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Duke University School of Law

Duke University School of Law

Class Professor Text Book
Administrative Law Adler, Matthew Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
Administrative Law Adler, Matthew Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
Administrative Law Adler, Matthew can't remember
Administrative Law Adler, Matthew Mashaw, Merrill, Shane, Magill, Cuéllar, & Parrillo, Administrative Law (7th ed.)
Administrative Law Benjamin, Stuart BREYER, STEWART, SUNSTEIN & VERMEULE, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND REGULATORY POLICY (Aspen Publishing, 7th ed. 2011)
Administrative Law Inazu, John Administrative Law
Administrative Law Rai, Arti Breyer
Administrative Law Rai, Arti BREYER ET AL., ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND REGULATORY POLICY: Problems, Text, and Cases (Aspen)
Analytical Methods de Figueiredo, John M. Howell E. Jackson, et. al. Analytical Methods for Lawyers, Second Edition
Antitrust Kasper, Andrew Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases (Aspen Casebook)
Antitrust Richman, Barak D. Ides and May
Antitrust and Trade Regulation Richmond, Michael Antitrust
Art Law DeMott, Deborah N/A (No text book)
Banking Law and Regulation Baxter, Lawrence Financial Regulation: Law and Policy (University Casebook Series)
Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization Schwarcz, Steven No Book
Big Bank Regulation Baxter, Lawrence Michael Barr, Howell Jackson, et al. Financial Regulation: Law and Policy (University Casebook Series)
Business Associations Cox, Jim Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Cox, Jim Business Organizations
Business Associations Cox, Jim Gorman, Finkin and Glynn. Cox and Bok’s Labor Law Cases & Materials, 16th, 2016 Statutory Appendix & Case Supplement 2016 ISBN: 9781634607025. Foundation Press.
Business Associations Coyle, John F. Business Association
Business Associations de Fontenay, Elisabeth Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations de Fontenay, Elisabeth Allen, Kraakman, & Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations (4th ed.
Business Associations de Fontenay, Elisabeth Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, Fourth Edition
Business Associations de Fontenay, Elisabeth N/A
Business Associations DeMott, Deborah Corporations and Other Business Associations (O'kelley & Thompson, 5th)
Business Associations Eldar, Ofer Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Eldar, Ofer COURSEPACK
Business Associations Fletcher, Gina-Gail can't remember - Fall 2022
Business Associations Gulati, Mitu Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations (Klein 7th ed).
Business Associations Krawiec, Kimberly D. Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations 8th Edition Klein
Business Associations Krawiec, Kimberly D. Business Associaitons- Klien
Business Associations Krawiec, Kimberly D. Business Associations- Dukheimer
Business Associations Krawiec, Kimberly D. Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
Business Associations Krawiec, Kimberly D. Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press. 
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Cox, Jim BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Cox, Jim Cases and materials on Business Associations
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Cox, Jim Corporations and Other Business Ograntizations: Caes, Materials, Problems
Business Associations (See also Corporations) DeMott, Deborah Corporations and Other Business Associations (O'kelley & Thompson, 5th)
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Gulati, Mitu The Thomson West Book...
Civil Procedure I Abbott, Kevin Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Abbott, Kevin Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Adams, Cynthia M. Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Carrington, Paul D. Yaezell 6 ed
Civil Procedure I Charles, Guy-Uriel Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure I Fisk, Catherine Ides and May
Civil Procedure I Jones, Trina Civil Procedure by Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Jones, Trina Yazell 6th
Civil Procedure I Jones, Trina Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Jones, Trina Yezell was the author
Civil Procedure I Lemos, Maggie Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (American Casebook Series) 12th Edition by Jack Friedenthal (Author), Arthur Miller (Author), John Sexton (Author), Helen Hershkoff (Author)
Civil Procedure I Levy, Marin Civil Procedure - Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Levy, Marin civil procedure case and material
Civil Procedure I Levy, Marin Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Levy, Marin Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Lynk, Myles Civil Procedure - Stephen C. Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure - Ides and May
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure - Ides and May
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure Cases and Problems 4th edition - Ides, May
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure: A Casebook - Glannon
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach (4th ed.) - A. Benjamin Spencer
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Glannon, Perlman & Raven-Hansen, CIVIL PROCEDURE: A COURSEBOOK (2nd Edition; Wolters Kluwer 2014)
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Ides & May, Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Joseph W. Glannon, Andrew M. Perlman, Peter Raven-Hansen, CIVIL PROCEDURE: A COURSEBOOK
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Metzloff, Thomas Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (11th Ed. 2013)
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Civil Procedure - Marcus
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Civil Procedure A modern Approach (Updated 7th Edition) Marcus et al.
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Don't Remember
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Don't Remember
Civil Procedure I Miller, Darrell A.H. Marcus, Redish, Sherman & Pfander CIVIL PROCEDURE: A MODERN APPROACH 7th ed. -
Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Gregory Civil Procedure - University Casebook Series - Rowe, Sherry, Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Petkun, Jon Jack H. Friedenthal, Arthur R. Miller, John E. Sexton, and Helen Hershkoff: Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials
Civil Procedure I Rowe, Thomas Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon (2011)
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon 2014
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook by Glannon, Pearlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Rules, Statutes and Other Materials 2017 ISBN: 9781454882381. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E. Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Tigar, Michael 1L Civ-Pro Book black cover with a cd
Civil Rights Litigation Miller, Darrell A.H. Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution (3rd Edition 2013) - Jeffries, Karlan, Low, and Rut
Commercial Law Schwarcz, Steven Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Commercial Law Schwarcz, Steven Structured Finance
Common Law Contracts Martinez, Veronica K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 2nd Edition by Tracey E. George (Author), Russell Korobkin (Author)
Comparative Law Michaels, Ralf Class Packet
Comparative Law Michaels, Ralf Course Pack
Conflict of Laws Michaels, Ralf Conflict of laws : American, comparative, international : cases and materials / by Symeon C. Symeoni
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew 1L Constitutional Law- Stone
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew Constitutional Law Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, and Tushnet. 8th Wolters Kluwer 9781454876670
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew Stone, Geoffrey. Constitutional Law   7th ed.  2016 Supplement   ISBN: 9781454875598. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  8th ed.    ISBN: 978145487667. Wolters Kluwer.
Constitutional Law I Adler, Matthew Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, and Karlan, Constitutional Law (7th ed. 2013)
Constitutional Law I Blocher, Joseph Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Blocher, Joseph Chermerinsky
Constitutional Law I Blocher, Joseph ERWIN CHEMERINSKY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (3d ed. 2009).
Constitutional Law I Charles, Guy-Uriel Professor Charles's Unpublished Material
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson Constituional Law
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson Constituional Law
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson Course Materials (no book)
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson Custom Text
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson His own materials
Constitutional Law I Powell, Jefferson Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781628103083. West.
Constitutional Law I Purdy, Jedediah 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_6th
Constitutional Law I Purdy, Jedediah 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_7th
Constitutional Law I Purdy, Jedediah Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (6th)
Constitutional Law I Purdy, Jedediah Constitution Law Stone Seidman 7th
Constitutional Law I Purdy, Jedediah No Book
Constitutional Law I Schroeder CON. LAW
Constitutional Law I Siegel, Neil No Book
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest ernest young
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Structure
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Structure
Constitutional Law I Young, Gordon young constitutional law
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest Young, Supreme Court and Constitution
Contract LLM Haagen, Paul Contracts
Contracts Aguirre, Emilie A Common Law Approach to Contracts, George Korobkin
Contracts Ashdown, Gerald G. Problems in Contract Law
Contracts Bartlett, Katharine T. Contracts and Related Obligations - Summers and Hillman
Contracts Bartlett, Katharine T. Robert S. Summers & Robert A. Hillman, Contract and Related Obligation: Theory, Doctrine, and Practi
Contracts Chen, Daniel 1L Contracts
Contracts Chen, Daniel Barnett Contracts: Cases and Doctrine, Fourth Edition
Contracts Chen, Daniel Randy E. Barnett
Contracts Greene, Sara Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals, 4th (American Casebook Series)
Contracts Greene, Sara Don't Remember
Contracts Greene, Sara Epstein, Markell and Ponoroff. Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals 4th ed. ISBN: 9780314287045. West.
Contracts Greene, Sara Epstein, Markell and Ponoroff. Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals 4th ed. ISBN: 9780314287045. West.
Contracts Gulati, Mitu Contract Law & Theory, 5th ed. (Scott & Kraus)
Contracts Gulati, Mitu Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts Gulati, Mitu Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus
Contracts Haagen, Paul 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Haagen, Paul Contract and Related Obligation (Sumers, Hillman) 4th edition
Contracts Haagen, Paul Contract and Related Obligation (Summers and Hillman) 6th ed.
Contracts Haagen, Paul Contracts and Related Obligation (7th Ed)
Contracts Haagen, Paul Contracts and Related Obligation (7th Ed)
Contracts Haagen, Paul Havillan
Contracts Haagen, Paul Robert S. Summers and Robert A. Hillman, Contract and Contract Related Obligation, 7th edition
Contracts Haagen, Paul Summers, Hillman and Hoffman. Contract & Related Obligation 7th ed. ISBN: 9781634596510. West Academic Publishing.
Contracts Haagen, Paul Summers, Hillman and Hoffman. Contract & Related Obligation 7th ed. ISBN: 9781634596510. West Academic Publishing.
Contracts Martinez, Veronica Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Martinez, Veronica George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Third Edition, Aspen 2021)
Contracts Reichman, Jerome H. Contract-Cases, Problems and Materials of Contracts Fourth Edition
Contracts Richman, Barak D. 1 L Contracts
Contracts Richman, Barak D. 1L Contracts
Contracts Richman, Barak D. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Richman, Barak D. Can't Remember
Contracts Richman, Barak D. Contract Law & Theory, 5th ed. (Scott & Kraus)
Contracts Richman, Barak D. Contract Law and Theory (2013) 5th Edition Scott & Kraus
Contracts Richman, Barak D. No Book
Contracts Saltzman, Alan Contracts, Cases and Materials
Contracts Salzman, James Knapp Crystal Prince
Contracts Salzman, James Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials (5th
Contracts Weistart, John C. 1L Contracts Book 2013
Contracts Weistart, John C. Contracts Experience
Contracts Weistart, John C. Contracts Experience
Contracts Weistart, John C. None
Contracts Williams, Sean Cases and Materials on Contracts
Copyright Reichman, Jerome H. Brown & Denicola, Copyright, Unfair Competition, and Related Topics Bearing on the Protection of Works of Authorship (University Casebook Series) 12th Edition. ISBN: 9781634602105
Copyright Reichman, Jerome H. COPYRIGHT
Corporate Crimes Buell, Sam coursepack from professor
Corporate Crimes Buell, Sam Don't Remember
Corporate Crimes Buell, Sam loose leaf
Corporate Taxation Zelenak, Lawrence Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Schwartz & Lathrope, 8th Edition)
Criminal Law Beal, Sara Criminal Law
Criminal Law Beale, Sara 1L Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Beale, Sara 1L Criminal Law Dressler- 8th
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries and Low's Criminal Law, 3d
Criminal Law Beale, Sara case and materials on criminal law
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Cases and Material on Criminal Law - Dressler 5th ed.
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (6th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Criminal Law
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Criminal Law - Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, Low - 3rd ed. University Casebooks
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Beale, Sara Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Buell, Sam 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Buell, Sam Cases and Material in Criminal Law, Joshua Dressler, 6th Edition
Criminal Law Buell, Sam Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 5th (American Casebook)
Criminal Law Buell, Sam Criminal Law: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, Ohlin
Criminal Law Buell, Sam Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Criminal Law - Cases And Materials
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Criminal Law Cases and Materials - Kaplan & Weisberg 7th Edition
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Criminal Law Cases and Materials - Kaplan 6th ed.
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Kaplan, Weisberg & Binder, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (7th Edition)
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (7th Ed.)
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Coleman, James E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Farahany, Nita Criminal Law and its Processes (10th ed), Sanford Kadish, Stephen Schulhofer, and Rachel Barkow, eds
Criminal Law Farahany, Nita Criminal Law and Its Processes (9th ed. 2012)
Criminal Law Farahany, Nita Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben 1L - Criminal Law - Kadish 10th edition
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben American Casebook Series
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben COURSEPACK
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Grunwald, Ben Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Hasnas, John Crimial Law and Its Processes- 8th Edition- Kadish, Schulhofer, Steiker
Criminal Law Hasnas, John Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials, Eighth Edition
Criminal Law Jain, Eisha Dressler and Garvey Criminal Law 8th ed
Criminal Procedure Beale CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Coleman, James E. unknown
Criminal Procedure Conley, John Civil Procedure - Stephen C. Yeazell
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Dever, James C. Criminal Procedure: Adjudicative, A Contemporary Approach (2nd ed.) Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Dever, James C. Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer and Friedland. Criminal Procedure Cases, Problems & Exercises 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314279460. West.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Griffin, Lisa Allen, Stuntz et al., Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel (2011)
Derivatives Law Fletcher, Gina-Gail Gary E. Kalbaugh, Derivatives Law and Regulation 2nd Edition
Derivatives Law Fletcher, Gina-Gail Kalbaugh, Gary. Derivatives Law and Regulation. ISBN: 9781454851301. Aspen.
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas Cant Remember
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas class packet- no book
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas class packet- no book
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas Const'l Law - Sullivan & Gunther
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas Course Packet
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas Coursepack only
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas Metzloff Thomas' lecture
Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law Metzloff, Thomas N/A - Course Packet
Education Law Wettach, Jane course pack (no book)
Education Law Wettach, Jane COURSEPACK
Education Law Wettach, Jane No Book
Employment Discrimination Bartlett, Katharine T. Employment Discrimination Law & Theory
Employment Law Fisk, Catherine Work Law
Energy Law Monast, Jonas J. Energy, Economics and the Environment: Cases and Materials, 4th Edition (Foundation Press: 2015)
Energy Law Pickle, Amy Bosselman et al., Energy, Economics, and the Environment (Foundation 2015, 4th ed.)
Energy Law Pickle, Amy Eisen - Energy, Economics and the Environment (4th ed)
Energy Law Pickle, Amy Energy, Economics and the environment 4th ed. 2015
Environmental Law Salzman, James 2012 - No Textbook
Environmental Law Salzman, James Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, 4th Ed.
Ethical Lawyering Bradley, Kathryn Webb Can't Remember
Ethical Lawyering Bradley, Kathryn Webb Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (3d ed.)
Ethical Lawyering Bradley, Kathryn Webb Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Ethical Lawyering Bradley, Kathryn Webb Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Ethical Lawyering Chopas, Mary Real Ethics for Real Lawyers 2ed
Ethical Lawyering Richardson, Amy N/A - Class handouts
Ethical Lawyering Schwoerke, Amanda Course Pack
Ethical Lawyering Schwoerke, Amanda Schwoerke Casebook
Ethics of Social Justice Lawyering Demeritt, Hannah ABA Model Rules
Evidence Beskind, Donald Evidence, Cases and Materials (University Casebook) 12th Edition
Evidence Broun, Kenneth Evidence Cases and Materials
Evidence Farrior, Stephanie EVIDENCE
Evidence Garrett, Brandon Jeffrey Bellin, The Law of Evidence (2021), ISBN-13 979-8652958077
Evidence Griffin, Lisa Evidence - Fisher
Evidence Griffin, Lisa Evidence Fisher 3rd Edition 2013
Evidence Griffin, Lisa Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Mosteller, Robert EVIDENCE
Evidence Mosteller, Robert EVIDENCE
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Abrams, Kerry Douglas NeJaime, Ralph Richard Banks, Joanna L. Grossman, and Suzanne A. Kim, Family Law in a Changing America (Wolters Kluwer 2021)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Bradley, Kathryn Webb Abrams, Cahn, Ross, Meyer and McClain. Contemporary Family Law 4th ed. ISBN: 9781628101652. West Academic Publishing.
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Bradley, Kathy FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Bradley, Kathryn Webb Family Law, Cases and Material: Ellman
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Bradley, Kathy Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems (5th ed.) by I. Ellman, et al
Federal Courts Bradley, Curtis A. Low, Jeffries and Bradley. Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781609304232. West Academic Publishing.
Federal Courts Siegel, Neil Low, Jeffries and Bradley. Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781609304232. West Academic Publishing.
Federal Courts Young, Ernest Richard H. Fallon, John F. Manning, Daniel J. Meltzer, & David L. Shapiro, Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System (7th Ed. 2015)
Federal Income Tax Gamage, David Taxation: Law, Planning, and Policy by Michael A. Livingston
Federal Income Tax Schmalbeck, Richard Basic Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Schmalbeck, Richard Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
Federal Income Tax Schmalbeck, Richard Federal Income Taxation, 3d ed., by Schmalbeck & Zelenack
Federal Income Tax Schmalbeck, Richard Schmalbeck, Zelenak and Lawsky. Federal Income Taxation 4th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454858003. Wolters Kluwer.
Federal Income Tax Schmalbeck, Richard Schmalbeck, Zelenak and Lawsky. Federal Income Taxation 4th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454858003. Wolters Kluwer.
Federal Income Tax Zelenak, Lawrence FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Zelenak, Lawrence Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Zelenak, Lawrence Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Zelenak, Lawrence Schmalbeck and Zelenak, Federal Income Taxation (3d edition, 2011).
First Amendment Benjamin, Stuart First Amendment and Related Statutes--Eugene Volokh
Foreign Relations Bradley, Curtis A. Foreign Relations Law, Curtis Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Foundations of Law Boyle, James Custom Course Packet
Foundations of Law Salzman, James 2014 - No text required
Intellectual Property Boyle, James Barton Beebe, Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook, Version 6.0; James Boyle & Jennifer Jenkins, Intellectual Property Law & the Information Society: Cases & Materials (4th Edition) and 2019 Supp.; Jeanne C. Fromer & Christopher Jon Sprigman, Copyright Law: Cases and Materials, Version 1.0; James Grimmelmann, Patterns of Information Law: Intellectual Property Done Right (Version 1.3)
Intellectual Property Boyle, James Boyle, Jenkins, Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Boyle, James Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society Cases & Materials
Intellectual Property Boyle, James Intellectual Property: Law and the Information Society
Intellectual Property Boyle, James Lange, et al.
Intellectual Property Boyle, James The 2018, 4th edition of Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society—Cases and Materials by James Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins
Intellectual Property Jenkins, Jennifer INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Intellectual Property Jenkins, Jennifer Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society Cases & Materials
Intellectual Property Lange, David Intellectual Property - Lange, LeFrance, and Myers
Intellectual Property Licensing Webbink, Mark H. Licensing Intellectual Property In The Information Age, Second Edition
Intellectual Property Survey Jenkins, Jennifer Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society Cases & Materials
International Business Law Brewster, Rachel Selected Materials Course Pack
International Civil Litigation Helfer, Laurence International Civil Litigation
International Civil Litigation Helfer, Laurence Zekoll, Collins, and Rutherglen's Transnational Civil Litigation (American Casebook Series)
International Commercial Arbitration Michaels, Ralf 2014 - No text required
International Human Rights Law Helfer, Laurence Human Rights, Henkin, et. al.
International Law Dugard, John International Law Cases and Materials (Damrosch, Henkin, Pugh, Schachter & Smit) 4th ed.
International Law Helfer, Laurence Dunoff, Ratner & Wippman, International Law: Norms, Actors, Process (4rd ed., 2015)
International Law Helfer, Laurence Dunoff, Ratner and Wippman. International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach  4th ed.  ISBN: 9781454849513. Wolters Kluwer. 
International Law Helfer, Laurence Dunoff, Ratner and Wippman. International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach  4th ed.  ISBN: 9781454849513. Wolters Kluwer. 
International Law Helfer, Laurence Dunoff, Ratner and Wippman. International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach  4th ed.  ISBN: 9781454849513. Wolters Kluwer. 
International Law Helfer, Laurence Dunoff, Ratner, & Wippman, International Law: Norms, Actors, Process (3rd ed. 2010)
Internet Law Frischmann, Brett Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence in the Information Age, 4th Ed
Judicial Decision-Making Lemos, Maggie Structure of Judicial Decision Making/Casebook
Labor Law Bowling, Daniel S. Course Pack
Labor Law Bowling, Daniel S. Labor Law: A Problem-based Approach
Labor Law Bowling, Daniel S. Secunda, Paul- Labor Law: A Problem Based Approach
Land Use Planning Underkuffler, Laura Land Use Planning
Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law Bradley, Kathryn Webb Legal Ethics and Practice of Law 3rd
Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Lemos, Maggie Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Merger and Acquisitions Schwarcz, Steven M&A
Natural Resources Law Purdy, Jedediah Natural Resources Law and Policy, 2d Edition
Natural Resources Law Purdy, Jedediah Natural Resources Law and Policy, Rasband, Salzman, Squillace
Patent Rai, Arti Merges & Duffy, Patent Law and Policy, 6th Ed.
Principles of Commercial and Bankruptcy Law Schwarcz, Steven COURSEPACK
Principles of Commercial and Bankruptcy Law Schwarcz, Steven No Book
Principles of Commercial and Bankruptcy Law Schwarcz, Steven no, self provided materials
Principles of Commercial and Bankruptcy Law Schwarcz, Steven UCC & Problems
Products Liability McGovern, Francis Products Liability - Henderson and Twersky
Property I Blocher, Joseph 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier
Property I Blocher, Joseph Property Law, Rules, Policies, and Practices
Property I Blocher, Joseph Property Law: Rules Policies and Practices 6th Edition
Property I Blocher, Joseph Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Crop, Angie Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Farley, Christine Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Purdy, Jedediah 1L Property
Property I Purdy, Jedediah COURSEPACK
Property I Purdy, Jedediah Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Qiao, Shitong Merrill & Smith, Property: Principles and Policies (3d ed. 2016).
Property I Remus, Dana Singer, Property Law, Rules, Policies, and Practices, Aspen Publishers, Fifth Edition
Property I Remus, Dana Singer, Property Law, Rules, Policies, and Practices, Aspen Publishers, Fifth Edition
Property I Reppy, William Fundamentals of Property Law
Property I Richman, Barak D. 1599410117 - Property: Principles And Policy by Thomas W. Merrill
Property I Richman, Barak D. MERRILL & SMITH, PROPERTY: PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES (2nd ed., 2012).
Property I Richman, Barak D. Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Salzman, James Dwyer and Menell's Property Law and Policy (University Casebook Series®)
Property I Salzman, James Property
Property I Schroeder, Christopher 1L Property Casebook by Singer
Property I Schroeder, Christopher Dukeminier et al. Property,Concise Edition. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN:978-1454851387
Property I Schroeder, Christopher JOSEPH SINGER ET AL., PROPERTY LAW: RULES, POLICIES, AND PRACTICES (6th ed. 2014)
Property I Schroeder, Christopher Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices, Sixth Edition
Property I Underkuffler, Laura Property
Property I Underkuffler, Laura Property (Dukeminier, 8th)
Property I Wiener, Jonathan B. Dwyer and Menell's Property Law and Policy (University Casebook Series®)
Property I Wiener, Jonathan B. Dwyer and Menell's Property Law and Policy (University Casebook Series®)
Property I Wiener, Jonathan Dwyer and Menell's Property Law and Policy (University Casebook Series®)
Property I Zhang, Taisu 1L Property Casebook by Singer
Religious Liberty Young, Ernest Religion and the State
Secured Transactions Cox, Jim SECURED TRANSACTIONS
Securities Regulation Cox, Jim Cox, Hillman, Langevoort
Sports Law Haagen, Paul Sports & the Law
Sports Law Haagen, Paul Sports and the Law, Weiler, 3rd Edition
Sports Law Looper-Friedman, Susan unknown
Structuring and Regulating Financial Transactions Schwarcz, Steven Schwarcz, Structured Finance: A Guide to the Principles of Asset Securitization
Torts Beskind, Donald Beskind and Coleman. Torts: Doctrine and Process (2017)
Torts Beskind, Donald Case and Materials on Torts
Torts Beskind, Donald Torts Doctrine and Process 21-22 | Beskind
Torts Beskind, Donald Torts: Doctrine and Process (2016)
Torts Boyle, James Torts
Torts Buccafusco, Christopher J. Professor's own materials
Torts Christie, George The Law of Torts
Torts Christie, George Tort Law
Torts Christie, George Tort Law
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet 1L Torts
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet 1L torts book
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Beskin and Coleman 2017
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Beskind & Coleman. Torts: Doctrine and Process. 2020-2021 edition
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Beskind and Coleman. Torts: Doctrine and Process (2017)
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al.
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al. 5th edition
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Coleman's textbook: Torts
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Course Pack (book written by prof)
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Professor's Printed Materials
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Tort
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Tort Law
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Torts -- Christie -- 4th Edition
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Torts Doctrine and Process 21-22 | Beskind
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Torts Doctrine and Process, Beskind and Coleman, 2023-2024 Edition
Torts Coleman, Doriane Lambelet Torts: Doctrine & Practice
Torts DeMott, Deborah Can't Remember - Red
Torts DeMott, Deborah Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al.
Torts DeMott, Deborah Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al.
Torts DeMott, Deborah Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al. 5th edition
Torts DeMott, Deborah Christie - Law of Torts, 4th Ed.
Torts DeMott, Deborah Christie, Sanders & Cardi, Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts (5th ed. 2012)
Torts DeMott, Deborah Glannon, Perlman & Raven-Hansen, CIVIL PROCEDURE: A COURSEBOOK (2nd Edition; Wolters Kluwer 2014)
Torts DeMott, Deborah I dont remember.
Torts DeMott, Deborah The Law of Torts, 4 Edition - Christie, et al.
Torts DeMott, Deborah Torts -- Christie -- 4th Edition
Torts DeMott, Deborah Torts -- Christie -- 4th Edition
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Farnsworth and Grady. Torts: Cases and Questions. 2nd ed. ISBN 9780735582941. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Frakes, Michael Twerski and Henderson. Torts: Cases and Materials 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454875758. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Guttel, Ehud Cases and Materials in Torts, by Ehud Guttel
Torts Guttel, Ehud Cases and Materials on TORTS Ehud Guttel
Torts Guttel, Ehud Teacher's Own Casebook
Torts Knutsen, Erik Tort Law and Alternatives
Trusts and Estates Shaw, Nancy Russell Trusts & Estates
Trusts and Estates Twiddy, Curtis Dukeminer & Sitkoff, Wills and Trusts, and Estates (9th ED. 2013) (D&S)