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Jonathan Siegel

Jonathan Siegel

School Class Text Book
George Washington University Law School Administrative Law Admin Law
George Washington University Law School Administrative Law Administrative Law
George Washington University Law School Administrative Law Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
George Washington University Law School Administrative Law Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
George Washington University Law School Administrative Law Mashaw, Merrill, Shane, Magill, Cuéllar, & Parrillo, Administrative Law (7th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure, Friendenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff (10th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure, Friendenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff (10th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition (American Casebook Series) Friedenthal, Jack; Mil
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure I unknown
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (11th Ed. 2013)
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 12th edition
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure II Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure (10th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Civil Procedure II Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, CIVIL PROCEDURE (11th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Federal Courts Course Pack (book written by prof)
George Washington University Law School Federal Courts Federal Courts: Cases & Materials 12th
George Washington University Law School Federal Courts No Book
George Washington University Law School Federal Courts Siegel, Jonathan. Federal Courts: Cases and Materials ISBN: 9781454837985. Wolters Kluwer.
George Washington University Law School Intellectual Property Copyright, Patent and Trademark - Goldstein
George Washington University Law School Intellectual Property INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY