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Meera E. Deo

Meera E. Deo

School Class Text Book
Southwestern University School of Law Evidence Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure Cases And Materials, 10th (American Casebook Series)" Jack H. Friedenthal
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure I
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Civil Procedure II Cases and Material on Civil Procedure
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Civil Procedure II Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Civil Procedure II Jack H. Friedenthal, Arthur R. Miller, John E. Sexton, Helen Hershkoff, Cases and Materials on Civil
University of California, Davis Civil Procedure I Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Selections for Contracts, 2016 ed. ISBN: 9781634602952. Foundation Press.
University of California, Davis Civil Procedure I Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.