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Bennett L. Gershman

Bennett L. Gershman

School Class Text Book
Pace University School of Law Constitutional Law I B. Gershman, Modern Constitutional Law 13th ed. -
Pace University School of Law Constitutional Law I R. Rotunda & B. Gershman, Modern Constitutional Law (12th ed.
Pace University School of Law Criminal Procedure: Investigation Lloyd Weinreb, Leading Constitutional Cases On Criminal Justice (2022 edition)
Pace University School of Law Criminal Procedure: Investigation Weinreb and Kamali's Leading Constitutional Cases on Criminal Justice, 2023
Pace University School of Law Evidence Evidence Cases and Materials 13th Edition: Roger C Park, Richard Friedman
Pace University School of Law Evidence Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Pace University School of Law Evidence My Evidence - Manuscript
Pace University School of Law Evidence Park and Friedman Evidence – Cases and Materials, (13th edition, Foundation Press)
Pace University School of Law Evidence Park and Friedman Evidence – Cases and Materials, (13th edition, Foundation Press)
Pace University School of Law Evidence Professor written textbook