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Doriane Lambelet Coleman

Doriane Lambelet Coleman

School Class Text Book
Duke University School of Law Torts 1L Torts
Duke University School of Law Torts 1L torts book
Duke University School of Law Torts Beskin and Coleman 2017
Duke University School of Law Torts Beskind & Coleman, Torts: Doctrines and Process.
Duke University School of Law Torts Beskind & Coleman. Torts: Doctrine and Process. 2020-2021 edition
Duke University School of Law Torts Beskind and Coleman. Torts: Doctrine and Process (2017)
Duke University School of Law Torts Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al.
Duke University School of Law Torts Cases & Materials on the Law of Torts, Christie et. al. 5th edition
Duke University School of Law Torts Coleman's textbook: Torts
Duke University School of Law Torts Course Pack (book written by prof)
Duke University School of Law Torts Coursepack by Coleman
Duke University School of Law Torts Professor's Printed Materials
Duke University School of Law Torts Tort
Duke University School of Law Torts Tort Law
Duke University School of Law Torts Torts -- Christie -- 4th Edition
Duke University School of Law Torts Torts Doctrine and Process 21-22 | Beskind
Duke University School of Law Torts Torts Doctrine and Process, Beskind and Coleman, 2023-2024 Edition
Duke University School of Law Torts Torts: Doctrine & Practice