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Robert Merges

Robert Merges

School Class Text Book
University of California, Berkeley Contracts 1 L Contracts
University of California, Berkeley Contracts Farnsworth, Young, Sanger, Cohen & Brooks casebook, 7th ed., 2008
University of California, Berkeley Intellectual Property can't remember
University of California, Berkeley Intellectual Property Merges, Menell & Lemley, Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (5th edition, 2010)
University of California, Berkeley Introduction to Intellectual Property Intellectual property in the new technological age (6th Ed. 2012)
University of California, Berkeley Introduction to Intellectual Property Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: Fifth Edition
University of California, Berkeley Patent Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
University of California, Berkeley Patent Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy (5th Edition)