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Margaret Chon

Margaret Chon

School Class Text Book
Seattle University School of Law Civil Procedure I 1L Civil Procedure
Seattle University School of Law Civil Procedure I Glannon, et al. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook. (4th Ed. 2021). ISBN 9781543826258. Aspen Publishing.
Seattle University School of Law Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Seattle University School of Law Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure - Hazard
Seattle University School of Law Copyright Brauneis and Schecter, COPYRIGHT: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH (West 2012)
Seattle University School of Law Copyright Copyright (A contemporary approach) - Brauneis and Schechter
Seattle University School of Law Copyright Goldstein and Reese. Patent, Copyright, Trademark and Unfair Competition, Selected Statutes and International Agreements 2016 ed. ISBN: 9781683281351. Foundation Press.
Seattle University School of Law Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Cases and Materials on TM and CR - Dreyfuss/Kwall
Seattle University School of Law Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Cases and Materials on TM and CR - Dreyfuss/Kwall
Seattle University School of Law Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Cases and Materials on TM and CR - Dreyfuss/Kwall
Seattle University School of Law Intellectual Property Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, 5th Edition, Merges, Menell and Lemley