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Stephen Parsons

Stephen Parsons

School Class Text Book
Appalachian School of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Appalachian School of Law Contracts Contracts
Appalachian School of Law Contracts II Cases, Problems, and Materials on CONTRACTS (5th Ed) Crandall & Whaley
Appalachian School of Law Contracts II Contracts by Crandall and Whaley
Appalachian School of Law Contracts II Contracts by Crandall and Whaley
Appalachian School of Law Evidence CASES AND MATERIALS ON EVIDENCE (11TH) - WALTZ & P
Appalachian School of Law Evidence EVIDENCE
Appalachian School of Law Evidence Evidence - Cases and Materials, 10th Edition, Waltz & Park
Appalachian School of Law Evidence evidence law and practice by friedland
Appalachian School of Law Evidence Evidence: Law and Practice - Friedland, Bergman, and Taslitz - 4th Ed. - 2010
Appalachian School of Law Evidence Friedland, Bergman & Taslitz, EVIDENCE LAW AND PRACTICE (LexisNexis), 5th edition