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Bill Wortmann

Bill Wortmann

School Class Text Book
Georgetown University Law Center Securities Regulation Cox, Hillman, Langevoort & Lipton SECURITIES REGULATION: CASES AND MATERIALS (10th Edition)
Georgetown University Law Center Securities Regulation Cox, Hillman, Langevoort, Lipton & Sjostrom SECURITIES REGULATION: CASES AND MATERIALS (9th Edition)
Georgetown University Law Center Securities Regulation Cox, Hillman & Langevoort, SECURITIES REGULATION: CASES AND MATERIALS (8th Edition)
Georgetown University Law Center Securities Regulation Cox, Hillman and Langevoort. Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (8th ed.) and Securities Regulation: Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms (2016) ISBN: 9781454886884. Wolters Kluwer.
Georgetown University Law Center Securities Regulation Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (8th Edition)