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Ray Madoff

Ray Madoff

School Class Text Book
Boston College Law School Estate and Gift Tax Federal Taxation Of Estates, Trusts And Gifts (Bloom, 4th ed.)
Boston College Law School Insurance Law Ascher, Clark, McCouch and Murphy. Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Estate and Gift Taxation 6th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780314280275. West Academic Publishing.
Boston College Law School Property I 1L Property - Dukeminier (7th Ed.)
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Dukeminier and Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates 11th ed. 2022 [ISBN 978-1-5438-2446-9]
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren and Sitkoff, WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES, (Eighth Edition, 2009; Aspen)
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Trusts, Wills, and Estates
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen).
Boston College Law School Trusts and Estates Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)