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Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.

Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.

School Class Professor
American University, Washington College of Law Civil Procedure I Beske, Elizabeth
American University, Washington College of Law Civil Procedure I Beske, Elizabeth
Barry University School of Law Civil Procedure I Jonassen, Fred
Belmont Law Civil Procedure I Zehrt, Lynn
Belmont Law Civil Procedure II Black, Ellen
Belmont Law Civil Procedure II Moore, Amy
Belmont Law Civil Procedure II Moore, Amy
Boston College Law School Civil Procedure I Simard, Linda
Brigham Young University Civil Procedure I Stancil, Paul
Brooklyn Law School Civil Procedure I Jordan, Sam
Brooklyn Law School Civil Procedure I Jordan, Sam
Brooklyn Law School Civil Procedure I Kim, Catherine
Brooklyn Law School Civil Procedure I Mazo, Eugene
Brooklyn Law School Civil Procedure I Mazo, Eugene
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure I Klein, Kenneth
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure I Klein, Kenneth
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure I Klein, Kenneth
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure I Pathak, Radha
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure II Pathak, Radha
California Western School of Law Civil Procedure II Weinstein, Mark
Campbell University Civil Procedure I Sawchak, Matthew
Capital University Law School Civil Procedure II Smith, Bradley A.
Capital University Law School Civil Procedure: Jurisdiction Smith, Bradley A.
Case Western Reserve University Law School Civil Procedure I Hoffman, Sharona
Columbia Law School Civil Procedure I Huang, Bert I.
CUNY Criminal Law Mize, Jasmin
Drake University Law School Civil Procedure II Gaughan, Anthony
Drexel University School of Law Civil Procedure I Asbury, Bret
Drexel University School of Law Civil Procedure I Frankel, Richard H.
Drexel University School of Law Civil Procedure I Iannarone, Nicole
Drexel University School of Law Civil Procedure I Quinn, Pammela
Duke University School of Law Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E.
Duke University School of Law Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E.
Duke University School of Law Civil Procedure I Sachs, Stephen E.
Florida State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Spottswood, Mark
Florida State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Spottswood, Mark
Florida State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Spottswood, Mark
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
Fordham Law School Civil Procedure I Freilich, Janet
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure I Gutman, Jeffrey
Georgetown University Law Center Civil Procedure I Mezey, Naomi
Georgia State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Boyd, Megan
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Civil Procedure I Quintanilla, Victor
John Marshall Law School, Atlanta Civil Procedure II Burch, Kathleen
Jones School of Law Civil Procedure I Keele, Layne
Jones School of Law Civil Procedure II Campbell, Charles
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Civil Procedure I Caplan, Aaron H.
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Civil Procedure I Willis, Lauren
McGeorge School of Law Civil Procedure I Colatrella, Michael
Mercer University Law School Jurisdiction and Judgements Floyd, Timothy
Mississippi College School of Law Civil Procedure I Will, Jonathan F.
Mississippi College School of Law Civil Procedure II Challener, Deborah
Mississippi College School of Law Civil Procedure II Will, Jonathan F.
Ohio State University Civil Procedure I Tokaji, Daniel P.
Pace University School of Law Civil Procedure I Waldman, Emily
Pace University School of Law Civil Procedure I Waldman, Emily
Penn State Civil Procedure I McKenna, Anne
Penn State Civil Procedure I McKenna, Anne
Rutgers University, Camden Civil Procedure I Eyer, Katie
Rutgers University, Camden Civil Procedure I Eyer, Katie
Rutgers University, Camden Civil Procedure I Eyer, Katie
Rutgers University, Newark Civil Procedure I Mazo, Eugene
Rutgers University, Newark Civil Procedure I Stephens, Beth
Santa Clara University Civil Procedure I Hsieh, Marina
Santa Clara University Civil Procedure I Joondeph, Bradley
Santa Clara University Civil Procedure I Joondeph, Bradley
Santa Clara University Civil Procedure II Maurer, Scott
Seattle University School of Law Civil Procedure I Chon, Margaret
Southern Methodist University Civil Procedure I Thornburg, Elizabeth
Southern Methodist University Civil Procedure I Thornburg, Elizabeth
Southern Methodist University Civil Procedure I Thornburg, Elizabeth
Southern Methodist University Civil Procedure I Thornburg, Elizabeth
St. Mary's University School of Law Civil Procedure I Dittfurth, David A.
St. Mary's University School of Law Civil Procedure I Kauffman, Albert
St. Mary's University School of Law Civil Procedure I Niesel, Zoe
St. Mary's University School of Law Civil Procedure I Niesel, Zoe
St. Mary's University School of Law Civil Procedure II Dittfurth, David A.
St. Thomas University, Florida Civil Procedure I Hasday, Michael J.
St. Thomas University, Florida Civil Procedure I Moore, Patricia
Stetson University Civil Procedure I Bent, Jason
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Glannon, Joseph
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Glannon, Joseph
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Glannon, Joseph
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Glannon, Joseph
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Perlman, Andrew M.
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Simard, Linda
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Simard, Linda
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Simard, Linda
Suffolk University Civil Procedure I Simard, Linda
Suffolk University Civil Procedure II Simard, Linda
Syracuse University Civil Procedure I Milner, Aliza
Temple University Civil Procedure I Ramji-Nogales, Jaya
Texas Tech Civil Procedure I Rosen, Richard
Texas Tech Civil Procedure I Rosen, Richard
Texas Tech Constitutional Law I Rosen, Richard
Tulane University School of Law Civil Procedure I Babich, Adam
Tulane University School of Law Civil Procedure I Babich, Adam
Tulane University School of Law Civil Procedure I Seicshnaydre, Stacy
University of Arizona Civil Procedure I O'Grady, Catherine
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Civil Procedure II Boles, Anastasia
University of Chicago Law School Civil Procedure I Buss, Emily
University of Connecticut Civil Procedure I Maher, Brendan
University of Dayton School of Law Civil Procedure I Cox, Jeannette
University of Denver Civil Procedure I Juarez, Beto
University of Denver Civil Procedure I Lynch, Kevin
University of Denver Civil Procedure I Lynch, Kevin
University of Denver Civil Procedure I Rollin, Michael
University of Denver Civil Procedure I Rollin, Michael
University of Denver Constitutional Law I Johns, Scott
University of Hawaii Civil Procedure II Krieger, Linda
University of Iowa Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph
University of Iowa Civil Procedure I Bauer, Patrick
University of Iowa Civil Procedure I Bauer, Patrick
University of Iowa Civil Procedure I Bauer, Patrick
University of Maine School of Law Civil Procedure I Wriggins, Jennifer
University of Maryland Civil Procedure I Chibundu, Maxwell
University of Massachusetts School of Law, Dartmouth Civil Procedure I Dunlap, Justine
University of Memphis Civil Procedure I Smith, Kevin
University of Memphis Civil Procedure I Smith, Kevin
University of Memphis Civil Procedure II Smith, Kevin
University of Miami Civil Procedure I DeStefano, Michele
University of Michigan Civil Procedure I Walker, Christopher J.
University of North Texas Civil Procedure I Perkins, Tom
University of Oklahoma College of Law Civil Procedure I Johnson, Kit
University of Oklahoma College of Law Civil Procedure I Richter, Liesa
University of Oklahoma College of Law Civil Procedure I Richter, Liesa
University of Oklahoma College of Law Civil Procedure I Richter, Liesa
University of Oklahoma College of Law Civil Procedure II Richter, Liesa
University of Richmond Civil Procedure I Norris, Luke
University of San Diego Civil Procedure I Sohoni, Mila
University of San Diego Civil Procedure I Sohoni, Mila
University of San Francisco Law School Civil Procedure I Duryee, Lynn
University of San Francisco Law School Civil Procedure II Duryee, Lynn
University of the District of Columbia Civil Procedure II Fraidin, Matthew
University of Virginia Civil Procedure I Mitchell, Paul
Vermont Law School Civil Procedure I Stephens, Pamela
Vermont Law School Civil Procedure I Vesilind, Pamela
Vermont Law School Civil Procedure II Stephens, Pamela
Wake Forest University School of Law Civil Procedure I Parker, Wendy
Wake Forest University School of Law Civil Procedure I Parks, Gregory
Wake Forest University School of Law Civil Procedure I Parks, Gregory
Wake Forest University School of Law Civil Procedure II George, Marie-Amelie
Wake Forest University School of Law Civil Procedure II Parks, Gregory
West Virginia University Civil Procedure: Jurisdiction Rhee, William
Western New England University Civil Procedure I Taub, Jennifer
William and Mary Law School Civil Procedure I Green, Michael
William and Mary Law School Civil Procedure I Green, Michael Steven
William and Mary Law School Civil Procedure I Green, Michael Steven
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I McDermott, Megan
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I McDermott, Megan
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I McDermott, Megan
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I McDermott, Megan
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I McDermott, Megan
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Meyn, Ion
WMU-Cooley Civil Procedure II Hicks Jr., James M.