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University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Class Professor Text Book
Administrative Law Kelley, Christopher Administrative Procedure and Practice (Funk)
Administrative Law Kelly, Christopher Administrative Procedure and Practice (Funk)
Administrative Process Circo, Carl Administrative & Regulatory Policy 6E (Breyer, Stewart, Sunstein & Spitzer)
Advanced Corporate Law Goforth, Carol Corporations by Melvin Aron Eisenberg and Melvin A. Eisenberg
Anglo-American Legal History Sheppard, Stephen M. Anglo-American Legal Heritage: Introductory Materials (North Carolina Academic Press, 1999)
Banking Law Foster, Sharon Banking Law and Regulation (3d Edition)
Bankruptcy Longino, Jim Bankruptcy Code
Bankruptcy Longino, Jim Bankruptcy Code
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol Goforth's Text
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol Goforth's Text
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol Her own book
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol No Book
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol No Book
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol Professor Supplied
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol professor's book
Business Organizations Goforth, Carol unknown
Business Organizations Matthews, Mary Business Organizations
Business Organizations Matthews, Mary unknown
Business Organizations Matthews, Mary unknown
Capital Punishment Sacharoff, Laurent Death Penalty: Cases and Materials (Rivkind)
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Brill, Howard. Civil Procedure I
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure by Friedenthal &Miller
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure by Friedenthal &Miller
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Cases and Problems - Aspen Publisher
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Fall 2020 Volume 1 & 2 Howard W. Brill University of Arkansa
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure, Howard Brill
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials 10th ed. - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Brill, Howard His own textbook
Civil Procedure I Buehler, Dustin Civil Procedure - Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Buehler, Dustin Civil Procedure Cases and Materials 10th ed Friedenthal et.al
Civil Procedure I Buehler, Dustin Teacher Made
Civil Procedure I Bullock, Blair Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Dodson, Scott Civil Procedure 9th Ed. Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Hurst, Amanda No textbook - Course packet only
Civil Procedure I Trammell, Alan M. 1L 2011 Civil Procedure Textbook (Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, 3rd Edition)
Civil Procedure I Trammell, Alan M. Civil Procedure, Rowe, Sherry, and Tidmarsh, Foundation Press, 4th ed., ISBN: 9781628101324
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard Civ Pro - Friedenthal 10th edition
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure II Brill, Howard Civil Procedure Cases And Materials, 10th (American Casebook Series)" Jack H. Friedenthal
Civil Procedure II Buehler, Dustin Civil Procedure - Buehler (2012)
Civil Procedure II Buehler, Dustin Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (10th Ed. 2009)
Civil Procedure II Buehler, Dustin Teacher made book
Civil Procedure II Dodson, Scott Civil Procedure 9th Ed. Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure II Hurst, Amanda Reading Materials for Civil Procedure
Commercial Litigation Zini, Gregory Class-Provided Materials
Commercial Litigation Zini, Gregory none - professor supplied material
Conflict of Laws: Choice of Law Buehler, Dustin Conflict of Laws
Constitutional Law I Craig, Robert Aaron Caplan. An Integrated Approach to Constitutional Law, 3d
Constitutional Law I Craig, Robert Funk, William. Introduction to American Constitutional Law: Structure and Rights - CasebookPlus Constitutional Law I Jones 1st ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781634595155. West Academic Publishing.
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don 2L Constitutional Law - Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don Chemerinsky 4th ed.
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don Chemerinsky red book (current ed. 2016)
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don Cohen, Varat & Amar, Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials (13th Edition)
Constitutional Law I Judges, Don unknown
Constitutional Law I Killenbeck, Mark Cohen, Varat & Amar, Constitutional Law (12th Ed,
Constitutional Law I Killenbeck, Mark CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Killenbeck, Mark Constitutional Law, Cases and Materials, by Cohen,
Constitutional Law I Killenbeck, Mark do not remember textbook
Constitutional Law I Killenbeck, Mark Modern Constitutional Law - Rotunda 9th Edition
Contracts Anderson, Robert Verkerke. Contract Doctrine Theory Practice
Contracts Foster, Sharon 1L Contracts Knapp
Contracts Foster, Sharon Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Foster, Sharon Contracts
Contracts Foster, Sharon Knapp, Crystal and Prince, Rules of Contract Law
Contracts Griffin, Caleb Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Matthews, Mary 1L Contracts
Contracts Matthews, Mary 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Matthews, Mary Contracts
Contracts Matthews, Mary Contracts
Contracts Matthews, Mary Knapp, Crystal & Prince, PROBLEMS IN CONTRACT LAW (6th ed., Aspen Law, 2007)
Contracts Matthews, Mary No Book
Contracts Matthews, Mary Problems in Contract Law
Contracts Matthews, Mary Problems in Contract Law -- Knapp, Crystal, & Prin
Contracts II Foster, Sharon 1L Contracts Knapp
Contracts II Foster, Sharon C. Knapp, N. Crystal & H. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed.
Contracts II Foster, Sharon Contracts - Knapp
Contracts II Foster, Sharon Contracts 2
Contracts II Matthews, Mary 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Matthews, Mary Contracts - Knapp
Contracts II Matthews, Mary Contracts: Problems in Contract Law - Knapp
Contracts II Matthews, Mary Knapp, Crystal & Prince, PROBLEMS IN CONTRACT LAW (6th ed., Aspen Law, 2007)
Contracts II Matthews, Mary Problems in Contract Law -- Knapp, Crystal, & Prin
Copyright Snow, Ned Copyright Law: Essential Cases and Materials (American Casebook Series)
Corporate Finance Smith, Joey Rhee, Robert J., Corporate Finance, Wilters Kluwer Publishing, 2016
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian 1L Criminal Law Book
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian His own textbook
Criminal Law Gallini, Brian No Book
Criminal Law Guzman, Rafael Criminal Law 1
Criminal Law Murphy, Tiff Criminal Law cases and materials; 4th edition; Cynthia Lee Angela P. Harris
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 9th Edition)
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent Criminal Law and its Processes, Kadish, Cases and Materials, 8th ed
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent DEFINING CRIMES - Stuntz and Hoffman
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent Defining Crimes [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 3rd Edition by Joseph L Hoffmann (Author), Henry J Friendly Professor of Law William J Stuntz (Author)
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent Don't Remember
Criminal Law Sacharoff, Laurent Friedland et al. Criminal Law: A Context and Practice Casebook. ISBN 978-1594605673. Carolina Academic Press.
Criminal Law Woods, Jordan Cant remember
Criminal Law Woods, Jordan Criminal Law Cases and Materials - Cynthia Lee, Angela Harris (3rd Ed.)
Criminal Procedure Bailey, Carlton Can't Remember
Criminal Procedure Bailey, Carlton Crimina Procedure
Criminal Procedure Bailey, Carlton Criminal procedure (Investigation and Right to Counsel) Allen, Hoffman, Livingston and Stuntz 2nd Ed
Criminal Procedure Bailey, Carlton Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel, Second Edition
Criminal Procedure Bailey, Carlton Unknown - Fall 2013
Criminal Procedure Judges, Don 2011 Criminal Procedure Textbook
Criminal Procedure Sacharoff, Laurent 2011 - No Textbook
Criminal Procedure Sacharoff, Laurent Dressler. Criminal Procedure, Investigating Crime. 6th Edition
Criminal Procedure Woods, Jordan Chemerinsky and Levenson - Criminal Procedure Investigation 2nd Ed ISBN: 978-1454807131. Wolters Kluwer
Criminal Procedure Woods, Jordan Chemerinsky and Levenson. Criminal Procedure: Investigation 2nd ed.
Criminal Procedure II Brill, Howard 1L Civ Pro book
Criminal Procedure II Dodson, Scott Can't Remember
Criminal Procedure II Gallini, Brian his own book
Criminal Procedure II Sacharoff, Laurent Criminal Procedure: Prosecuting Crime (Dressler)
Criminal Procedure II Sacharoff, Laurent Prof Materials
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Nunn, Alex YALE KAMISAR, ET AL., MODERN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: CASES, COMMENTS, AND QUESTIONS (14th ed. West Academic Publishing).
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Gallini, Brian No Book
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Sacharoff, Laurent NA
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Sacharoff, Laurent NA
Criminal Sentencing Eaton, Kevin Demleitner et al., Sentencing Law and Policy: Cases, Statutes, and Guidelines (Aspen Pub., Third Ed)
Cyberspace Law Snow, Ned Law, Computers and the Internet
Damages Brill, Howard None.
Debtor Creditor Rights Flaccus, Janet unknown
Debtor Creditor Rights Foster, Sharon No Casebook
Debtors and Creditors Flaccus, Janet SECURED TRANSACTIONS
Debtors and Creditors Flaccus, Janet Secured Transactions Cases and Problems
Debtors and Creditors Foster, Sharon Brook, James. Problems and Cases on Secured Transactions. 3d Edition
Debtors and Creditors Foster, Sharon Problems and Cases on Secured Transactions, Second Edition
Debtors and Creditors Foster, Sharon Secured Transactions Cases and Problems
Decedent's Estates Circo, Carl Decedents' Estates: Cases and Materials
Decedent's Estates Circo, Carl Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (7th Edition)
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 7th Edition, Dukeminier et al
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 7th Edition, Dukeminier et al
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 7th Edition, Dukeminier et al
Decedent's Estates Snow, Ned Wills, Trusts, Estates -- Dukeminier et al.
Disability Law Griffin, Frank Disability Law Rothstein & McGinley 6th edition
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey Domestic Relations
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey domestic relations
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey Domestic Relations 6th Ed. Waddlington and Obrien
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey Domestic Relations Cases and Problems
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey No Book
Domestic Relations Brummer, Chauncey WADLINGTON DOMESTIC RELATIONS (CASEBOOK) 6TH 2007
Domestic Relations Flaccus, Janet domestic relations
Domestic Relations Flaccus, Janet Domestic Relations (Casebook) Edition: 7th
Domestic Relations Woods, Jordan Can't Remember SPRING 2017
Employment Discrimination Bullock, Blair Zimmer, Sullivan & White, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (8th ed. 2013)
Entertainment Law Pieper, Dave None Required
Environmental Law Gosman, Sara Title: Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy; Authors - : Robert V. Percival et al.; Edition: 9th 2021 - ; ISBN# 9781543826166
Estate and Gift Tax Beard, Lonnie Federal Estate & Gift Taxation
Evidence Bailey, Carlton Cant remember
Evidence Bailey, Carlton Evidence - 9th Edition, Weinstein
Evidence Bailey, Carlton Evidence - Weinstein
Evidence Bailey, Carlton Evidence Cases and Materials 9th Edition
Evidence Bousquet, Daniel Title: Evidence casebook - ; Author: George Fisher; Edition: 4th; ISBN #: 978-1-64020-160-6
Evidence Bullock, Blair Evidence Fisher 3rd Edition 2013
Evidence Bullock, Blair Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Guzman, Rafael EVIDENCE
Evidence Guzman, Ray Evidence, Wellborn 4th edition
Evidence Judges, Don Don't Remember
Evidence Nunn, Alex Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Nunn, Alex Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Nunn, Alex Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Sacharoff, Laurent cannot recall
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Woods, Jordan Jordan woods assigned
Federal Courts Buehler, Dustin Federal Courts: Cases and Materials, 1st Edition (2011), Dustin Buehler
Federal Courts Buehler, Dustin no
Federal Criminal Law Gallini, Brian Can't Remember
Federal Income Tax Beard, Lonnie Fed Income Tax, 13th - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind &
Federal Income Tax Beard, Lonnie Federal Income Tax, 14th Ed.
Federal Income Tax Beard, Lonnie None - Online material and handouts
Federal Income Tax of Business Entities Beard, Lonnie don't recall- it was black
Federal Income Tax: Individual Foster, William Freeland, Lathrope, Lind & Stephens, Fundamentals of Federal Individual Taxation: Cases and Materials (20th ed. 2022)
First Amendment Killenbeck, Ann American First Amendment in 21st Century
First Amendment Killenbeck, Mark American First Amendment in 21st Century
First Amendment Killenbeck, Mark First Amendment (Cases & Commentary) - Sullivan
First Amendment Killenbeck, Mark unknown
Immigration Law Devenport, Drew Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy 9th ed. - T. Aleinikoff, D. Martin, H. Motomura, M. Fullerton, & J. Stumpf. ISBN: 978-1684677504
Insurance Law Sampson, Kathryn None
Intellectual Property Ofodile, Uche Ewelukwa Dreyfuss
Intellectual Property Ofodile, Uche Ewelukwa Title: The Law of Intellectual Property; Authors - : Craig Nard, Michael Madison, and Mark McKenna; Edition: 5th, 2017 - ; ISBN# 1454875712 / ISBN# 13: 978-1454875710
Land Use Clowney, Stephen Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781628101294. Foundation Press. 
Land Use Clowney, Stephen Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781628101294. Foundation Press. 
Land Use Clowney, Stephen Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation, 2020, 3d ed., ISBN: 9781684672486. Foundation Press.
Law and Economics Buehler, Dustin Foundations of Economic Analysis of Law, Shavell
Merger and Acquisitions Foster, William The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions, David Oesterle 4th ed.
Negotiable Instruments Flaccus, Janet Problems and Materials on Payment Law: Whaley
Negotiable Instruments Matthews, Mary Can't Remember
Negotiable Instruments Matthews, Mary Commercial Paper and Banking
Negotiable Instruments Matthews, Mary Payments Law and Commercial Paper, Nickels and Mathews, 9th Ed.
Oil and Gas Norvell, Phillip Case and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (LOWE)
Oil and Gas Norvell, Phillip Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander, OIL & GAS LAW, CASES AND MATERIALS, 6th Ed.
Oil and Gas Norvell, Phillip Oil & Gas
Payment Systems Matthews, Mary N/A
Professional Responsibility Brill, Howard Professional Ethics in Arkansas
Professional Responsibility Brill, Howard unknown
Professional Responsibility Woods, Jordan Kaufman et al. Problems in Professional Responsibility for a Changing Profession. 6th ed. ISBN 9781611638936. Carolina Academic Press.
Property I Circo, Carl Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Property I Circo, Carl Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Circo, Carl Text unknown
Property I Clowney, Stephen 1L Property - Dukeminier
Property I Clowney, Stephen 1L Property - Dukeminier (8th Ed.)
Property I Clowney, Stephen Professor wrote his own, unpublished, textbook
Property I Leeds, Stacy Don't Remember
Property I Norvell, Phillip 1L Property
Property I Norvell, Phillip 1L Property
Property I Norvell, Phillip 1L Property
Property I Norvell, Phillip Property (8th ed.) by Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, S
Property I Norvell, Phillip unknown
Property I Snow, Ned Can't Remember
Property I Whitman, Dale Nelson, Stoebuck & Whitman, Contemporary Property (3rd Edition)
Property II Norvell, Phillip Can't Remember
Property II Norvell, Phillip Cases and Texts on Property, Casner, Leach, French, Korngold,Vandervelde, Aspen, 5th Edition
Property II Norvell, Phillip Property (8th ed.) by Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, S
Property II Norvell, Phillip Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property II Snow, Ned Can't Remember
Property II Snow, Ned Property---Sixth Edition---Durkeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill
Property II Whitman, Dale Contemporary Property Nelson, Stoebuck, Whitman - 3rd edition
Real Estate Transactions Circo, Carl Malloy and Smith, Real Estate Transactions, Problems, Cases and Materials, 5th ed.
Real Estate Transactions Circo, Carl Malloy Smith. Real Estate Transactions 5th ed. ISBN 978-1-4548-7106-4
Real Estate Transactions Circo, Carl unknown
Real Estate Transactions Circo, Carl unknown
Real Estate Transfer, Finance and Development Circo, Carl Real Estate Transfer, Finance and Development, 7th Edition, by Nelson & Whitman
Remedies Brill, Howard Remedies - Latest Edition (as of 2008)
Remedies Brill, Howard Remedies: Cases and Problems Fourth Edition
Remedies Brill, Howard unknown
Remedies Lens, Jill Modern American Remedies: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook) 5th Edition
Sales & Leases Flaccus, Janet N/A
State and Local Government Law Marshfield, Jonathan State and Local Government Law 7th Edition Briffault, Reynolds
Torts Brummer, Chauncey 1L Torts (blue book)
Torts Brummer, Chauncey Can't Remember
Torts Brummer, Chauncey Prosser Wade and Schwartz, Torts Cases and Materials, 12th Edition
Torts Brummer, Chauncey Prosser, Wade and Schwartz, TORTS: Cases and Materials, (12th Ed. Foundation Press)
Torts Brummer, Chauncey Torts - Prosser, Wade
Torts Brummer, Chauncey Torts - Prosser, Wade, & Schwartz
Torts Cravens, Sarah Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Gosman, Sara Diamond, Levine and Bernstein. Understanding Torts 5th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780769872346. LexisNexis
Torts Gosman, Sara Don't Remember
Torts Gosman, Sara Twerski and Henderson. Torts: Cases and Materials 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454875758. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Leflar, Robert Aaron D. Twerski, Torts Cases and Materials (3d ed. 2012) Wolters Kluwer) ISBN # 978-1-4548-0624
Torts Leflar, Robert Textbook Unknown
Torts Leflar, Robert Tort
Torts Leflar, Robert TORTS - Twerski & Henderson
Torts Leflar, Robert TORTS - Twerski & Henderson
Torts Leflar, Robert Torts: Cases and Materials, Third Edition (Aspen Caseboook)
Torts Lens, Jill Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems- Best, Barnes and Kahn-Fogel, 4th Edition
Torts Lens, Jill Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, by Best, Barnes, & Kahn-Fogel (Wolters Kluwer, 5th ed., 2018)
Torts Lens, Jill Best and Barnes. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes & Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454849360. Aspen.
Torts Lens, Jill Lens Torts textbook
Torts Nance, Cyndi D. Dobbs, P. Hayden, E. Bublick. Torts and Compensation (7th ed.)
Torts Nance, Cyndi Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick, Torts and Compensation, 6th ed
Torts Nance, Cyndi Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick's Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibilit
Trademarks and Unfair Competition Ofodile, Uche Ewelukwa Trademark and Unfair Competition (4th edition) - Dinwoodie and Janis
Water Law Norvell, Phillip CASES AND MATERIALS ON WATER LAW,9 TH Ed. (West)
Water Law Norvell, Phillip Water Law
Water Law Norvell, Phillip Water Law Cases & Materials
Wills and Estates Beard, Lonnie None.
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Beard, Lonnie None
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Beard, Lonnie Statutory Only----No Text
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Circo, Carl Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (7th Edition)
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Circo, Carl Wills Trusts and Estates
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Clowney, Stephen Dukeminier & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 9th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2013
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Clowney, Stephen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Clowney, Stephen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Clowney, Stephen SITKOFF & DUKEMINIER: WILLS TRUSTS, AND ESTATES (10th ed. 2017).
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Clowney, Stephen Wills and Trusts, 7th Edition