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Michael Sant'Ambrogio

Michael Sant'Ambrogio

School Class Text Book
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Hickman and Pierce, Federal Administrative Law: Cases and Materials
Michigan State University College of Law Administrative Law Michael Asimow & Ronald M. Levin, State and Federal Administrative Law (4th ed., 2014)
Michigan State University College of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 12th edition
Michigan State University College of Law Constitutional Law I 1L Con Law
Michigan State University College of Law Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law & the Regulatory State - Michigan State University College of Law
Michigan State University College of Law Constitutional Law I CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE REGULATORY STATE, ISBN 9781543856125
Michigan State University College of Law Constitutional Law I THE REGULATORY STATE 2nd Ed. and CHEMERINSKY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 4th Ed.
Michigan State University College of Law Regulatory State The Regulatory State, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) by Lisa Schultz Bressman