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Sonia Suter

Sonia Suter

School Class Text Book
George Washington University Law School Genetics and the Law Genetics: Ethics, Law and Policy (Lori Andrews et al eds., 3d ed.)
George Washington University Law School Law and Medicine BARRY FURROW ET AL., BIOETHICS: HEALTH CARE LAW AND ETHICS (6th ed. 2008)
George Washington University Law School Law and Medicine Bioethics: Health Care Law and Ethics (Barry Furro
George Washington University Law School Law and Medicine Can't Remember
George Washington University Law School Torts 1L Torts Book (blue and red one)
George Washington University Law School Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.
George Washington University Law School Torts Cases and Materials on Torts by Richard A. Epstein and Catherine M. Sharkey
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin & Rabin et al, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials (11th ed. 2021)
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin and Green, Tort Law and Alternatives (8th Edition)
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, et al. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials. (11th Ed., 2021). ISBN 9781647084899. Foundation Press
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials 11th ed.
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
George Washington University Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green, Geistfeld and Engstrom, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 11th Ed., 2021, Foundation
George Washington University Law School Torts Tannen, Deborah. That's Not What I Meant: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships 2011 ISBN: 978-0062062994. HarperCollins.
George Washington University Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives
George Washington University Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives 9th Edition Franklin/Rabin/Green
George Washington University Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials
George Washington University Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives: Franklin, Rabin and Green 8th Ed.
George Washington University Law School Torts Torts and Alternatives by Marc A. Franklin, Robert L. Rabin and Michael D. Green
George Washington University Law School Torts Torts by Prosser 11th Ed.
George Washington University Law School Torts unknown
George Washington University Law School Torts unknown