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Martin Davies

Martin Davies

School Class Text Book
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty and Maritime Law
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty and Maritime Law
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty and Maritime Law Fourth Edition
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty and Maritime Law, Practitioner's Edition, Volume 1
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty and Maritime Law, Practitioner's Edition, Volume 1
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty Admiralty(2012 edition)
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty FORCE, YIANNOPOULOS & DAVIES, ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW: CASES, NOTES AND TEXT (Beard Books, revised edition, 2012)
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty FORCE, YIANNOPOULOS & DAVIES, ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW: CASES, NOTES AND TEXT (Beard Books, revised edition, 2012)
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty II Admiralty and Maritime Law Fourth Edition
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty II Admiralty and Maritime Law, Practitioner's Edition, Volume 2
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty II Admiralty and Maritime Law, Practitioner's Edition, Volume 2
Tulane University School of Law Admiralty II FORCE, YIANNOPOULOS & DAVIES, ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW: CASES, NOTES AND TEXT (Beard Books, revised edition, 2012)
Tulane University School of Law Commercial Law unknown
Tulane University School of Law Contracts 1L Contracts
Tulane University School of Law Contracts 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Civil Procedure (Yeazell 7th ed)
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Contracts: Transactions and Litigation, Third Edition by Kuney and Lloyd
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd 3d Ed.
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd. Contracts: Transactions and Litigation   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9780314267481. Thomson/West. 
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd. Contracts: Transactions and Litigation   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9780314267481. Thomson/West. 
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd. Contracts: Transactions and Litigation   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9780314267481. Thomson/West. 
Tulane University School of Law Contracts Kuney and Lloyd: Contracts: Transactions and Litigation (3rd ed)
Tulane University School of Law International Sale of Goods No Book
Tulane University School of Law International Sale of Goods Sales Law; Domestic and International
Tulane University School of Law International Trade Damrosch and Murphy. International Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed. 2019 ISBN: 9781640200678. West Academic Publishing.
Tulane University School of Law Sales of Goods (see also UCC article 9) INTL. SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES
Tulane University School of Law Torts Franklin & Rabin et al, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials (11th ed. 2021)
Tulane University School of Law Torts Franklin, Rabin, et al. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials. (11th Ed., 2021). ISBN 9781647084899. Foundation Press
Tulane University School of Law Torts No Book
Tulane University School of Law Torts Tort
Tulane University School of Law Torts Tort Law and Alternatives
Tulane University School of Law Torts Tort Law and Alternatives, Franklin, Rabin, Green
Tulane University School of Law Torts Tort Law and Alternatives, Franklin, Rabin, Green
Tulane University School of Law Transnational Law unknown
Tulane University School of Law Transnational Litigation Born and Ruthledge: International Civil Litigation in Unites States Courts