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University of Baltimore School of Law

University of Baltimore School of Law

Class Professor Text Book
4th Amendment Law Grossman, Steven P. Basic Criminal Procdure
Administrative Law Brown, Kimberly N. Administrative Law and Practice: Problems and Cases (Thompson West 4th ed. 2010)
Administrative Law Brown, Kimberly N. Administrative Procedure and Practice, 4th Ed., Funk, Shapiro, and Weaver
Administrative Law Palewicz, Albert Administrative Law
Administrative Law Palewicz, Albert Administrative Procedure & Practice
Administrative Law Palewicz, Albert No Book
Administrative Law Palewicz, Albert State & Federal Administrative Law, Asimow & Levin, 3d edition
Administrative Law Palewitz, Albert Can't Remember
Administrative Law Rochvarg, Arnold Maryland Administrative Law
Administrative Law Wehle, Kim Administrative Procedure and Practice (6th Ed.) by Funk, Shapiro and Weaver, ISBN: 9781642428087
American Legal History Lindsay, Matthew documents of american constitutional and legal history (third edition)
American Legal History Meyerson, Michael I. Can't Remember
American Legal History Meyerson, Michael I. No Book
American Legal History Meyerson, Michael I. No Book
American Legal History Meyerson, Michael I. Urofsky & Finkelman, Documents of American Constitutional and Legal History Vol 1 & 2 (3rd ed. 2008)
American Legal History Sellers, Mortimer K. Hall, P. Finkelman, and J.W. Ely, Jr. American Legal History Cases and Materials 5th ed.
Antitrust Lande, Robert Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Aspen 4th Edition
Antitrust Law Lande, Robert Antitrust
Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights Shafer, Charles Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights -- Elizabeth Warren
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Thompson, Sarah Choper
Business Bankruptcy Shach, Marc Business Bankruptcy
Business Bankruptcy Shach, Marc Corporate Reorganization in Bankruptcy
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations 8th Edition Klein
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Can't Remember
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Hamilton, Macey and Mall. The Law of Business Organizations 12th ed. ISBN: 9780314285638. West Academic Publishing.
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Hamilton/Macey
Business Organizations Brown, Fred Hamilton/Macey
Business Organizations Lee, Jaime Don't Remember
Business Organizations Lee, Jaime Hamilton, Macey and Mall. The Law of Business Organizations 12th ed. ISBN: 9780314285638. West Academic Publishing.
Business Organizations Lee, Jaime The law of business organization hamilton, macey, moll 12th Edition
Business Organizations Oppenheimer, Max can't remember
Business Organizations Oppenheimer, Max Don't Remember
Business Organizations Schwidetzky, Walter Business Organizations
Business Organizations Schwidetzky, Walter Don't Remember
Business Organizations Schwidetzky, Walter E&E's
Business Organizations Schwidetzky, Walter Schwidetzky
Business Organizations Smalkin, Federic Can't Remember
Business Organizations Smalkin, Federic Chiappianelli
Business Organizations White, Barbara Ann Can't Remember
Business Organizations White, Barbara Ann Can't Remember
Business Organizations White, Barbara Ann Corporations (10th ed.), Hamilton
Business Organizations White, Barbara Ann Hamilton, Macey and Mall. The Law of Business Organizations 12th ed. ISBN: 9780314285638. West Academic Publishing.
Business Organizations White, Barbara Ann Unsure
Child, Parent and State Babb, Barbara Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice, 4th (American Casebook Series)
Civil Procedure I Bessler, John Civil Procedure Cases and Materials
Civil Procedure I Bessler, John Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Bessler, John Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Bourne, Richard 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Bourne, Richard Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Bourne, Richard civ pro casebook
Civil Procedure I Bourne, Richard don't recall- check the syllabus
Civil Procedure I Brown, Kimberly N. Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton and Hershkoff, Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials Compact Eleventh Ed
Civil Procedure I Daniels, Gilda Yeazell - Civil Procedure, 6th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Daniels, Gilda Yeazell Civil Procedure 7th edition
Civil Procedure I Grossman, Nienke Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Hubbard, William Don't remember book Fall 2021
Civil Procedure I Koller, Dionne L. 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Koller, Dionne L. 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Koller, Dionne L. Cant remember
Civil Procedure I Levitz, Dana No Book
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John civ pro casebook
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John Civil Procedure by Field, Kaplan, Clermont and Struve (11th Ed. 2014)
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John Civil Procedure by Field, Kaplan, Clermont and Struve 12th Edition
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John Civil Procedure, by Field, Kaplan and Clermont (8t
Civil Procedure I Lynch, John Don't Remember - Fall 2020
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. No Book
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. No Casebook
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. None
Civil Procedure I Rees, Charles 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Rees, Charles Civil Procedure, Cases and Matierial, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton and Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Rees, Charles No Book
Civil Procedure I Shapiro, Stephen J. Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Shapiro, Stephen J. No textbook - class handouts only
Civil Procedure I Shapiro, Stephen J. Professor made his own problems, there was no textbook
Civil Procedure I Starger, Colin Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, 6th ed. (2013) Marcus, Redish, Sherman, and Pfander
Civil Procedure I Wehle, Kim IDK
Civil Procedure I Wolff, Tobias SILBERMAN, STEIN & WOLFF, CIVIL PROCEDURE: THEORY AND PRACTICE (3d ed. Aspen 2009)
Civil Procedure II Bourne, Richard civ pro casebook
Civil Procedure II Bourne, Richard Don't Remember
Civil Procedure II Daniels, Gilda Civ Pro 1
Civil Procedure II Daniels, Gilda Civil Procedure - Stephen C. Yeazell
Civil Procedure II Daniels, Gilda Civil Procedure - Yeazell, 6th Edition
Civil Procedure II Daniels, Gilda Civil Procedure, 6th Edition, Yeazell
Civil Procedure II Daniels, Gilda Yezell
Civil Procedure II Koller, Dionne L. Civil Procedure – Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure (8th ed., 2012) (“Yeazell”); 2012 Federal Rule
Civil Procedure II Lynch, John 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure II Lynch, John Cases and Material on Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure II Lynch, John No Book
Civil Procedure II Lynch, John none - professor supplied material
Civil Procedure II Peters, Christopher J. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Civil Procedure II Peters, Christopher J. Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon (2011)
Civil Procedure II Peters, Christopher J. Glannon, Perlman & Raven-Hansen, Civil Procedure: A Coursebook (Aspen/Wolters Kluwer 2d ed. (2014)
Civil Procedure II Peters, Christopher J. Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure (Aspen, 7th ed. 2008)
Civil Procedure II Rees, Charles 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure II Shapiro, Stephen J. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure II Smith, Terry Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure II Wehle, Kim Civil Procedure_ 5ed_Rowe, Sherry, and Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure II Wehle, Kim Rowe, Sherry and Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure(West 5th Ed. 2020)
Commercial Law Rochvarg, Arnold None
Commercial Law Smalkin, Federic Can't Remember
Commercial Law Smalkin, Frederic N. COMMERCIAL LAW
Commercial Law Smalkin, Frederic N. Commercial Transactions - A Systems Approach (4th ed.)
Commercial Law Smalkin, Federic Commercial Transactions - A Systems Approach (4th ed.)
Commercial Law Smalkin, Frederic N. Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach
Commercial Law Smalkin, Federic Maryland Rules
Commercial Law Smalkin, Frederic N. No Book
Commercial Law Sparks, Lisa COMMERCIAL LAW
Commercial Law Sparks, Lisa Problems and Materials on Commercial Law (10th ed.)
Commercial Law Sparks, Lisa Whaley, et al., Problems and Materials on Commercial Law (10th ed.)
Commercial Transactions Lipson, Jonathan COMMERCIAL LAW
Comparative Law Sellers, Mortimer Comparative Law Cases-Texts-Materials
Con Crim Proc Grossman, Steven P. Don't Remember
Con Crim Proc Grossman, Steven P. Don't Remember
Con Crim Proc Grossman, Steven P. Don't Remember
Conflicts of Law Bourne, Richard Conflicts of Law
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Anderson, Jose can't remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Anderson, Jose Criminal Procedure - Adjudication
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Dillard, J. Amy Constitutional Criminal Procedure - Taslitz & Paris - 3rd ed
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Forster, Nancy No Book
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Forster, Nancy No Book
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Basic Criminal Procedure
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Cant remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Can't Remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Crim Pro case book
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Don't Remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. I don't remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King & Kerr, Basic Criminal Procedure (13th edition)
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Not Listed in Syllabus
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Jaros, David M. Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Sidhu, Dawinder Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285577. West.
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Warnken, Byron Can't Remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Warnken, Byron Can't Remember
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Warnken, Byron crim pro
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Warnken, Byron Warnken
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett 1L Constitutional Law I - Chemerinsky Third Edition
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett 1L Textbook
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett Con Law - Sullivan 18th Edition
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett Con law I
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett Constitutional Law - Sullivan & Gunter - 7th Edition
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett Constitutional Law, Sullivan & Gunther, 16th Edition 2007
Constitutional Law I Epps, Garrett Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael 1 L con law
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael 1 L Text
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael 1L Constitutional Law I - Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael can't remember SPRING 2014
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (5th)
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael con law case book
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Con Law-stone
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Constitutional Law, 5th (Stone, Seidman)
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Nowak and Rotunda, Constitutional Law (Seventh Edition) (St. Paul: West Publishing Company 2004).
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Huq, Karlan, and Litman Constitutional Law Ninth Edition - New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2023 - ISBN 978-1-5438-3851-0 - .
Constitutional Law I Higginbotham, F. Michael unknown
Constitutional Law I Lindsay, Matthew don't remember book Spring 2022
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Choper et al. Constitutional Law: Cases Comments and Questions. 12th ed. ISBN 9781634595131. American Casebook Series.
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Constitutional Law Stone et al
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. Constitutional Law Stone et al (6th Edition)
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. forget
Constitutional Law I Meyerson, Michael I. No Casebook
Constitutional Law I Peters, Christopher J. Constitutinal Law, R Barnett
Constitutional Law I Peters, Christopher J. Constitutional Law: Cases in Context, Barnett
Constitutional Law I Peters, Christopher J. None- Class Materials
Constitutional Law I Peters, Christopher J. Urofsky & Finkelman, A March of Liberty: A Constitutional History of the US, Vol I & II
Constitutional Law I Rees, Charles Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Cases in Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Cases in Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Constitutional Law 17th Edition - Kathleen Sullivan & Gerald Gunther
Constitutional Law I Samuels, Elizabeth Constitutional Law: Gerald Gunther, Kathleen M. Sullivan (Hardcover 2007) 16th Edition.
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip casebook for this course is Sullivan & Gunther, Constitutional Law (Seventeenth Ed.)
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip Closius - class lecture and power points
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip Constitutional Law II
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip Constitutional Law Sullivan, 17th Edition
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip Don't Remember
Constitutional Law II Closius, Phillip Sullivan & Feldman, Constitutional Law (18th ed.)
Constitutional Law II Epps, Garrett Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law II Epps, Garrett First Amendment (Cases & Commentary) - Sullivan
Constitutional Law II Higginbotham, F. Michael Chemerinsky- the First Amendment
Constitutional Law II Higginbotham, F. Michael Nowak and Rotunda, Constitutional Law (Seventh Edition) (St. Paul: West Publishing Company 2004).
Constitutional Law II Kamenshine, Robert Sullivan and Gunther, Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials (17th ed. 2010
Constitutional Law II Lasson, Kenneth Can't Remember
Constitutional Law II Samuels, Elizabeth Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies
Constitutional Law II Samuels, Elizabeth Kathleen M. Sullivan and Gerald Gunther, First Amendment Law (4th ed. 2010)
Constitutional Law II: Speech and Religion Higginbotham, F. Michael Constitutional Law II
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Closius, Phillip Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Sloan, Amy E. Constitutional Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Fifth Edition - Russell L. Weaver, Catherine Hancock, John Knechtle Aspen , edition: 5th
Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech Meyerson, Michael I. First Amendment (Cases & Commentary) - Sullivan
Contracts Acevedo, Arthur Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Anderson, Jose Criminal Law by Jose Anderson
Contracts Bishop, Carter 1L Contracts
Contracts Bishop, Carter Contracts Cases and Theory of Contractual Obligation - Hogg, Bishop, Barnhizer
Contracts Chapman, Robert unknown
Contracts Cohen, Debra R. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Easton, Eric B. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Havard, Cassandra Can't Remember
Contracts Holmes, Gilbert A. Bushaw and Blum 2008
Contracts Holmes, Gilbert A. Bushaw and Blum 2998
Contracts Holmes, Gilbert A. Contracts - Blum/Bushaw
Contracts Kleinfeldt, Adam 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Korzec, Rebecca Blum and Bushaw Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems (2nd Ed)
Contracts Korzec, Rebecca Can't Remeber
Contracts Maxeiner, James Can't Remember
Contracts Maxeiner, James Contracts - Cases, Discssion, and Problems: Blum/Bushaw 2nd edition; Aspen Publishers
Contracts Meyerson, Michael I. Don't Remember
Contracts Meyerson, Michael I. Material(s) Distributed annually, no textbook on the market
Contracts Meyerson, Michael I. Meyerson's Own Compilation
Contracts Meyerson, Michael I. No text. Professor provided readings
Contracts Meyerson, Michael I. Packet
Contracts Sloan, Amy E. Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals, 4th (American Casebook Series)
Contracts Sloan, Amy E. Contract Law 6th edition, Studies in; Murphy, Speidel, Ayers
Contracts Tiefer, Charles 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Tiefer, Charles 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Ayres and G. Klass, Studies in Contract Law, 8th ed. (Foundation Press 2012)
Contracts Tiefer, Charles can't remember - Fall 2020
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Casebook: Studies in Contract Law, by Ayres and Klass (8th Ed.)
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Contract I
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Contracts Cases and Materials
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Forgot
Contracts Tiefer, Charles Studies in Contract Law, Ayres & Klass 8th edition
Contracts Todd, Adam 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Vallario, Angela 978-1-5310-2077-4
Contracts Vallario, Angela Can't Remember
Contracts Vallario, Angela class packet- no book
Contracts Vallario, Angela Contract Law 6th edition, Studies in; Murphy, Speidel, Ayers
Contracts Vallario, Angela Contracts
Contracts Vallario, Angela Don't Remember
Contracts Vallario, Angela Studies in Contract Law, Ayres & Klass 8th edition
Contracts Vallario, Angela unknown
Contracts II Bessler, John 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Bessler, John Ayers Studies In Contract Law, 8th Ed.
Contracts II Bessler, John Blue Casebook from Spring 2022
Contracts II Bessler, John contract
Contracts II Bessler, John Contract Law 6th edition, Studies in; Murphy, Speidel, Ayers
Contracts II Bessler, John Dont recall Spring 2024
Contracts II Bessler, John Ian Ayres & Gregory Klass, Studies in Contract Law (Foundation Press, 9th ed., 2017) (“Casebook”) – ISBN: 978-1-63460-325-6
Contracts II Bessler, John Ian Ayres, Gregory Klass. Studies in Contract Law. 9th EdItion. 978-1634603256.
Contracts II Bessler, John Studies in Contract Law - 8th Edition - Ayres, Klass
Contracts II Cohen, Debra R. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Dolin, Gregory Crandall and Whaley. Cases, Problems, and Materials on Contracts 7th ed. ISBN: 9781454864653. Aspen.
Contracts II Dolin, Gregory don't remember spring 2021
Contracts II Easton, Eric B. Contracts II Spring
Contracts II Easton, Eric B. Contracts II Spring
Contracts II Easton, Eric B. Contracts: Blum & Bushaw
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Blum & Bushaw, Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems (2nd Ed.).
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Blum and Bushaw. Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868354. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Blum and Bushaw. Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868354. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Blum and Bushaw. Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868354. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Hatcher, David Can't Remember
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Contracts 2
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. contracts case book
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. Contracts: Cases, Discussions, and Problems; Blum Bushaw 3d
Contracts II Hatcher, Daniel L. don't remember book Spring 2022
Contracts II Havard, Cassandra Can't Remember
Contracts II Holmes, Gilbert A. Contracts
Contracts II Maxeiner, James 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts II Meyerson, Michael I. Collection of cases and notes/questions compiled by professor
Contracts II Meyerson, Michael I. Contracs
Contracts II Meyerson, Michael I. N/A- Course Packet
Contracts II Sloan, Amy E. 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Tiefer, Charles 1 L Contracts
Contracts II Tiefer, Charles Contracts
Contracts II Tiefer, Charles Contracts
Contracts II Tiefer, Charles Contracts Cases and Materials
Contracts II Todd, Adam 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Vallario, Angela Contracts
Copyright Hubbard, William Copyright - Brown & Denicola 10th Ed
Copyright Hubbard, William COPYRIGHT LAW: ESSENTIAL CASES AND MATERIALS (3d ed. 2016)
Copyright Kasunic, Robert Copyright in a Global Information Economy
Copyright McLain, Lynn Constitutional Law, 5th (Stone, Seidman)
Criminal Law Anderson, Jose 1L Crim book
Criminal Law Anderson, Jose Criminal Law by Jose Anderson
Criminal Law Anderson, Jose Criminal Law: Cases, Commentary And Questions (Carolina Academic Press Law Casebook)
Criminal Law Anderson, Jose His textbook
Criminal Law Dillard, J. Amy Moskovitz, Myron. Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Courtroom 6th ed. ISBN: 9781630447731. Carolina Academic Press.
Criminal Law Jaros, David M. Cases and Problems in Criminal Law: Moskovitz
Criminal Law Jaros, David M. Criminal Law Dressler 5th edition
Criminal Law Jaros, David M. don't recall- it was black
Criminal Law Jaros, David M. Dressler and Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (8th ed.)
Criminal Law Makar, Zina Don't Remember
Criminal Law Makar, Zina Don't Remember Fall 2021
Criminal Law McClean, Hugh Criminal Law Cases and Materials Dressler and Garvey 8th edition
Criminal Law McClean, Hugh Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Rochvarg, Arnold Can't Remember
Criminal Law Rochvarg, Arnold CRIMINAL LAW, 5TH ED. - COOK & MARCUS
Criminal Law Rochvarg, Arnold Marcus, Malone, Moohr, Criminal Law, (7th Ed. 2012)
Criminal Law Starger, Colin 1L Criminal Law Dressler- 8th
Criminal Law Starger, Colin Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Starger, Colin Joshua Dressler & Stephen Garvey, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 9th ed., 2022 - .
Criminal Law Stone, Donald 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Stone, Donald 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Stone, Donald 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Stone, Donald 1L Criminal Law Textbook
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Ashdown, Bacigal, and Gershowitz's Criminal Law, Cases and Comments, 10th
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Can't Remember
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Crim Law: Concepts and Practice
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Criminal Law - Cases and Materials, 3d Edition, Saltzburg, Diamond
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Criminal Law: Cases and Comments Moenssens, et.al. (9th ed., 2013, Foundation Press ISBN: 978-1-6093
Criminal Law Stone, Donald Moenssens, Baciga, Ashdown & Hench, Criminal Law: Cases & Comments (8th edition)
Criminal Law Warnken, Byron Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Material
Criminal Law Warnken, Byron No Book
Criminal Law Warnken, Byron None - Professor Provided Notes
Criminal Motion and Practice Levitz, Dana FROM MARYLAND CRIMINAL PRACTICE
Criminal Procedure Grossman, Steven P. Basic Criminal Procedure - Kamisar
Critical Legal Theory Daniels, Gilda Delgado, Stephancic. Critical Race Theory. ISBN9781566397148
Critical Legal Theory Daniels, Gilda No Book
Critical Legal Theory Daniels, Gilda none - professor supplied material
Critical Legal Theory Rubinson, Robert Cant remember
Critical Legal Theory Rubinson, Robert The Politics of Law
Disability Law Stone, Donald Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems
Employment Discrimination Modesitt, Nancy Employment Discrimination Law and Theory 3rd Edition
Employment Discrimination Van Deusen, Darrell Employment Discrimination 7th ed. Zimmer, Sullivan & White
Employment Discrimination Van Deusen, Darrell Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials
Employment Law Hayes, Michael Can't Remember
Employment Law Modesitt, Nancy Employment Law
Employment Law Modesitt, Nancy Employment Law Rothsein Seventh Edition
Employment Law Modesitt, Nancy Employment Law Rothstein Sixth Edition
Environmental Law Davison, Steven ENVIRONMENTAL LAW
EU Law for Non EU Lawyers Goudappel, Flora Margot Horspool and Matthew Humphreys, European Union Law, 6th edition, Oxford University Press
Evidence Gilligan, Michele EVIDENCE
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Cant remember
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Can't Remember
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Can't Remember
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Can't Remember
Evidence Gilman, Gregory Can't Remember
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. EVIDENCE
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. EVIDENCE
Evidence Gilman, Gregory Evidence Concise Hornbook 4th Ed.
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Evidence Treatise
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Gilman, Michele E. Leonard & Gold, Evidence: A Structured Approach, 2d ed. (Aspen)
Evidence Jaros, David M. Can't Remember
Evidence Jaros, David M. Leonard, Gold & Williams, Evidence: A Structured Approach, 3d ed.
Evidence Jaros, David M. Leonard, Gold & Williams, Evidence: A Structured Approach, 3d ed.
Evidence Jaros, David M. Not Certain
Evidence McClain, Lynn Evidence - McLain
Evidence McClain, Lynn Evidence - McLain
Evidence McClain, Lynn SCL Book FSU
Evidence McLain, Lynn Can't Remember
Evidence McLain, Lynn Evidence - McLain
Evidence McLain, Lynn evidence mclain
Evidence McLain, Lynn No Book
Evidence McLain, Lynn Teacher created book
Evidence Murphy, Joseph Can't Remember
Evidence Murphy, Joseph Maryland Evidence Handbook
Evidence Murphy, Joseph Maryland Evidence Handbook
Evidence Murphy, Joseph None
Evidence Shapiro, Jonathan Evidence Under the Rules - Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Shapiro, Stephen J. Merritt and Simmons, Learning Evidence: From the Federal Rules to the Courtroom (West 2d Ed. 2011).
Evidence Smalkin, Frederic N. Maryland Rules
Evidence Smalkin, Frederic N. Mauet and Wolfson, Trial Evidence (4th ed.)
Evidence Smalkin, Frederic N. Mauet and Wolfson, Trial Evidence (4th ed.)
Evidence Smalkin, Frederic N. Mauet and Wolfson, Trial Evidence (4th ed.)
Evidence Smalkin, Frederic N. Trial Evidence by Mauet, Fifth Edition
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Babb, Barbara Areen, Spindelman & Tsoukala, Family Law (Concise 6th ed. 2012) & Supplement
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Babb, Barbara Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Babb, Barbara Family Law: Areen and Regan's
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Babb, Barbara Family Law: Cases & Materials + Online Supplements-2007
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Babb, Barbara I don't remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Gilman, Michele E. Areen & Regan, Family Law (5th ed. 2006)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Goodmark, Leigh Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Goodmark, Leigh Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Goodmark, Leigh Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Goodmark, Leigh Family Law (Blue Cover)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Goodmark, Leigh Family Law, Cases and Material: Ellman
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Holmes, Gilbert A. Family Law Krause, Elrod, Garrison, and Oldham 2007
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Johnson, Margaret E. Abrams, Cahn, Ross, Meyer & McLain, Contemporary Family Law (4th ed. 2015)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Johnson, Margaret E. i cannot remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kessler, Elizabeth Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Murphy, Jane None - Online material and handouts
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Murphy, Jane Olphant
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Murphy, Jane Work of the Family Lawyer
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Trivedi, Shanta Don't Remember
Federal Courts Brown, Kimberly N. Don't Remember
Federal Income Tax Gerzog, Wendy Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Gerzog, Wendy Taxation, Law Planning and Policy, Livingston
Federal Income Tax Lynch, John Fed Tax
Federal Income Tax Neal, Odeana Can't Remember
Federal Income Tax Schwidetzky, Walter Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Schwidetzky, Walter Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax II Brown, Fred Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens, Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation (17th Edition)
Federal Income Tax II Brown, Fred Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation (17th ed.), Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, Stephens
Forensic Evidence Rexroad, Michael Forensic Evidence
Health Care Law Vasbinder, Marie Barry R. Furrow, et al, Health Law; Cases, Materials, and Problems (7th ed. 2013)
Health Law Vasbinder, Marie Barry R. Furrow, et al, Health Law; Cases, Materials, and Problems (9th ed. 2022)
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Can't Remember
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Can't Remember
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Immigration and Citizenship by Aleinikoff
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy (5th Ed, Lemomsky)
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Immigration Law and Policy (Legomsky)
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Immigration Law and Policy (Legomsky)
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Legomsky
Immigration Law Gossart, Judge John F. Unsure but he has used the same book for several years
Immigration Law Keyes, Elizabeth Stephen H. Legomsky and Cristina M. Rodríguez, Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy (6th ed.).
Insurance Law Miller, Ron Henderson
International Business Transactions Maxeiner, James Can't Remember
International Law Grossman, Nienke Carter, Trimble, and Weiner, International Law 6th ed
International Law Grossman, Nienke cases and materials on international law
International Law Grossman, Nienke Damrosch and Murphy. International Law: Cases and Materials 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9780314286437. West Academic Publishing.
International Law Grossman, Nienke INTERNATIONAL LAW
International Law Martin, Craig Carter - International Law
International Law Sellers, Mortimer Damrosch, Henkin, Murphy & Smit, International Law Cases
International Law Sellers, Mortimer INTERNATIONAL LAW
International Law Sellers, Tim International Law Damrosch
Jurisprudence Kelly, James J. IDK
Jurisprudence Starger, Colin Forgot
Jurisprudence Starger, Colin Jurisprudence Cases and Materials: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law and Its Applications Sec
Juvenile Justice Neal, Odeana Supplement
Labor Law Hayes, Michael Cox, Bok, Gorman & Finkin, Labor Law (15h ed. Foundation Press 2011)
Labor Law Hayes, Michael Labor Law: Cases and Materials
Labor Law Terrasa, Gabriel Cox, Bok, Gorman & Finkin, LABOR LAW (15th ed. 2011)
Land Use McFarlane, Audrey Can't Remember - Red
Land Use McFarlane, Audrey land use controls
Law and Economics Jaros, David M. Contracts Cases and Theory of Contractual Obligation - Hogg, Bishop, Barnhizer
Law and Economics Lande, Robert Economic Analysis of Law 8th Edition - Richard Posner
Law and Economics Lande, Robert Economic Analysis of Law 8th Edition - Richard Posner
Law and Economics Lande, Robert Law and Economics
Law and Economics Lande, Robert Law and Economics
Law and Economics Lande, Robert No Book
Law and Psychiatry Lipman, George No Book
Legislation Kirkland, Bonnie None- Professor's Handouts
Legislation Martin, Bruce N/A - Handouts
Maryland Civil Procedure Levitz, Dana 2012 - No Textbook
Maryland Civil Procedure Levitz, Dana None - Professor Provided Notes
Maryland Civil Procedure Levitz, Dana None.
Maryland Civil Procedure Levitz, Dana None.
Maryland Civil Procedure Lynch, John No Textbook, Statutes
Maryland Civil Procedure Siff, Ephraim No Book
Maryland Criminal Practice Levitz, Dana No Book
Maryland Criminal Practice Levitz, Dana None - Online material and handouts
Patent Hubbard, William Craig Allen Nard, THE LAW OF PATENTS
Products Liability Coulson, Mark Can't Remember
Professional Responsibility Bourne, Richard Morgan and Rotunda, Professional Responsibility (10th), Foundation Press.
Professional Responsibility Bourne, Richard Professional Responsibility (10th Edition) (Morgan & Rotunda)
Professional Responsibility Diamond, Claudia Cant remember
Professional Responsibility Diamond, Claudia The Law Governing Lawyers 2012-2013
Professional Responsibility Gilligan, Michele Professional Responsibility, 5th edition
Professional Responsibility Higginbotham, F. Michael Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, by Lerman
Professional Responsibility Kelly, James J. Can't Remember
Professional Responsibility Keyes, Elizabeth 6th Edition of ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW (Aspen) by Lisa Lerman, Rob Rubinson, and Philip Schrag
Professional Responsibility Melton, Leigh Ethical Lawyering: Legal and Professional Responsibilities in the Practice of Law
Professional Responsibility Richowsky, John Margaret Raymond, The Law and Ethics of Law Practice
Professional Responsibility Rochvarg, Arnold Can't Remember
Professional Responsibility Rochvarg, Arnold No Book
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert Don't Remember
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert Ethics (Red Case Book)
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert Lisa Lerman & Phillip Schrag, ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW (2D ED.)
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert Lisa Lerman & Phillip Schrag, ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW (2D ED.)
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert Lisa Lerman & Phillip Schrag, ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW (2D ED.)
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert The Law Governing Lawyers
Professional Responsibility Rubinson, Robert The Law Governing Lawyers
Professional Responsibility Samuels, Elizabeth Delgado, Stephancic. Critical Race Theory. ISBN9781566397148
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Rochford, Richard unknown
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Rubinson, Arthur professional responsibility
Property I Chapman, Doug Don't Remember
Property I Dolin, Gregory can't remember SPRING 2014
Property I Dolin, Gregory Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Dolin, Gregory Not Certain
Property I Dolin, Gregory Property
Property I Dolin, Gregory PROPERTY Dukeminier
Property I Gilligan, Michele 1L Property Casebook
Property I Gilligan, Michele Property
Property I Gilligan, Michele Property Law and the Public Interest Hylton
Property I Gilligan, Michele Property Law and the Public Interest: Cases and Materials by G. Hylton, D. Callies, P. Franzese & D
Property I Gilligan, Michele unknown
Property I Holmes, Gilbert A. Joseph William Singer, PROPERTY LAW: RULES, POLICIES, AND PRACTICES 5th ed.
Property I Hubbard, William 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier
Property I Hubbard, William Dukeminier & Krier Property
Property I Hubbard, William Merrill & Smith, Property: Principles and Policies (2nd ed. 2012)
Property I Hubbard, William Merrill & Smith, Property: Principles and Policies, Second Edition (2012)
Property I Hubbard, William Property - Dukemenier
Property I Hubbard, William Property - Dukemiener
Property I Hubbard, William Property 6th Edition: Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, &
Property I Hubbard, William Property: Principles and Policies
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. 1 L Text
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. 1L Property
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. 1L Property
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. Can't Remember
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. Property a contemporary Approach, John G. Sprankling
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. property a contemporary approacy
Property I Johnson, Margaret E. Property Case Book
Property I Lynch, John Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Lynch, John Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I McFarlane, Audrey 1L Property
Property I McFarlane, Audrey 1L Property
Property I McFarlane, Audrey Can't Remember
Property I McFarlane, Audrey Joseph William Singer, PROPERTY LAW: RULES, POLICIES, AND PRACTICES 4th ed.
Property I McFarlane, Audrey Property Law, Singer 4th ed
Property I McFarlane, Audrey Property, Singer
Property I Ram, Natalie Not Listed in Syllabus
Property I Ziaja, Sonya Don't Remember Spring 2022
Sales & Leases Havard, Cassandra Sales and Leases
Sales & Leases Jones-Havard, Cassandra N/A (No text book)
Sales & Leases Jones-Havard, Cassandra Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca Can't Remember
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca can't remember
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca No Book
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca No Book
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca Problems and Materials on Sales and Lease of Goods
Sales & Leases Korzec, Rebecca Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods
Sales & Leases Maxeiner, James Don't Remember
Sales & Leases Smalkin, Federic Can't Remember
Sales & Leases Smalkin, Federic Can't Remember
Secured Transactions Smalkin, Frederic N. UCC- Article 9
Sports Law Koller, Dionne L. Mitten, Davis, Smith and Berry, Sports Law and Regulation (2d ed. Aspen 2009).
Tax Brown, Fred No Book
Tax Procedure Snyder, John B. Civil Tax Procedure, 2nd Ed. Richardson, Borison & Johnson
Taxation of Financial Instruments Estrada, Arturo No Book
Torts Anderson, Jose Criminal Law - Cases And Materials
Torts Bessler, John Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Dillard, J. Amy No Book
Torts Dillard, J. Amy Prosser Wade and Schwartz
Torts Dillard, J. Amy Torts - Prosser, Wade, & Schwartz
Torts Dolin, Gregory 9798889060567
Torts Dolin, Gregory Can't Remember
Torts Dolin, Gregory Epstien Sharkey. Cases and Materials on Torts, 12th edition.
Torts Dolin, Gregory Richard A. Epstein & Catherine M. Sharkey, Cases and Materials on Torts (11th ed., 2016).
Torts Dolin, Gregory Torts
Torts Easton, Eric B. Dan Dobbs, et al., Torts & Compensation (Concise Sixth Edition)
Torts Easton, Eric B. Torts 1L
Torts Farber, Daniel A. Diamond, Levine and Bernstein. Understanding Torts 5th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780769872346. LexisNexis
Torts Hayes, Michael 1 L Text
Torts Hayes, Michael D. DOBBS & P. HAYDEN, TORTS AND COMPENSATION (5th Ed. 2005)
Torts Hayes, Michael Dobbs, Hayden & Bublick, Torts and Compensation
Torts Hayes, Michael Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Hayes, Michael Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Hayes, Michael Tort and Compensation
Torts Hayes, Michael Torts - not sure name
Torts Hayes, Michael Torts and Compensation, 5th Edition 2005
Torts Hopperton, Robert Tort Law
Torts Lande, Robert Little, Lidsky & Lande, "Torts: The Civil Law of Reparation For Harm Done by Wrongful Act" (Third Ed
Torts Lande, Robert Tort Law: Cases, Perspectives, and Problems Galligan, Haddon, Maraist, McClellan, Rustad, Terr
Torts Lande, Robert Torts
Torts Lande, Robert Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Lande, Robert torts the civil law of reperations for harm done
Torts Lindsay, Matthew 1L Torts
Torts Lindsay, Matthew 1L torts book
Torts Lindsay, Matthew Torts - Cases and Questions - Farnsworth and Grady
Torts Lindsay, Matthew Ward Farnsworth & Mark Grady, Torts: Cases and Questions (2nd ed. 2009)
Torts Modesitt, Nancy 1L torts book
Torts Modesitt, Nancy Can't Remember
Torts Modesitt, Nancy Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Modesitt, Nancy I forgot
Torts Modesitt, Nancy Tort Law
Torts Modesitt, Nancy Torts
Torts Modesitt, Nancy Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Shafer, Charles Torts
Torts Sloan, Amy E. 1L Tort don't remember
Torts Sloan, Amy E. Dobbs and Hayden, Torts and Compensation (6th ed. 2009)
Torts Sloan, Amy E. Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Sloan, Amy E. The Torts Process 7th ed. - Henderson
Torts Sloan, Amy E. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury, Dan Dobbs
Torts Sloan, Amy E. Torts Book 1L 2013
Trademarks and Unfair Competition Astrachan, James Ginsburg, Litman and Kevlin. Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9781531001148. Carolina Academic Press.
Trusts and Estates Grace, Victoria Vallario, Fundamentals of Estate Planning
Trusts and Estates Smalkin, Federic Trust and Estates
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Can't Remember
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Estates & Trusts
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela ESTATES AND TRUSTS CASES AND MATERIALS, 2ND ED. -
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Fundamentals of Estate Planning, Vallario
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Fundamentals of Estate Planning, Vallario
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela The fundamentals of estate planning
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela The fundamentals of estate planning
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Vallario, Fundamentals of Estate Planning
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Vallario, Fundamentals of Estate Planning
Trusts and Estates Vallario, Angela Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Workers Compensation Lafada, Richard No Book
Workers Compensation LaFata, Richard Workers Compensation-MathewBender