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Don Leatherman

Don Leatherman

School Class Text Book
University of Tennessee Federal Income Tax Bankman, Shaviro, and Stark. Federal Income Taxation  16th ed.    ISBN: 9781454809968. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business. 
University of Tennessee Federal Income Tax FED. INCOME TAX
University of Tennessee Income Taxation Fed Income Taxation, 15th Edition
University of Tennessee Income Taxation of Business Organizations Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (Fourth Edition) - Doernberg, Abrams & Leat
University of Tennessee Partnership Tax Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (Fourth Edition) - Doernberg, Abrams & Leat
University of Tennessee Property I 1L Property - Dukeminier (7th Ed.)
University of Tennessee Property I 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier