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Catharine Wells

Catharine Wells

School Class Text Book
Boston College Law School Criminal Law Criminal Law
Boston College Law School Torts 1L Torts
Boston College Law School Torts 1L Torts
Boston College Law School Torts 1L Torts (blue book)
Boston College Law School Torts An introduction to tort law Catherine Wells
Boston College Law School Torts Can't Remember
Boston College Law School Torts Can't Remember
Boston College Law School Torts Cases And Materials on Torts, 12th (University Casebook Series) [Hardcover] William L. Prosser
Boston College Law School Torts Course Pack
Boston College Law School Torts Franklin & Rabin Tort Law & Alternatives (10th ed.)
Boston College Law School Torts Franklin, Rabin, & Green, Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials (9 th ed. 2011)
Boston College Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives
Boston College Law School Torts Tort Law and Alternatives, Franklin, Rabin, Green
Boston College Law School Torts Torts Franklin, 8th ed.