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Introduction to Lawyering

Introduction to Lawyering

School Professor Text Book
Albany Law School Mann, Deborah No Book
Albany Law School Mann, Deborah Process of legal Research
Albany Law School Queenan, Rosemary The Process of Legal Research (6th ed., Aspen)
Albany Law School Rock, Gerald legal research
Albany Law School Tenenbaum, Evelyn Process of legal Research
University of Florida Angelo, Mary Jane Essential Lawyering Skills (Aspen Coursebook)
University of Florida Angelo, Mary Jane Introduction to Lawyering (Target Copy)
University of Florida Cohen, Jonathan R. Introduction to Lawyering Coursepack
University of Florida Flournoy, Alyson Essentials of Lawyering
University of Florida Inman, Rachel Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis, 3rd
University of Florida Johnsen, Joan Stearns Course Packet - 2015-2016
University of Florida King, Shani M. unknown
University of Florida Lidsky, Lyrissa 2015 - No Textbook
University of Florida Mashburn, Amy Essential Qualities of the Professional Lawyer
University of Florida Mashburn, Amy The Legal Profession, Cochran & Collett, 2nd Ed.
University of Florida Nance, Jason Essential Lawyering Skills
University of Florida Ruff, Betsy Essential Lawyering Skills (Aspen Coursebook)
University of Florida Ruff, Betsy Stefan H. Krieger & Richard K. Neumann, Jr., Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis (6th ed. 2020).