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Paul Figley

Paul Figley

School Class Text Book
American University, Washington College of Law Contracts Torts, Cases and Materials (12th ed., Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, eds., 2010)
American University, Washington College of Law Legal Rhetoric 2014 No Textbook
American University, Washington College of Law Legal Rhetoric Edwards, Linda. Legal Writing and Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454857983. Aspen Law.
American University, Washington College of Law Torts 1L Torts
American University, Washington College of Law Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.
American University, Washington College of Law Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz 13th ed.
American University, Washington College of Law Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz,
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Cases and Materials on Torts by Schwartz 13th Edition
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Cases And Materials on Torts, 12th (University Casebook)" William L. Prosser
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Prosser and Wade Torts
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, Torts Cases and Materials (12th edition 2010)
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, TORTS, CASES AND MATERIALS (13th ed. 2015).
American University, Washington College of Law Torts prosser, wade, and schwartz's torts - 13th edition
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Torts - Prosser, Wade & Schwartz 11th edition
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Torts, Cases and Materials (12th ed., Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, eds., 2010)
American University, Washington College of Law Torts Torts, Cases and Materials (12th ed., Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, eds., 2010)