. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978-1636596266. Foundation Press.
Complex Civil Litigation Bundy, Stephen Complex Litigation: Cases And Materials by Richard L. Marcus, Edward F. Fall 2010
Complex Litigation Bundy, Stephen Complex Litigation: Cases And Materials by Richard L. Marcus, Edward F. Fall 2010
Complex Litigation Bundy, Stephen Complex Litigation: Cases And Materials On Advanced Civil Procedure, by Richard L. Marcus, Edward F.
Computer Crimes Hoofnagle, Chris Thomas Clancy, Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases
Computer Crimes Hoofnagle, Chris Thomas Clancy, Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases
Computer Law Determann, Lothar none - professor supplied material
Conflict of Laws Bradt, Andrew Kay, Herma. Conflicts of Laws 9th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780314281449. West Academic Publishing.
Constitutional Law I Abrams, Kathryn Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Chacon, Jennifer Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law 6th Ed. ISBN: 9781543813074. Wolters Kluwer
Constitutional Law I Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Choper, Jesse Constitutional Law: Cases - Comments - Questions, 10th Ed. Choper, Fallon, Kamisar, Shiffrin
Constitutional Law I Haney Lopez, Ian 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Haney Lopez, Ian Brest, et al., Process of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Aspen, 5th Edition, 2006; Robert McCloskey
Constitutional Law I Haney Lopez, Ian Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials, 7th ed.
Constitutional Law I Holmquist, Kristen 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Holmquist, Kristen 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Holmquist, Kristen 2016 - no Textbook
Constitutional Law I Holmquist, Kristen No Text Book (Binder of Materials)
Constitutional Law I Murray, Melissa 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Robinson, Russell K. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 3rd
Constitutional Law I Robinson, Russell K. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th
Constitutional Law I Robinson, Russell K. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Robinson, Russell K. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law I Robinson, Russell K. Constitutional Law Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Ross, Bertrall 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Ross, Bertrall No Book
Constitutional Law I Ross, Bertrall no book - just selected cases
Constitutional Law I Ross, Bertrall Selected Cases and Materials
Constitutional Law I Smith, Fred n.a
Constitutional Law II Amar, Vikram unknown
Contracts Atkinson, Abbye Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Atkinson, Abbye Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Atkinson, Abbye Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Atkinson, Abbye K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, Tracey George & Russell Korobkin (2nd ed., 2017: Aspen/Wolters Kluwer).
Contracts Atkinson, Abbye Randy E. Barnett & Nathan B. Oman, CONTRACTS: CASES AND DOCTRINE (6th ed.)
Contracts Bartlett, Robert Contracts: Cases and Doctrines, Fifth Edition Randy E. Barnett
Contracts Bayern, Shawn J. Contract sixth, Albertney
Contracts Berring, Bob 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Berring, Bob Basic Contract Law, 8th, Fuller, Eisenberg, West
Contracts Berring, Bob Basic Contract Law, 9th Edition (American Casebook Series)
Contracts Berring, Bob Basic Contract Law, Fuller and Eisenberg, 8th Edition
Contracts Berring, Bob Can't Remember
Contracts Berring, Bob Contracts
Contracts Berring, Bob Contracts
Contracts Berring, Bob IDK he wrote it himself
Contracts Berring, Bob Principles of Contract Law, 4th - Burton
Contracts Buxbaum, Hannah Fuller, Eisenberg, & Gergen, Basic Contract Law: Concise Edition (11th ed. 2023)
Contracts Buxbaum, Hannah Fuller, Eisenberg, & Gergen, Basic Contract Law: Concise Edition (11th ed. 2023)
Contracts Cole, G. Marcus Contracts: Law, Economics and Policy
Contracts Dibadj, Reza Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Eisenberg, Melvin A. Basic Contract Law - by Lon L. Fuller; Melvin Eisenberg - 8th ed
Contracts Eisenberg, Melvin A. Basic Contract Law -Fuller & Eisenberg-8th Edition
Contracts Eisenberg, Melvin A. Basic Contract Law, Fuller/Eisenberg 8th Edition
Contracts Eisenberg, Melvin A. Contracts gergen eisenberg 9th ed
Contracts Farber, Daniel A. Cases and Materials on Contracts, 8th Ed., Farnsworth
Contracts Farber, Daniel A. E. Allan Farnsworth et al., Contracts: Cases and Materials (8th ed. 2013)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Basic Contract Law - Fuller, Eisenbert, Gergen (10th Edition)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Basic Contract Law - Fuller, Eisenbert, Gergen (9th edition, Concise Edition, 2013)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Fuller & Eisenberg, Basic Contract Law (9th ed. – Concise Ed.)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Fuller, Eisenberg, & Gergen, Basic Contract Law: Concise Edition (9th ed. 2013)
Contracts Gergen, Mark Fuller, Eisenberg, and Gergen's Basic Contract Law, 10th, Concise Edition
Contracts Gergen, Mark Fuller, Lon. Basic Contract Law, Concise Edition, 10th Edition ISBN: 9781683285670
Contracts Krishnamurthy, Prasad Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Lester, Gillian Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Merges, Robert 1 L Contracts
Contracts Merges, Robert Farnsworth, Young, Sanger, Cohen & Brooks casebook, 7th ed., 2008
Contracts Padi, Manisha Ayres & Klass, Studies in Contract Law(9th ed. 2017).
Contracts Pollack, Malla Contracting Law - 4th Edition, Amy Kasterly, Deborah Post, Nancy Ota
Contracts Rana, Shruti 1L Contracts Casebook (Epstein)
Contracts Sanga, Sarath Don't Remember
Contracts Shultz, Marjorie unknown
Contracts Talley, Eric His own materials
Contracts Trachok, Richard Fuller, Eisenberg, & Gergen, Basic Contract Law: Concise Edition (11th ed. 2023)
Contracts Trachok, Richard Fuller, Eisenberg, Gergen, Basic Contract Law, Concise Edition, 11th Edition
Copyright Gass, Andrew M. N/A (No text book)
Copyright Samuelson, Pamela Copyright - Essential Cases and Materials, Yen & Liu
Copyright Van Houweling, Molly Intellectual property in the new technolgoical age
Corporate Finance Bartlett, Robert Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice, 4th ed.
Corporate Taxation Rakowski, Eric Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Phillips, Ernest A. BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Criminal Law Ball, W. David Joshua Dressler’s Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th ed. 2009) (“CB”)
Criminal Law Bridges, Khiara Family Law (Aspen Casebook Series) 5th Edition ISBN-10: 145482512X ISBN-13: ‎978-1454825128
Criminal Law Glater, Jonathan Angela Harris and Cynthia Lee, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, 4th ed.
Criminal Law Glater, Jonathan Criminal Law: Cases and Materials Cynthia Lee and Angela Harris, eds. 4th ed
Criminal Law Glater, Jonathan Cynthia Lee & Angela Harris, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, 4TH ED.
Criminal Law Glater, Jonathan Cynthia Lee and Angela P. Harris' Criminal Law, Cases and Materials
Criminal Law Glater, Jonathan Lee & Harris, CRIMINAL LAW (4th ed. 2019)
Criminal Law Harris, Angela P. Can't Remember
Criminal Law Kerr, Orin Dressler and Garvey 8th Edition
Criminal Law Kerr, Orin Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Kutz, Christopher Kadish
Criminal Law Mohamed, Saira Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Mohamed, Saira Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Mohamed, Saira Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Mohamed, Saira Joshua Dressler, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (6th ed. 2012)
Criminal Law Murray, Melissa Cases and Material in Criminal Law, Joshua Dressler, 5th Edition
Criminal Law Murray, Melissa Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 4th Ed., Dressler
Criminal Law Murray, Melissa Dressler 4th Ed. (EG)
Criminal Law Roth, Andrea Criminal Law
Criminal Law Roth, Andrea Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Roth, Andrea kssb
Criminal Law Roth, Andrea Sanford Kadish, Stephen Schulhofer, & Carol Steiker, Criminal Law and Its Processes
Criminal Law Roth, Andrea Sanford Kadish, Stephen Schulhofer, Carol Steiker, and Rachel Barkow, Criminal Law and Its Processes
Criminal Law Simon, Jonathan Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (7th ed., 2012)
Criminal Law Simon, Jonathan Kadish, Schulhofer, Steiker and Barkow. Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials 9th ed. 2012 ISBN: 9781454817550. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Law Simon, Jonathan Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (7th Ed.)
Criminal Law Simon, Jonathan Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Sklansky, David Alan Criminal Law - Kadish - 8th Ed.
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta CRIMINAL LAW & ITS PROCESSES, Kadish, 9th Edition
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta Kadish et al., Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials (9 th ed. 2012)
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Sood, Avani Mehta Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Tubach, Michael Criminal Law
Criminal Law Vetter, Jan Hazard
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Cases & Materials on Criminal Law, Dressler
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Cases & Materials on Criminal Law, Dressler
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Criminal Law Cases and Materials - Kaplan & Weisberg
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Weisselberg, Charles D. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Zimring, Franklin Criminal Law and its processes: Cases and Materials. Kadish
Criminal Procedure Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky and Levenson. Criminal Procedure: Adjudication 2nd ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454807124. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky and Levenson. Criminal Procedure: Adjudication 2nd ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454807124. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure Sklansky, David Alan crim pro
Criminal Procedure Weisselberg, Charles D. Basic Criminal Procedure-Yale Kamisar, Wayne R. LaFave, Jerold H. Israel, Nancy J. King, Orin S. Ker
Criminal Procedure Weisselberg, Charles D. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Roth, Andrea Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Sklansky, David Alan Allen, Hoffman, Livingston & Stuntz, Comprehensive Criminal Procedure (Third Edition)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky & Levenson, Criminal Procedure: Investigation (3rd ed. 2018)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Halbert, Shawn Lloyd Weinreb, Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice 2015 ed
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Kerr, Orin Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments and Questions. 14th ed. ISBN 9781634591607. American Casebook Series.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Simon, Jonathan Chemerinsky & Levinson, Criminal Procedure: Investigation (2d ed.) (Wolters Kluwer 2013)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Sklansky, David Alan Lloyd L. Weinreb, Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Procedure, 2013 edition
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Weisselberg, Charles D. Advanced Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments and Questions, 13th - Yale Kamisar et. al.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Weisselberg, Charles D. Basic Criminal Procedure, Kamisar et al.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Weisselberg, Charles D. Basic Criminal Procedure, Kamisar, 12th ed.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Weisselberg, Charles D. Basic Criminal Procedure, Kamisar, 12th ed.
Employment Discrimination Albiston, Catherine Charles A. Sullivan & Michael J. Zimmer, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (9th ed. 2017)
Employment Discrimination Albiston, Catherine No Book
Employment Law Lester, Gillian Employment Law: Cases and Materials 4th Edition by Willborn, Schwab, Burton, Lester
Employment Law Lester, Gillian Employment Law: Cases and Materials, (LexisNexis Pub., 4th ed. 2007), Steven L. Willborn
Energy Law Jacobs, Sharon Bosselman et al., Energy, Economics, and the Environment (Foundation 2015, 4th ed.)
Entertainment and Media Law Gomez-Cabrera, Rafael Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Entertainment Law Gomez-Cabrera, Rafael No Book
Environmental Law Doremus, Holly Doremus, Lin, Rosenberg & Schoenbaum, Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings, 6th ed. (Foundation Press, 2012)
Environmental Law Doremus, Holly Environmental Policy Law Sixth Edition
Environmental Law Farber, Daniel A. Cases and Materials on Environmental Law, Farber, Freeman, Carlson, 8th Ed.
Environmental Law Infelise, Robert D. Doremus, Lin and Rosenberg's Environmental Policy Law - 6th Edition
Environmental Law Infelise, Robert D. Environmental Policy Law
Estates and Trusts Alexander, Gregory S. Robert Sitkoff & Jesse Dukeminier, Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 10th edition (Wolters Kluwer 2017).
Estates and Trusts Creighton, James Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Estates and Trusts Ferguson, Michael C. Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (8th ed).
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier, Wills, Trusts & Estates (11 th Edition)
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen n.a
Estates and Trusts Holmquist, Kristen Wills Trusts & Estates - Dukeminier, Sitkoff & Lindgren (8 ed)
Estates and Trusts Rahmanian, Romy Sitkoff & Dukeminier. Wills, Trusts, and Estates. (11th ed. 2021). Wolters Kluwer. ISBN: 978- 1543824469.
Estates and Trusts Rakowski, Eric Sitkoff & Dukeminier, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (10th ed. 2017)
Evidence Borenstein, Sarah EVIDENCE
Evidence Brown, Geoffrey David Alan Sklansky, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems (2d ed. 2008)
Evidence Brown, Thomas Evidece: Text, Problems & cases by Ronald J. Allen, et al
Evidence Brown, Henry Evidence: Text, Problems and Cases, Allen, Kuhns & Swift (Fourth Ed.)
Evidence Farhang, Sean Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Gayle, Steven Evidence: Texts, Problems and Cases, (5d ed. 2015) by Allen et. al.
Evidence Neuborne, Burt Weinstein, et. al., Evidence: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press -10th ed)
Evidence Park, Roger Park & Friedman, Evidence, Foundation Press, 12th edition 2013 (Casebook) ISBN: 9781609301385
Evidence Ross, Jacqueline E. Evidence, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) 13th Edition by Roger Park (Author), Richard Friedman (Author); ISBN-13: 978-1634603423
Evidence Roth, Andrea Allen, Kuhns, Swift, & Schwartz, Evidence: Text, Problems & Cases (5th, 2011)
Evidence Roth, Andrea David Sklansky, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Aspen (4 ed. 2016)
Evidence Roth, Andrea Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition David A. Sklansky, Andrea L. Roth
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan David A. Sklansky, Evidence: Cases, Commentary and Problems (Aspen 2003)
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan David A. Sklansky, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems (3rd Ed. 2012)
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan EVIDENCE
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan EVIDENCE
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan Evidence - Cases, commentary and problems 2nd edition - by Sklansky
Evidence Sklansky, David Alan Sklansky, Evidence
Evidence Sood, Avani Mehta DAVID SKLANSKY , EVIDENCE : CASES , COMMENTARY , AND PROBLEMS (4 th ed. 2016)
Evidence Sood, Avani Mehta Evidence: Cases Commentary & Problems, Third Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) David A. Sklansky
Evidence Sood, Avani Mehta Evidence: Cases. Commentary, and Problems (3d ed. 2012). (Sklansky)
Evidence Sood, Avani Mehta Sklansky, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems (3rd ed., 2012).
Evidence Spencer, Douglas M. Don't Remember
Evidence Swift, Eleanor E&E
Evidence Swift, Eleanor Evidence: Text, Problems and Cases, Allen, Kuhns, Swift, Schwartz
Evidence Swift, Eleanor unknown
Evidence Swift, Eleanor unknown
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kay, Herma FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kay, Herma Hill unknown
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Murray, Melissa Family Law cases and Materials, 5th ed. by Arleen & Regan, Jr.
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Murray, Melissa Family Law, 6th Judith C. Areen, Marc Spindelman, Philomila Tsoukala
Federal Courts Chemerinsky, Erwin Low, Jeffries and Bradley. Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations Supplement 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781634605250. West Academic Publishing.
Federal Courts Chemerinsky, Erwin Low, Jeffries and Bradley. Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations Supplement 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781634605250. West Academic Publishing.
Federal Courts Fletcher, William Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler
Federal Courts Fletcher, William Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System, (Sixth Ed. 2009)
Federal Courts Fletcher, William Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Courts Fletcher, William The Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Courts Smith, Fred He provides you with a casebook that he made.
Federal Courts Tyler, Amanda Hart and Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System (6th edition)
Federal Courts Tyler, Amanda The Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Income Tax McNulty, John K. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Rakowski, Eric Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Federal Indian Law Biestman, Karen American Indian Law Cases and Commentary, Anderson, Berger, 2008 ed.
First Amendment Bamberger, Kenneth Don't Remember
First Amendment Bamberger, Kenneth The First Amendment: Cases, Problems, and Materials - 4th Ed. - Weaver, et. al. - Lexis Nexis
First Amendment Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
First Amendment Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
First Amendment Chemerinsky, Erwin Chemerinsky, First Amendment Law, 2nd Edition
Forensic Evidence Roth, Andrea N/A - Handouts
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. 2017 - No Textbook Used
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Abernathy's Law in the United States
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Fundermentals of U.S. Law, William HD Fernholz, ISBN: 9781543829525
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Law in the United States
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Law in the United States
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Law in the United States by Charles F. Abernathy
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. Law in the United States, Charles F. Abernathy, ISBN: 9780314152237
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William No Book
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. No Book
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. No Book
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. No Book
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William H.D. No Book
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Fernholz, William William Fernholz, Fundamentals of U.S. Law
Fundamentals of U.S. Law Rice, Charles Fundermentals of U.S. Law, William HD Fernholz, ISBN: 9781543829525
Hedge Funds: Structuring, Advising and Regulating Martin, Frank None Used
Immigration Law Volpp, Leti Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy, Legomsky, 5th ed.
Income Taxation Dharmapala, Dhammika Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, and Scharff, Federal Income Taxation, 19th Ed., 2023, Aspen
Income Taxation Gamage, David Taxation: Law, Planning, and Policy by Michael A. Livingston
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Bankman, Shaviro, and Stark. Federal Income Taxation  16th ed.    ISBN: 9781454809968. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business. 
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Bankman, Shaviro, Stark and Kleinbard. Federal Income Taxation 17th ed. ISBN: 9781454871026. Wolters Kluwer.
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Bankman, Shaviro, Stark and Kleinbard. Federal Income Taxation 17th ed. ISBN: 9781454871026. Wolters Kluwer.
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, Federal Income Taxation (16th ed.)
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, Federal Income Taxation (16th ed.)
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Basic Federal Income Taxation
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Federal Income Taxation
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Federal Income Taxation (16th ed. 2012)
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Federal Income Taxation, Klein, Bankman, Shaviro, Stark, 15th ed.
Income Taxation Rakowski, Eric Unkown
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Daniel J. Solove and Paul Schwartz, INFORMATION PRIVACY LAW (6th ed., 2017)
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz (4th ed.)
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Information Privacy, Solove and Schwartz, 2012 Edition
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Solove and Schwartz, Information Privacy Law 6th Ed. ISBN 9781454892755
Information Privacy Schwartz, Paul Solove and Schwartz. Information Privacy Law 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781454849537. Wolters Kluwer.
Insurance Law Lavitt, Joseph Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Insurance Law Lavitt, Joseph Kenneth S. Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2010)
Intellectual Property Donga, John INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Intellectual Property Lemley, Mark unknown
Intellectual Property Merges, Robert can't remember
Intellectual Property Merges, Robert Merges, Menell & Lemley, Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (5th edition, 2010)
Intellectual Property Samuelson, Pamela Goldstein, et al
Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age by Merges, Menell and Lemley
Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Merges, Menell and Lemley, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE (Fourth edition)
Intellectual Property Strategy and Management Nadan, Christian Class Handouts
International Business Negotiations Clowes, Howard NEGOTIATING BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS Bradlow, Daniel D. . Negotiating Business Transactions: An Extended Simulation Course (Aspen Coursebook Series)
International Business Transactions Linos, Katerina Vagts, Dodge, Koh, and Buxbaum. Transactional Business Problems 5th ed. ISBN: 9781609300845. Foundation Press.
International Business Transactions Linos, Katerina Vagts, Dodge, Koh, and Buxbaum. Transactional Business Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781683286523. Foundation Press.
International Commercial Arbitration Popovic, Neil International Commercial Arbitration By Reisman, Craig, Park, Paulsson
International Human Rights Law Miller, Alice International Human Rights Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice, Lillich, 4th ed.
International Law Caron, David D. Harris: Cases and Materials on International Law, 6th Ed.
International Law Linos, Katerina International Law, Dunoff, 6th Edition
International Litigation and Arbitration Popovic, Neil COURSEPACK
Introduction to Intellectual Property Houweling, Van Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Intellectual Property - Merges, Menell, Lemley
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Intellectual Property in New Technological Age 6th Edition
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Intellectual property in the new technological age (6th Ed. 2012)
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, 6th Edition, Merges, Menell and Lemley
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Introduction to Intellectual Property Menell, Peter S. Merges, Menell & Lemley, Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (6 th ed. Revised)
Introduction to Intellectual Property Merges, Robert Intellectual property in the new technological age (6th Ed. 2012)
Introduction to Intellectual Property Merges, Robert Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: Fifth Edition
Introduction to Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Intellectual Property - Merges, Menell, Lemley
Introduction to Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, 6th Edition, Merges, Menell and Lemley
Introduction to Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
Introduction to Intellectual Property Van Houweling, Molly Merges, Menell & Lemley, Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (5th edition, 2010)
Islamic Finance Ahmed, Arshad Islamic Finance
Land Use Birkey, Scott Cases and Materials on Land Use, 6th edition
Land Use Birkey, Scott Land Use, Callies, 6th Edition
Land Use Rossmann, Antonio Land Use Controls: Cases and Materials, Ellickson et al., 4th ed., 2013
Land Use Rossmann, Antonio Land Use Controls: Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition
Law and Economics Cooter, Robert Cooter/Ulen, Law & Economics
Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law Langford, Carol M. Richard Zitrin, Carol Langford, and Nina Tarr, Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law (3rd Edition)
Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law Langford, Carol M. Richard Zitrin, Carol Langford, and Nina Tarr, Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law (4th Edition)
Legal Ethics: Regulation of Lawyers Hanlon, Patrick Regulation of the Legal Profession, Gillers
Legal Profession Baldwin, Merri Gillers et al., Regulation of Lawyers: Statutes and Standards
Legal Profession Baldwin, Merri No Book
Legal Profession Hanlon, Patrick LEGAL ETHICS
Legal Profession Jargiello, David Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (4th ed) by Lerman/Schrag
Legal Profession Steele, John Model Rules
Merger and Acquisitions Badawi, Adam Maynard. Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases and Materials. 4th ed. ISBN 9781454871071. Wolters Kluwer.
Merger and Acquisitions Badawi, Adam N/A
Merger and Acquisitions Dibadj, Reza Instructor has indicated that no books will be assigned.
Merger and Acquisitions Kennedy, Michael Professor's own materials
Merger and Acquisitions Solomon, Steven D. Mergers & Acquisitions Reader DRAFT Casebook 2015
Merger and Acquisitions Solomon, Steven D. Mergers & Acquisitions, HIll
Merger and Acquisitions Solomon, Steven D. Mergers and Acquisitions: Law, Theory, and Practice, 2nd edition, Hill, Quinn, Solomon
Merger and Acquisitions Solomon, Steven D. none - professor supplied material
Partnership Tax Gergen, Mark Don't Remember
Patent Merges, Robert Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Merges, Robert Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy (5th Edition)
Practical Ethics Budner, Bruce Don't Remember
Practical Legal Ethics Budner, Bruce Zitrin, Langford and Cole. Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law  4th ed.  ISBN: 9780769852836. LexisNexis. 
Privacy Law Schwartz, Paul Solove and Schwartz. Information Privacy Law 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781454849537. Wolters Kluwer.
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Tangri, Ragesh Developing Judgment About Practicing Law
Property I Anderson, Michelle Wilde 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier 7th Ed.
Property I Anderson, Michelle Wilde Casebook: Joseph William Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (5th edition 2010)
Property I Anderson, Michelle Wilde Dukmenier
Property I Anderson, Michelle Wilde Property Law Dukeminier 7th Edition
Property I Biber, Eric Dukeminier - 7th Ed.
Property I Doremus, Holly Freyfogle and Karkkainen's Property Law: Power, Governance, and the Common Good
Property I Doremus, Holly Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Doremus, Holly Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Haney Lopez, Ian Singer, Berger, Davidson & Peñalver, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th ed. 2014)
Property I Haney Lopez, Ian Singer, Berger, Davidson & Peñalver, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th ed. 2014)
Property I Kaswan, Alice 1L Property Casebook
Property I Katyal, Sonia Singer et. al, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th Edition)
Property I Menell, Peter S. Can't Remember
Property I Narechania, Tejas Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Narechania, Tejas Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Narechania, Tejas Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Narechania, Tejas Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Peterson, Andrea 1L Property - Dukeminier (7th Ed.)
Property I Peterson, Andrea Dukeminier - 7th Ed.
Property I Peterson, Andrea Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill, PROPERTY, 6th Ed
Property I Peterson, Andrea Property, by Jesse Dukeminier et al (7th ed. 201
Property I Peterson, Andrea Property, Dukeminier & Krier, sixth edition.
Property I Van Houweling, Molly 1L Property - Dukeminier 8th Edition
Property I Van Houweling, Molly 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier 9th Ed.
Property I Van Houweling, Molly 1L Property Law Book - Red Book
Property I Van Houweling, Molly 2019 - No Textbook
Property I Van Houweling, Molly Clowney, Grimmelmann, Grynberg, Sheff & Tushnet’s Open Source Property casebook
Property I Van Houweling, Molly No Book
Property I Van Houweling, Molly No Textbook -- Open Source Material
Property I Van Houweling, Molly Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Van Houweling, Molly Property Dukeminier 8th edition
Real Estate Transactions Hansen, Charles REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS
Real Estate Transactions Hansen, Charles Real Estate Transactions and Litigation Reader
Real Property Peterson, Andrea Dukeminier et al., Property 7th ed.
Remedies Infelise, Robert D. Douglas Laycock, Modern American Remedies 4th Ed.
Remedies Infelise, Robert D. Douglas Laycock, Modern American Remedies: Cases And Materials (5th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2019), ISBN: 978-1-45489-127-7.
Remedies Infelise, Robert D. Modern American Remedies
Remedies Infelise, Robert D. Modern American Remedies
Roman Law Mayali, Laurent Roman Law in Context
Secured Transactions Kosel, Janice E. unknown
Securities Regulation Bartlett, Robert Choi and Prichard, Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis, 5th ed.
Securities Regulation Bartlett, Robert Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation Bartlett, Robert N.A.
Securities Regulation Bartlett, Robert N/A
Securities Regulation Cable, Abraham Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation Dibadj, Reza Cox, Hillman & Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (7th ed. 2013)
Securities Regulation Dibadj, Reza James Cox, Robert Hillman, & Donald Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (6th)
Securities Regulation Dibadj, Reza James Cox, Robert Hillman, & Donald Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (8th edition 2017)
Securities Regulation Dibadj, Reza Outline of the Securities Regulation: cases and materials (by Cox, Hillman and Langevoort), Seventh
Securities Regulation Dibadj, Reza Securities Regulations: Cox, Hillman, & Langevoort, 7th Ed. 2013
Securities Regulation Gadinis, Stavros ames D. Cox, Robert W. Hillman and Donald C. Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (9th edition, 2020).
Securities Regulation Gadinis, Stavros Case book on Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Gadinis, Stavros Casebook: Securities Regulation Cases & Materials, 8th edition
Securities Regulation Gadinis, Stavros Cox, Hillman & Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (7th ed. 2013)
Securities Regulation Gadinis, Stavros Cox, Hillman, Langevoort and Lipton. Securities Regulation: Case and Material, 10th edition, Aspen Publishing
Sports Law Eisenhardt, Roy Sports Law & Regulation: Cases Materials & Problems, Third Edition (Matthew Mitten et al)
Sports Law Levien, Jason Sports Law & Regulation: Mitten
Torts Bamberger, Kenneth Epstein and Sharkey, Cases and Materials on Torts, 12th ed. (2020)
Torts Barnett, Stephen R. Can't Remember
Torts Barnett, Stephen R. Can't Remember
Torts Davis, Seth Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Davis, Seth Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Davis, Seth Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Davis, Seth Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Davis, Seth Torts: Responsibilities and Redress, 4th ed.
Torts Farber, Daniel A. 1L Torts American casebook series
Torts Farber, Daniel A. Cases and Materials on Torts (American Casebook Series) 3rd Edition
Torts Farber, Daniel A. Torts - Cases and Materials - Diamond
Torts Gergen, Mark Robertson, Powers, Anderson, & Wellborn, Cases and Materials on Torts (3d ed. 2004)
Torts Hanlon, Patrick Torts - Franklin & Rabin
Torts Hoofnagle, Chris Cases, Principles, and Institutions by Karen Tani and John Witt
Torts Lavitt, Joseph Prosser, Wade and Schwartz, Torts, Cases and Materials, 11th Ed.
Torts Levy, Neil M. Can't Remember
Torts Levy, Neil M. Cases and Materials on Torts (Diamond)
Torts Levy, Neil M. Torts
Torts Levy, Neil M. Torts I
Torts Schwartz, Paul Cases and Material on Torts (11th Edition) by Richard Epstein and Catherine Sharkey ISBN-10: 1454868252
Torts Schwartz, Paul Cases and Materials on Torts - Tenth Edition - Epstein, Sharkey
Torts Schwartz, Paul Epstein
Torts Schwartz, Paul Epstein Sharkey Cases and Materials on Torts 11th edition
Torts Schwartz, Paul Torts epstein/sharkey Edition: 10th edition
Torts Specter, Shanin Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. 1L Franklin, Rabin, & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 8th edition.
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. 1L Franklin, Rabin, & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 9th edition.
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. 1L Torts
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. Franklin, Rabin & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Sugarman, Stephen D. Tort Law and Alternatives: Franklin, Rabin and Green 8th Ed.
Torts Syed, Talha 1 L Torts
Torts Syed, Talha 1L Torts
Torts Syed, Talha 1L Torts and Compensation 7th Edition
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Dan, Hayden, Paul, Bublick, Ellen; Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury (American Casebook Series) 8th Edition. ISBN: 978-1634608152
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Syed, Talha Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Tani, Karen EPSTEIN, CASES AND MATERIALS ON TORTS (9th ed. 2008)
Torts Tani, Karen Torts Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fourth Edition by Karen Tani and John Fabian Witt
Torts Tani, Karen Witt and Tani. Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, 4th Ed. 2019
Trade Secrets Jacobs, Michael Professor's own materials
Trademark Fritz, Katherine No Book
Trusts and Estates Holmquist, Kristen Dukeminier Trusts and Estates
Venture Capital Petkanics, Donna None- Professor's Handouts
Venture Capital Reinstra, Mark none - professor supplied material
Video Game Law Smithline, Todd N/A
White Collar Crime Pletcher, Anna WHITE COLLAR CRIME, CASES, MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS (LexisNexis. 2d ed.) by J. Kelley Strader and Sand
Wills and Trust Law Ferguson, Michael C. forgot name.
Work Law Reddy, Diana Crain, Kim, Selmi & Rogers, Work Law: Cases and Materials 4th ed. 2020 -