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John Eason

John Eason

School Class Text Book
Seattle University School of Law Income Taxation Federal Income Tax, A Contemporary Approach (Interactive Casebooks) Samuel A. Donaldson, Donald B. T
Seattle University School of Law Intellectual Property Loren and Miller - Intellectual Property
Seattle University School of Law Property I Property Law, Second Edition by D. Benjamin Barros, Anna P. Hemingway, Shelley Cavalieri
Seattle University School of Law Trusts and Estates Dukeminier, Sitkoff, and Lindgren, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (8th ed. 2009)
Seattle University School of Law Trusts and Estates Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen).
Tulane University School of Law Elder Law Elder Law: Cases and Materials - 4th Edition
Tulane University School of Law Trusts and Estates No Book