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Douglas Chapman

Douglas Chapman

School Class Text Book
Elon University Property II Property Dukeminier 7th edition
Elon University Wills and Trusts Estates and Trusts -- Dobris, Sterk, and Leslie (4th ed. 2011)
Elon University Wills and Trusts Estates and Trusts -- Dobris, Sterk, and Leslie (4th ed. 2011)
Elon University Wills and Trusts Fundamentals of Trusts and Estates, Andersen and Bloom, 4th Edition
Elon University Wills and Trusts Fundamentals of Trusts and Estates, Andersen and Bloom, 4th Edition
University of Toledo Property I PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
University of Toledo Property I PROPERTY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH, Sprankling & Coletta (09 Edition)
University of Toledo Property II Property (Dukeminier, Krier - 6th ed.)
University of Toledo Property II Property (Dukeminier, Krier) 5th edition
University of Toledo Property II PROPERTY, Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, & Schill (Sixth Edition, Aspen)
University of Toledo Trusts and Estates ESTATES AND TRUSTS CASES & MATERIALS 3rd Edtion
University of Toledo Trusts and Estates Estates and Trusts: Cases and Material by Dobris, Joel, Sterk, Stewart, and Leslie (2007 Ed.)
University of Toledo Trusts and Estates Trust, Wills and Estates
University of Toledo Trusts and Estates Trusts and Estates
University of Toledo Trusts and Estates TRUSTS AND ESTATES
University of Toronto Property II Property