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David Hricik

David Hricik

School Class Text Book
John Marshall Law School, Atlanta Civil Procedure II 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Mercer University Law School Civil Lawsuits Civil Procedure - Yeazell (7th Edition)
Mercer University Law School Civil Lawsuits Civil Procedure - Yeazell 8th Edition
Mercer University Law School Civil Lawsuits Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Mercer University Law School Civil Procedure I Yeatzel
Mercer University Law School Jurisdiction and Judgements Civil Procedure – Stephen C. Yeazell, Civil Procedure (8th ed., 2012) (“Yeazell”); 2012 Federal Rule
Mercer University Law School Jurisdiction and Judgements Civil Procedure-Yaezell
Mercer University Law School Property I CRUMP, CAUDILL, & HRICIK, PROPERTY: CASES, DOCUMENTS, AND LAWYERING STRATEGIES (4th ed., 2020, Lexis/Nexis and Carolina Press)
Mercer University Law School Property I Property: Cases, Documents, and Lawyering Strategies
Mercer University Law School Property I Property: Cases, Docs & Lawyering Strategies Crump, Caudill, & Hricik
Mercer University Law School Property I Property: Cases, Docs & Lawyering Strategies Crump, Caudill, & Hricik
Mercer University Law School Remedies unknown
Mercer University Law School The Law and Ethics of Lawyering Crystal, Professional Responsibility
Mercer University Law School Torts hand out book
Mercer University Law School Torts N/A -- Hricik's own text