With 538 caselaw and statute citations linked to current cases and presiding judges, OutlineDepot.com is the most comprehensive free source of organized state court litigation documents anywhere. If you are looking for state court filings and rulings you've come to the right place. Remember, registration is free and more documents become available every day!
This database of state court filings and rulings is built on the same exchange system you used in law school for your outlines. Upload a document (earning 1 credit) and in return, you may download a document for free (debiting 1 credit). Click here to see the fees for downloading similar documents elsewhere. Attorneys with no documents to upload may purchase credits. The upload form takes a little more time to fill out than it does in the law school outline part of this site, however, the extra information you provide means that we can share the exact judges, caselaw, and code sections that match each document. In other words, no phoney "boolean search". You can save hours or days of research by sharing your victories (and your losses) with other attorneys.
The perpetual change in our state trial courts' application of the laws has made the classic format of practice guides and treatises obsolete. Simply put, Westlaw and LexisNexis do not update their materials fast enough for litigators to rely on them for the most recent developments in the state courts. The best way for modern litigators to see how judges are ruling on specific issues is to see those rulings, and the moving and opposing papers, FIRSTHAND. Sharing in an organized fashion is the only way this will happen. Upload what you can and your credits will never expire.