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1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.

1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.

School Class Professor
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Figley, Paul
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Figley, Paul
Emory University School of Law Torts Partlett, David
Florida A&M University College of Law Torts Alford, Deleso A.
George Washington University Law School Torts Suter, Sonia
Gonzaga University School of Law Torts Gillmer, Jason
Lincoln Law School of Sacramento Torts Schiavenza, James
Mercer University Law School Torts II Gautreaux, Jarome
Michigan State University College of Law Torts Kalt, Brian
Ohio State University Torts Cole, Sarah Rudolph
Ohio State University Torts Cole, Sarah Rudolph
Seton Hall Torts Dorfman, Doron
South Texas College of Law Houston Torts II Treece, Gerald
University of California, Davis Torts Kurtz, Leslie
University of Kentucky Torts Price, Melynda
University of Kentucky Torts Price, Melynda
University of Memphis Torts McClurg, Andrew
University of Washington Torts Allen, Craig
University of Washington Torts Calo, Ryan