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Hon. Patrick Higginbotham

Hon. Patrick Higginbotham

School Class Text Book
Southern Methodist University Constitutional Law II Text unknown
St. Mary's University School of Law Advanced Constitutional Law The First Amendment Cases and Theory Krotoszynski. 2nd edition. Aspen.
St. Mary's University School of Law Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet & Karlan, THE FIRST AMENDMENT, 3rd ed, Aspen
St. Mary's University School of Law Federal Courts Hart & Wechsler
St. Mary's University School of Law Federal Courts Hart & Wechsler's Federal Courts & the Federal System (6th, 09)
St. Mary's University School of Law Federal Courts Siegel, Jonathan. Federal Courts: Cases and Materials ISBN: 9781454837985. Wolters Kluwer.
St. Mary's University School of Law Federal Courts and the Federal System Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System, (Sixth Ed. 2009)
St. Mary's University School of Law First Amendment First Amendment