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C. Knapp, N. Crystal & H. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials 9th ed.

C. Knapp, N. Crystal & H. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials 9th ed.

School Class Professor
Arizona State University College of Law Contracts Matsumura, Kaiponanea
Brooklyn Law School Contracts Solan, Lawrence M.
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Contracts Green, Matthew
George Washington University Law School Contracts Fairfax, Lisa
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Contracts Tomain, Joseph
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Contracts Matsumura, Kaiponanea
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Contracts Boltz, Sharlene
Seton Hall Contracts Boon, Kristen
Seton Hall Contracts Boon, Kristen
Seton Hall Contracts Oliva, Jennifer
Southwestern University School of Law Contracts Hart, Danielle Kie
Southwestern University School of Law Contracts Hart, Danielle Kie
Southwestern University School of Law Contracts II Hart, Danielle Kie
Southwestern University School of Law Contracts II Hart, Danielle Kie
Stetson University Contracts Fox, James
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Contracts II Silverstein, Joshua M.
University of Illinois Chicago Contracts II Spanbauer, Julie
University of Maryland Contracts McClain, Russell
University of Toledo Contracts II Chaffee, Eric
University of Utah Contracts Kogan, Terry
Wake Forest University School of Law Contracts Davis, Timothy