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James B. Carlson

James B. Carlson

School Class Text Book
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th Edition)
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th Edition)
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th Edition)
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation 5th ed.
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 5th ed. ISBN: 9781640209718. Foundation Press.
NYU Securities Regulation Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 5th Ed. ISBN: 1640209719. Foundation Press.