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Gabriel Feldman

Gabriel Feldman

School Class Text Book
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Andrew I. Gavil et al., ANTITRUST LAW IN PERSPECTIVE: CASES, CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS IN COMPETITION POLICY (West Academic Publishing, Third Edition, 2017)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Andrew I. Gavil et al., ANTITRUST LAW IN PERSPECTIVE: CASES, CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS IN COMPETITION POLICY (West Academic Publishing, Third Edition, 2017)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrrust Law, Policy, and Procedure (Sullivan, Hovenkamp, Shelanski)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust Law - Sullivan
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust Law - Sullivan, Hovenkamp
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust Law Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems Sixth Edition
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust Law Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems Sixth Edition - Sullivan
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems (7th Edition)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust E. Thomas Sullivan, H. Hovenkamp, Howard A. Shelanski & Christopher R. Leslie, ANTITRUST LAW, POLICY AND PROCEDURE: CASES, MATERIALS, PROBLEMS (8th ed. 2019)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Reading assignment pages are to the casebook, Sullivan, Hovenkamp, Shelanski & Leslie Antitrust Law, Policy & Procedure (8th ed., Lexis-Nexis Pub. Co.)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Sullivan, Hovenkamp, Shelanski, and Leslie, Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems (7th Edition)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Sullivan, Hovenkamp, Shelanski, and Leslie, Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems (7th Edition)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust The law of antitrust: an integrated handbook (Sullivan, Grimes)
Tulane University School of Law Antitrust Unsure - Fall 2019
Tulane University School of Law Contracts unknown
Tulane University School of Law Sports and Antitrust Sports Law: Cases and Materials. Cozillio, Michael J., Levinstein, Mark S., Dimino, Michael
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law Sports Law IP
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law sports law: cases and materials
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law Sports Law: Cases and Materials (Second Edition)
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law Zitrin, Langford and Cole. Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law  4th ed.  ISBN: 9780769852836. LexisNexis. 
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law: Antitrust and Labor sports law: cases and materials
Tulane University School of Law Sports Law: Antitrust and Labor Sports Law: Cases and Materials Second Edition (Cozzillio)