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Glen Staszewski

Glen Staszewski

School Class Text Book
American University, Washington College of Law Civil Procedure I Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure, 7 Edition (Aspen 2008)
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Adler, Bankruptcy: Cases, Problems and Materials, 2014, 4th, 9781587787577, Foundation Press
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Admin Law
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Administrative Procedure & Practice
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law ASIMOW & LEVIN, STATE AND FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (4th ed. 2014)
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Don't Remember 2021
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law State and Federal Administrative Law
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law State and Federal Administrative Law 2d Edition (Asimow, Bonfield, Levin)
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I 1L Civ Pro book
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civ pro
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure Yeazell 9th edition
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure - Author: Yeazell 8th Edition
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Stephen C. Yeazell & Joanna C. Schwartz, Civil Procedure (“CP”), 9th Edition (Aspen 2016)
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure II 1L Civ Pro book
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure II Civil Pro II- second semester
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure - Yeazell (7th Edition)
Michigan State University College of Law Comparative Constitutional Law N/A
Michigan State University College of Law Legislation Cases and Materials on Legislation, Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
Michigan State University College of Law Legislation Eskridge, Frickey, & Garrett, Cases and Materials on Statutory Interpretation (2012)
Michigan State University College of Law Legislation Legislation