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Liza Vertinsky

Liza Vertinsky

School Class Text Book
Emory University School of Law Contracts Barnett — Contracts, Cases and Doctrine Fourth Edition (Aspen) 2008
Emory University School of Law Contracts Barnett Contracts: Cases and Doctrine, Fourth Edition
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contract Law and Theory, 5th edition
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contract Law and Theory, 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus (5th ed.)
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contracts - Barnett
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contracts - George and Korobkin
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contracts Barnett
Emory University School of Law Contracts Contracts: Cases and Doctrine-Barnett
Emory University School of Law Contracts Text unknown
Emory University School of Law Intellectual Property Licensing Robert Gomulkiewicz, Xuan-Thao Nguyen, Danielle Conway-Jones, Licensing Intellectual Property: Law a
Emory University School of Law Torts Randy Barnett, Contracts: Cases and Doctrine (4th ed. 2008)
University of Maryland Contracts Contract Law and Theory, 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus
University of Maryland Property I Contract Law and Theory, 5th Edition by Robert E. Scott and Jody S. Kraus.