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Kay, Kramer and Roosevelt. Conflict of Laws: Cases, Comments, Questions  9th ed.    ISBN: 9780314281449. West. 

Kay, Kramer and Roosevelt. Conflict of Laws: Cases, Comments, Questions  9th ed.    ISBN: 9780314281449. West. 

School Class Professor
Albany Law School Conflict of Laws Hutter, Michael
Columbia Law School Conflict of Laws Monaghan, Henry
Columbia Law School Conflict of Laws Monaghan, Henry
DePaul University College of Law Conflict of Laws Franklin, David
Northwestern University School of Law Conflicts of Law Pfander, James
St. Mary's University School of Law Choice of Law Hu, Robert
University of Alabama Conflict of Laws Andrews, Carol Rice
University of Florida Conflicts of Law Lear, Elizabeth
Wisconsin Law School Conflict of Laws Monette, Richard