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Basic Federal Income Tax

Basic Federal Income Tax

School Professor Text Book
Duquesne University School of Law Brown, William Basic Federal Income Taxation 6th ed.
Georgia State University College of Law Afield, Edward Burke & Friel, TAXATION OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME, 10th Ed.
Georgia State University College of Law Afield, Edward Taxation of Ind. Incom Burke and Friel 2015 11th ed.
Georgia State University College of Law Brewer, Cassady Basic Federal Tax (Edition Unknown)
Georgia State University College of Law Lester, Tameka Burke & Friel, Taxation of Individual Income (12th ed.)
Georgia State University College of Law Lester, Tameka Burke & Friel, Taxation of Individual Income (12th ed.)
Michigan State University College of Law Blankfein-Tabachnick, David Michael J. Graetz, Deborah H. Schenk, & Anne L. Alstott, Federal Income Taxation: Principles & Policies (8th ed. 2018).
Northeastern University School of Law Fray, Julian Federal Income Taxation, ThirdEdition, Samuel A. Donaldson & Donald B. Tobin (West). ISBN-13:978-1634604901
Northeastern University School of Law Fray, Julian Unsure
Northwestern University School of Law Brennan, Thomas J. Federal Income Taxation, 16th ed., by Bankman, Shaviro, and Stark (2012, 730 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1-4
Northwestern University School of Law Crane, Charlotte Federal Income Tax: Robert G. Popovich
Northwestern University School of Law Crane, Charlotte no textbook Professor assigned readings instead
Northwestern University School of Law Dharmapala, Dhammika Federal Income Taxation (Klein, Bankman, Shaviro) 16th Edition
Northwestern University School of Law Lawsky, Sarah Federal Income Taxation
Northwestern University School of Law Lawsky, Sarah Schmalbeck & Zelenak, Federal Income Taxation, 4th Edition (2015)
Northwestern University School of Law Lawsky, Sarah Schmalbeck, Zelenak, and Lawsky, Federal Income Taxation (5th ed. 2018)
Penn State Barker, William Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Penn State Barker, William Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Penn State Puckett, James Geier, Deborah A. US Federal income taxation of individuals 2022
Penn State Thompson, Sam The Fundamentals of Federal Taxation: Problems & Materials 3rd Ed.
Penn State Thompson, Sam The Fundamentals of Federal Taxation: Problems and Materials, Third Edition
Seattle University School of Law Maher, Luke Graetz & Alstott. Federal Income Taxation: Principles and Policies. (9th ed. 2022). Foundation Press. ISBN: 978-1647089689.
St. Johns University Todres, Jacob can't remember SPRING 2014
St. Johns University Todres, Jacob Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
St. Johns University Todres, Jacob Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation
Suffolk University Conway, Meredith Bank and Stark. Federal Income Tax Code and Regulations: Selected Sections. 2017/2018 ed. ISBN 9781683286219. Foundation Press.
Suffolk University Conway, Meredith Bankman, Shaviro, and Stark. Federal Income Taxation  16th ed.    ISBN: 9781454809968. Wolters Kluwer Law and Business. 
Suffolk University Conway, Meredith Donaldson and Tobin, Federal Income Tax, A Contemporary Approach (2018)
Suffolk University Conway, Meredith Samuel A. Donaldson & Donald B. Tobin, Federal Income Tax, A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition, West.
Suffolk University Corbett, William T. Basic Federal Income Tax
Suffolk University Corbett, William T. Michael Graetz, Deborah Schenk, et al.: Federal Income Taxation, Principles and Policies (University Casebook Series)
Suffolk University Polito, Anthony P. Bankman, Shaviro, Stark and Kleinbard. Federal Income Taxation 17th ed. ISBN: 9781454871026. Wolters Kluwer.
Suffolk University Polito, Anthony P. Donaldson and Tobin, Federal Income Tax, A Contemporary Approach (2018)
University of Denver Borison, Jerome Federal Income Tax: A Comparative Approach - Donalson
University of Denver Roche, Ed Freeland et.el., Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 19th ed.
University of Iowa Jones, Carolyn Schmalbeck and Zelenak, Federal Income Taxation (3rd ed.) (Aspen, 2011)
University of Louisville Blackburn, R. Thomas Basic Federal Income Taxation 6th ed.
University of Memphis Kratzke, William Basic Income Tax
University of Minnesota Law School Monahan, Amy B. Zitrin, Langford and Cole. Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law  4th ed.  ISBN: 9780769852836. LexisNexis. 
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Basic Federal Income Tax
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Federal Income Tax, Freeland, lanthrope, lind, and stephens 17th ed.
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
University of South Carolina Handel, Richard Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th