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Megan McDermott

Megan McDermott

School Class Text Book
Wisconsin Law School Bankruptcy Bankruptcy: Materials and Cases (4th Edition)
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I 2016 - no Textbook
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations 7th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454815488. Aspen Publishers.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I I dont remember
Wisconsin Law School Civil Procedure I No Book
Wisconsin Law School Torts Cases and Materials on Torts by Robertson, Powers, Anderson and Wellborn (4th Edition)
Wisconsin Law School Torts Cases and Materials on Torts by Robertson, Powers, Anderson and Wellborn (5th Edition)
Wisconsin Law School Torts Cases and Materials on Torts. Author: Robertson, Powers, Anderson. 2017. Edition: 5th ISBN: 9781634608671.