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Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials. - 12th edition

Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials. - 12th edition

School Class Professor
Ave Maria School of Law Torts Murphy, Mollie
Chicago-Kent College of Law Torts Piatt, Mickie
Emory University School of Law Torts Partlett, David
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Peller, Gary
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Torts Donoho, Doug
Pace University School of Law Torts McLaughlin, Randolph
Penn State Torts Lopatka, John
South Texas College of Law Houston Torts Browne-Barbour, Vanessa
South Texas College of Law Houston Torts II Bauman, John
St. Thomas University, Minneapolis Torts Vischer, Robert
Suffolk University Torts Dyson, Maurice
Suffolk University Torts Robertson, Elbert L.
Tulane University School of Law Torts Childress, Alan
University of California, Davis Torts Brownstein, Alan
University of Illinois Chicago Torts Hopkins, Kevin L.
University of La Verne College of Law Civil Procedure I Goldschlager, Ezra
University of Miami Torts Fenton, Zanita
University of Virginia Torts Barzun, Charles
University of Wyoming Torts II Duff, Michael
Washington University School of Law Torts Tamanaha, Brian