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University of Washington

University of Washington

Class Professor Text Book
4th Amendment Law Fan, Mary D. Criminal Procedure: The Constitution and the Police Sixth Edition by Bloom and Brodin, Aspen (2010
Administrative Law Andersen, William unknown
Administrative Law Calo, Ryan Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Knudsen, Sanne Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Vaughn, Lea B. Gellhorn and Byse’s Administrative Law: Cases and Comments (11th ed. 2011)
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Admin Law by Gay Lawson (most recent as of 2009)
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Administrative Law
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Can't Remember
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Federal Administrative Law
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Federal Administrative Law, 6th Edition, Gary Lawson
Administrative Law Watts, Kathryn Gary S. Lawson, Federal Administrative Law (West 7th ed.)
Alternative Dispute Resolution Kirtley, Alan Alternative Dispute Resolution, 6th Edition
American Indian Law Anderson, Robert T. American Indian Law Cases and Commentary, Anderson, Berger, 2010 ed.
American Indian Law Mills, Monte American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary Authors: Robert T. Anderson, Sarah A. Krakoff, and Bethany Berger
Antitrust Drake, Dwight Antitrust Law
Antitrust Law Ross, Doug Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Organizations Drake, Dwight Business Organizations Coursepack (2011)
Business Organizations Drake, Dwight Business Organizations In a Planning Context - Drake
Business Organizations Drake, Dwight Business Organizations In a Planning Context - Drake
Business Organizations Fan, Jennifer Kamin H2O Criminal Law OpenCasebook
Business Organizations Fan, Jennifer Sjostrom. Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781454868385. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Organizations Krug, Anita K. Business Organizations, Smith & Williams
Business Organizations Krug, Anita K. Business Organizations, Smith & Williams 2008
Business Organizations Ortiz-Velez, Ramon Hamilton, Macey and Mall. The Law of Business Organizations 12th ed. ISBN: 9780314285638. West Academic Publishing.
Business Organizations Ortiz-Velez, Ramon No Textbook Used (Class Materials)
Business Organizations Raigrodski, Dana Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Allen, Craig Coleman et al., Learning Civil Procedure (3d ed. West 2018)
Civil Procedure I Feldman, Jeffrey Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Jay, Stewart 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Jay, Stewart 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Knudsen, Sanne 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 7th Addition
Civil Procedure I Knudsen, Sanne Stephen C. Yeazell’s Civil Procedure, 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Knudsen, Sanne Yeazell and Schwartz Civil Procedure 10th Edition
Civil Procedure I Knudsen, Sanne Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Maranville, Deborah Civil Procedure; Yeazell; 6th Ed. 2004
Civil Procedure I Maranville, Deborah Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I McGinnis, Kathleen Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal, 10th (University Casebook Series)
Civil Procedure I Porter, Elizabeth Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure (9th 2016).
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials (11th Edition) By Jack H. Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 9th Ed., Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Civil Procedure-Cases and Materials - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Friedenthal, Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, 11th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Friedenthal, et al., Civil Procedure (12th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Schnapper, Eric Friedenthal, Jack. Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition (American Casebook Series) ISBN-13: 978-0314280169
Civil Procedure I Trautman, Philip Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Trautman, Philip Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Vaughn, Lea B. Civil Procedure by Subrin 4th ed.
Civil Procedure I Vaughn, Lea B. Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Vaughn, Lea B. Subrin, Minow, Brodin & Main (Aspen 2008)
Civil Procedure II Anderson, Robert Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure II McGinnis, Kathleen Pleadings and Procedure, Ed. 10, Hazard, Tatt, Fletcher, Bundy
Civil Procedure LLM Kruckeberg, Kurt Big Red Book
Civil Procedure: Jurisdiction Jay, Stewart 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Rights Schnapper, Eric Theodore Eisenburg, Civil Rights Legislation
Close Business Associations Kummert, Richard Closely Held Business Organizations
Community Property (see also Family Law and Marital Property) Boxx, Karen No Book
Community Property (see also Family Law and Marital Property) Boxx, Karen None
Comparative International Law Ramasastry, Anita cases and materials on international law
Compensation and Benefits Thorson, Lee Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation
Constitutional Law I Allen, Craig American Constitutional Law: structure and restructure. Shanor 3d
Constitutional Law I Allen, Craig Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Collins, Ronald K.L. 1L Constitutional Law- Stone
Constitutional Law I Collins, Ronald K.L. Jesse H. Choper et al., Leading Cases in Constitutional Law (2009).
Constitutional Law I Jay, Stewart 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Jay, Stewart Con law I
Constitutional Law I Jay, Stewart Don't remember but got an A
Constitutional Law I Lombardi, Clark 1L Constitutional Law I - Chemerinsky Third Edition
Constitutional Law I Lombardi, Clark American Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Lombardi, Clark Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and
Constitutional Law I Manheim, Lisa American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (6th ed. 2017), by Charles A. Shanor
Constitutional Law I Manheim, Lisa CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Manheim, Lisa Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction, 5th edition, 2013, West
Constitutional Law I Spitzer, Hugh Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Walsh, Walter Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Watts, Kathryn American Constitutional Law Structure and Reconstruction 4th
Constitutional Law I Watts, Kathryn Shanor American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (5th ed. 2013)
Constitutional Law I Watts, Kathryn Shanor American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (5th ed. 2013)
Constitutional Law II Feldman, Jeffrey Nicolas- The Reconstruction Amendments
Constitutional Law II Feldman, Jeffrey Peter Nicolas, The Reconstruction Amendments (Carolina Academic Press 2020) ISBN No. 978-1-5310-1875-7 [Digital Version: eISBN 978-1-5310-1876-4]
Constitutional Law II Jay, Stewart Constitutional Law, 18th Edition, Sullivan & Feldman
Constitutional Law II Nicolas, Peter Professor compilation
Constitutional Law II Watts, Kathryn Nicolas- The Reconstruction Amendments
Constitutional Law: Freedom of Expression Jay, Stewart Textbook Unknown
Contracts Calandrillo, Steve 2017 - no Textbook
Contracts Calandrillo, Steve Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Calandrillo, Steve Con law I
Contracts Calandrillo, Steve No Textbook
Contracts Calandrillo, Steve None- Professor's Handouts
Contracts Halasz, Ben Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Halasz, Ben Cunningham and Cherry, Contracts: A Real World Casebook (West Acad. 2018).
Contracts Kang, Jonathan Can't Remember
Contracts Ngugi, Joel Knapp, Crystal and Prince (6th ed.)
Contracts Nguyen, Huy Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts O'Connor, Sean 2017 No textbook, online cases
Contracts O'Connor, Sean Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals, 4th (American Casebook Series)
Contracts O'Connor, Sean Epstein, Markell & Ponoroff, Making and Doing Deals: Contracts in Context (3d ed. 2011).
Contracts Ramasastry, Anita Epstein, Markell and Ponoroff. Cases and Materials on Contracts: Making and Doing Deals 4th ed. ISBN: 9780314287045. West.
Contracts Ramasastry, Anita Making and Doing Deals: Contracts in Context 1st E
Contracts Townsend, Michael Cant remember
Contracts Townsend, Michael Contracts Cases and Comment 10th Edition: Dawson, Harvey, Henderson, Baird
Contracts Winn, Jane Fuller, Eisenberg & Gergen, Basic Contract Law Concise Edition (9th ed. 2013)
Copyright Said, Zahr Julie E. Cohen, Lydia Pallas Loren, Ruth L. Okediji and Maureen A. O’Rourke. COPYRIGHT IN A GLOBAL INFORMATION ECONOMY (4th ed. 2015)
Corporate Taxation Drake, Dwight Federal Taxation
Corporate Taxation Drake, Dwight Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Kummert, Richard Closely Held Business Organizations
Criminal Law Anderson, Helen A. Criminal Law 1
Criminal Law Anderson, Helen A. Don't Remember
Criminal Law Anderson, Helen A. unknown
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. Aspen Criminal Law
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. Criminal Law Cases and Materials - Cynthia Lee and Angela P. Harris
Criminal Law Fan, Mary D. No Book
Criminal Law Gardner, Trevor Criminal Law, Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition by Lee and Harris
Criminal Law Gardner, Trevor LEE AND HARRIS, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (3rd ed.)
Criminal Law Hardisty, James H. 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Hardisty, James H. Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 8th ed.)
Criminal Law Junker, John Crimial Law and Its Processes- 8th Edition- Kadish, Schulhofer, Steiker
Criminal Law McMurtrie, Jackie Criminal Law, Cases and Materials, 3d (American Casebook Series)
Criminal Procedure Fan, Mary D. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Procedure Fan, Mary D. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Procedure Fan, Mary D. Criminal Procedure Hoffman
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Anderson, Helen A. Criminal Procedures: Prosecution & Adjudication, Fourth Edition (Aspen Casebook)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Fan, Mary D. Criminal Procedure Allen Hoffman (2d. ed. 2011)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Fan, Mary D. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Gardner, Trevor Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments and Questions. 14th ed. ISBN 9781634591607. American Casebook Series.
Employment Discrimination Schnapper, Eric Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination; Zimmer 7th Ed.
Employment Discrimination Schnapper, Eric unknown
Employment Law Vaughn, Lea B. Don't Remember
Entertainment Law McGowan, Don 2017 - No text required
Environmental Law Rodgers, William Environmental Regulation: Law, Science and Policy, 6th ed. (2009), Percival
Evidence Howard, Maureen Don't Remember
Evidence Howard, Maureen Nicolas, Peter, Evidence: A Problem-Based and Comparative Approach (4th Ed. 2018)
Evidence Howard, Maureen Nicolas, Peter. Evidence: A Problem-Based and Comparative Approach 4th Edition
Evidence McMurtrie, Jackie EVIDENCE
Evidence Nicolas, Peter A Modern Approach to Evidence, 3rd Edition
Evidence Nicolas, Peter Evidence- Nicolas
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Hardisty, James H. Domestic Relations: Cases and Problems, 7th Ed., Clark and Estin
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Mastroianni, Anna AREEN & RAGAN, CASES AND MATERIALS ON FAMILY LAW (2006)(5th Ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Mastroianni, Anna AREEN, SPINDELMAN & TSOUKALA, FAMILY LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (6th Edition, 2012)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Price, Terry 2015 - No Textbook
Federal Courts Manheim, Lisa Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler
Federal Income Tax Hjorth, Roland Federal Income Taxation, Schmalbeck, Zelenak, 2d
Federal Indian Law Anderson, Robert American Indian Law
First Amendment Gomulkiewicz, Robert First Amendment Fourth Edition (Sullivan and Gunther) Foundation Press
First Amendment Gomulkiewicz, Robert First Amendment Law Third Edition (Sullivan and Gunther); Foundation Press
Health Care Law Sanford, Sallie The Law of Health Care Finance and Organization (Furrow, et. al.)
Health Care Management Law Sanford, Sallie The Law of Healthcare Administration, Showalter.
Immigration Law Brown, Karol Immigration and Refugee Policy
Income Taxation Donaldson, Samuel A. Samuel A. Donaldson, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals: Cases, Problems and Materials, Second E
Income Taxation Hjorth, Roland Federal Income Taxation
Income Taxation Hjorth, Roland Federal Income Taxation
Income Taxation Hjorth, Roland Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
Income Taxation Hjorth, Roland Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
Indian Law Anderson, Robert Federal Indian Law Getches
Intellectual Property Law Core Takenaka, Toshiko Cases and Materials on Patent Law (American Casebooks) Martin J. Adelman
International Business Transactions Kang, Jonathan International Busniness Transaction - Problems, Cases and Materials
International Law Zang, Dongsheng no textbook is required
International Taxation Gianni, Monica International Taxation
International Taxation McCormack, Shannon International Taxation
Jurisprudence Kang, Jonathan Jurisprudence
Law and Economics Calandrillo, Steve Law and Economics: Positive, Normative, and Behavioral Perspectives
Mental Health Law Carney, Chris Slobogin, Hafemeister, Mossman, Reisner's Law and the Mental Health System, Civil and Criminal Aspec
Merger and Acquisitions Krug, Anita K. Maynard 3rd Edition
Merger and Acquisitions Krug, Anita K. Mergers & Acquisitions
Merger and Acquisitions Krug, Anita K. Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases, Materials, and Problems by Therese Maynard (2008)
Merger and Acquisitions Krug, Anita K. Mergers and Acquistions
Merger and Acquisitions Krug, Anita K. Mergers and Acquistions
Natural Resources Law Knudsen, Sanne KLEIN CHEEVER BIRDSONG- Natural Resource Law (A Place-based Book of Problems and Cases: 2d. ed.)
Natural Resources Law Knudsen, Sanne Natural Resources Law: A Place-Based Book of Cases and Problems, Third Edition
Patent Culbert, Andrew Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Privacy Law Hintze, Michael NA
Privacy Law Hintze, Michael None - Online material and handouts
Privacy Law Winn, Peter Information Privacy Law (Aspen Casebook) Fifth Edition (2014), Solove
Professional Responsibility Ambrose, Kimberly Richard Zitrin, Carol M. Langford & Liz Ryan Cole, Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law 4th Ed. 2013
Professional Responsibility Donaldson, Samuel A. unknown
Professional Responsibility Spitzer, Hugh Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Property I Anderson, Robert T. 1L Property
Property I Anderson, Robert T. Casebook: Joseph William Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th edition 2014)
Property I Anderson, Robert Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (Singer)
Property I Anderson, Robert Property, Singer
Property I Anderson, Robert T. Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Anderson, Robert T. Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Andrews, Thomas Joseph William Singer, Property (Aspen Student Treatise) (Aspen Student Treatise Series)
Property I Andrews, Thomas Property Cases and Materials, Smith, Larson, Nagel
Property I Andrews, Thomas Singer
Property I Andrews, Thomas Singer
Property I Andrews, Thomas Singer
Property I Andrews, Thomas Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Andrews, Thomas Smith, Larson, Nagle, Kidwell (2nd ed.)
Property I Andrews, Thomas unknown
Property I Boxx, Karen Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Donaldson, Samuel A. Property Cases and Materials, Smith, Larson, Nagel
Property I Hicks, Gregory Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices, 5th Edition [Hardcover] by Joseph William Singer
Property I Hicks, Gregory Singer, et al. Property Law – Rules, Policies, and Practices (6th Edition, 2014)
Property I Hume, Linda S. Property: A Contemporary Approach, by Sprankling and Coletta, (Thomson Reuters, 2009)
Property I Rodgers, William Can't Remember
Property I Rodgers, William Property Singer
Property I Rodgers, William unknown
Real Estate Transactions Hume, Linda S. Real Estate Transactions, Malloy & Smith, Aspen, 3rd Edition
Sales Winn, Jane SALES
Secured Transactions Pardo, Rafael Secured Credit - A systems approach
Secured Transactions Pardo, Rafael Secured Credit (6th Edition) by Warren and Lopucki
Secured Transactions Pardo, Rafael Secured Credit (6th Edition) by Warren and Lopucki
Securities Regulation Beatty, Mark Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation Cock, Lawrence Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Krug, Anita K. 2011 - No Textbook
Securities Regulation Krug, Anita K. Securities Regulation
State and Local Taxation Edwards, Scott None
Tax young, michael State and Local Taxation
Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders Lemberg, Mike Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders White-Smith, Morgan course
Torts Allen, Craig 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.
Torts Bailey, William Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Bailey, William Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Calo, Ryan 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz
Torts Calo, Ryan 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.
Torts Calo, Ryan 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz-12th ed,
Torts Calo, Ryan Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Torts Calo, Ryan Prosser Wade and Schwartz Torts - Cases and Materials 14th Edition
Torts Miller, Paul Cases and Materials on Torts (Prosser)
Torts Miller, Paul Torts - Prosser
Torts Porter, Elizabeth Cases And Materials on Torts, 12th (University Casebook Series) [Hardcover] William L. Prosser
Torts Porter, Elizabeth Prosser, Wade, & Schwartz's (12th)
Torts Porter, Elizabeth Prosser, Wade, and Shwartz's Torts Cases and Materials Fourteenth Edition
Torts Porter, Elizabeth Victor E. Schwartz, Kathryn Kelly & David F. Partlett, Prosser, Wade and Schwartz’s Torts: Cases and Materials 14th ed. 2020 -
Torts Said, Zahr Property: A Contemporary Approach by John Sprankling and Raymond Coletta (West, 2d ed. 2009)
Torts Said, Zahr Prosser, Wade and Schwartz’s Torts: Cases and Materials (12th ed. 2010)
Torts Said, Zahr Said,Zahr K. Tort Law: A 21st-Century Approach. https://saidtorts.lawbooks.cali.org
Torts Said, Zahr Torts, Cases and Materials (13th Edition) by Victor Schwartz, Kathryn Kelly, David Partlett
Torts Townsend, Michael Cant remember
Torts Townsend, Michael Can't Remember
Torts Wolcher, Louis Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz’s Torts 13e, 2015
Torts Wolcher, Louis Tort
Torts Wolcher, Louis Torts
Torts Wolcher, Louis Torts - Prosser
Torts Zang, Dongsheng Prosser, Wade & Schwartz’s Torts Cases and Materials (12th Edition 2010)
Torts Zang, Dongsheng Prosser, Wade and Schwartz (12th ed.)
Torts Zang, Dongsheng Torts - Prosser, Wade, & Schwartz
Trademark Gomulkiewicz, Robert Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Transmission of Wealth Boxx, Karen Don't Remember - It was red
Transmission of Wealth Boxx, Karen Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Transmission of Wealth Boxx, Karen Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Transmission of Wealth Boxx, Karen Wills, Trusts, and Estates- Dukeminier
Transmission of Wealth Boxx, Karen Wills, Trusts, and Estates Dukeminier 9th Edition
Transmission of Wealth Hatfield, Michael Gary, Borison, Cahn, Monopoli Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates (2011)
Transnational Law Durkee, Melissa Transnational Law and Practice 2015 by Donald Earl Childress III et al.
Transnational Law Spitzer, Hugh Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice (First Edition, 2015)
Transnational Law Spitzer, Hugh Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice (First Edition, 2015)
Transnational Law Spitzer, Hugh Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice (First Edition, 2015)
Trusts and Estates Boxx, Karen Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Trusts and Estates Brant, Joanne Trust and Estates
Trusts and Estates Maynard, Goldburn Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (9th ed).
Water Law Anderson, Robert Water Law
White Collar Crime Schumacher, Scott Corporate and White Collar Crime - Brickey - Fifth Edition
White Collar Crime Schumacher, Scott White Collar Crime
White Collar Crime Schumacher, Scott White Collar Crime: Law & Practice 3rd Edition