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State and Local Taxation

State and Local Taxation

School Professor Text Book
Albany Law School Trachtenberg, Jack Packet
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Smith, Carlton State and Local Taxation
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Smith, Carlton State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Zelinsky, Ed Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Zelinsky, Ed Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Zelinsky, Ed Hellerstein, Stark, Swain and Youngman, State and Local Taxation (9th ed.)
Boston University School of Law Schnall, Matthew State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
Emory University School of Law Glickman, Jeffrey C. State and Local Taxation
Florida Coastal School of Law Ragan, Alan State and Local Taxation
Georgetown University Law Center Evans, Marianne Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
Georgetown University Law Center Evans, Marianne Professor Supplied Materials
Georgetown University Law Center Evans, Marianne State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
Georgetown University Law Center Friedman, Jeffrey A. State and Local Taxation: Principles and Planning
Georgetown University Law Center Griswold, Don Nagel, State Business Taxes ISBN: 978-1588521613. Law Journal Seminars Press.
Georgetown University Law Center Nagel, Walter Sales and Use Tax Supplement
Georgetown University Law Center Tatarowicz, Philip No Book
Georgetown University Law Center Tatarowicz, Philip No Textbook
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Wentworth, Martha State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Shaikh, Mike Case and Materials on State Taxation, 10th Edition
Michigan State University College of Law Chen, James State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein 10th
Mitchell Hamline (Hamline University School of Law) Holcomb, Morgan State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
NYU Pomp, Richard State and Local Taxation
NYU Pomp, Richard State and Local Taxation: Pomp, 7th Ed. 2011, Vol. 2
Ohio State University Hubbard, Bart Hellerstein, Stark, Swain & Youngman, STATE AND LOCAL TAXATION: CASES AND MATERIALS (11th Ed.)
Temple University Weintraub, Stewart His own materials
Tulane University School of Law Nuzum, Robert State and Local Taxation
University of Alabama Bryce, James 2015 - No Textbook
University of Alabama Bryce, James State and Local Tax
University of Alabama Swain, John Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Davis Shanske, Darien State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein 10th
University of California, Los Angeles Stark, Kirk Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Los Angeles Stark, Kirk Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Los Angeles Stark, Kirk Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Los Angeles Stark, Kirk State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Shanske, Darien State and Local Taxation
University of Cincinnati Hayden, Jeremy State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein
University of Connecticut Pomp, Richard State and Local Taxation: Pomp, 8th Ed. 2015
University of Florida Hudson, David Pomp, State & Local Taxation
University of Florida Hudson, David Pomp, State & Local Taxation
University of Georgia Hellerstein, Walter State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
University of Illinois Holderness, Hayes N/A
University of Illinois Holderness, Hayes State and Local Taxation: Pomp, 8th Ed. 2015
University of Kentucky Moore, Kathryn L. State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein 10th
University of North Dakota Pearson, Garry No Book
University of Pittsburgh DiNardo, Louis Hellerstein et al. State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN 9780314286987. West Academic Publishing.
University of San Diego Lilly, Dennis State and Local Taxation
University of Washington Edwards, Scott None
Villanova University Hargrove, Joseph State and Local Taxation, Hellerstein, 9th
Wayne State University Law School Gandhi, Lynn State and Local Taxation: Pomp, 8th Ed. 2015
Wisconsin Law School Fahrenbach, Robert Cannot Remember
Wisconsin Law School Fahrenbach, Robert None - Professor Provided Slides