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Murray Tabb

Murray Tabb

School Class Text Book
University of Oklahoma College of Law Contracts Farnsworth, Young, Sanger, Cohen and Brooks, 8th edition
University of Oklahoma College of Law Environmental Law Environmental Law, Policy, and Practice (Malone and Tabb)
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Cases and Problems on Remedies by Shoben, Tabb, and Janutis, Foundation Press (5th ed. 2012)
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Remedies - Tabb
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Remedies Cases and Problems (Shoben, Tabb, Janutis, & Main) (6th Edition)
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Remedies: Cases and Problems by Shoben, Tabb & Jan
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Shoben, Tabb & Janutis, Remedies, Cases and Materials, (5th ed.), Foundation
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Shoben, Tabb and Janutis. Remedies, Cases and Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781634602631. West.
University of Oklahoma College of Law Remedies Shoben, Tabb and Janutis. Remedies, Cases and Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781634602631. West.
University of Oklahoma College of Law Torts No Book
University of Oklahoma College of Law Torts Prosser and Wade Torts
University of Oklahoma College of Law Torts Prosser Wade and Schwartz
University of Oklahoma College of Law Torts Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz, Cases and Materials on Torts (13th ed. 2015)
University of Oklahoma College of Law Torts Twerski and Henderson. Torts: Cases and Materials 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454875758. Wolters Kluwer.