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Paul Rothstein

Paul Rothstein

School Class Text Book
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Can't Remember
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Case and Problems in Evidence book by Prof Rothstein
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Evidence Text
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Evidence: Cases, Materials and Problems - Rothstein, Raeder, and Crump (4th Ed. 2013)
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Evidence: Cases, Materials, And Problems 4th Edition
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Evidence: Cases, Materials, and Problems by Rothstein, Raeder, Crump
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Evidence: Cases, Materials, and Problems by Rothstein, Raeder, Crump
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Paul Rothstein, David Crump & Tamara Lawson, EVIDENCE: CASES, MATERIALS & PROBLEMS (Carolina Academic Press, 5th ed. 2019
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Paul Rothstein, David Crump & Tamara Lawson, EVIDENCE: CASES, MATERIALS & PROBLEMS (Carolina Academic Press, 5th ed. 2019
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence rothstein, crump, lawson evidence
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Rothstein, Raeder & Crump: EVIDENCE: CASES, MATERIALS & PROBLEMS (3d ed. 2006)
Georgetown University Law Center Evidence Rothstein, Raeder & Crump: EVIDENCE: CASES, MATERIALS & PROBLEMS (3d ed. 2006)
Georgetown University Law Center Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz
Georgetown University Law Center Torts 1L Torts-Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz-12th ed,
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Diamond, Levine and Bernstein. Understanding Torts 5th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780769872346. LexisNexis
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Geared to Prosser, Wade & Schwartz's "Torts: Cases & Materials" (13th Edition, 2015)
Georgetown University Law Center Torts PROSSER
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz. "Torts: Cases & Materials" (14th Edition, 2020)
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz's "Torts: Cases & Materials" (13th Edition, 2015)
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz's "Torts: Cases & Materials" (14th Edition, 2020)
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Prosser, Wade & Schwartz's "Torts: Cases and Materials" (12th Edi
Georgetown University Law Center Torts Prosser, Wade and Schwartz's Torts Cases and Materials - 14th edition
Georgetown University Law Center Torts unknown