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Benjamin L. Liebman

Benjamin L. Liebman

School Class Text Book
Columbia Law School Law and Legal Institutions in China None - Course Pack
Columbia Law School Torts 1L Franklin, 9th edition.
Columbia Law School Torts 1L Franklin, Rabin, & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials, 8th edition.
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin and Rabin, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives, 9th ed. (2011)
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Columbia Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, Green and Geistfeld. Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781634593007. Foundation Press. 
Columbia Law School Torts Twerski and Henderson. Torts: Cases and Materials 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454875758. Wolters Kluwer.
Columbia Law School Torts Unknown - Fall 2013